Chapter 15: How to Trap a demon 101

Last time: And then to make things more chaotic and interesting…Inuyasha and Kouga burst out of the forest……..

Lady Nefertiti: Sadly, this is the last chapter. Pass this book onto other friends and readers who are in dire need of help in trapping demons.....So enjoy reading and don't forget to review. Read my interesting note on the bottom though....

Both Kouga and Inuyasha were close enough to hear Kagome say...

'Sesshomaru! Get your arms offa' me dumb-dumb!!!'

'My brothers coming!!!! Do you have any idea what he's going to think when he sees me like this?' She hissed.

'He's gonna think bad things!!!'

'Like I'm 'repaying' you for you saving my blasted life!!!'

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, just what the hell was going on here? His brother…..he'd been a thorn in his side ever since he was born and now Sesshomaru wanted the only thing he couldn't have? But rather Inuyasha had himself? 'Ha, Sesshomaru was probably jealous and wants Kagome….but all should know she's always been mine.'

Chapter 9: Section 1: Privacy……

** Taps foot** Need I remind you that Privacy is the utmost important thing in relationships!!! Who told you that you could play with him in broad daylight!!! This is insulting!!! I might go throw myself into the fire right now!!!

You ain't getting any close to achieving your goal ya know…..that's it, now I know I am a failure as a book. You better take care of this mess girl!!

Maybe it's time to lay down the line…….and tell those other two to take a hike…..

(Don't look now….but it looks like the wolf wants to get violent….)

Ta! For now at least…… yes don't shake your head at me like that now!


Kagome bit her lip, did they see her err sitting on Sesshomaru…. No forget them, did her brother see her? She didn't want him to think that she was some kind of…. Some kind of prostitute who needed 'it…..' She grimaced. Oh good lord.....

"Kagome? Oh there you are with the Demon who saved you!" Sota said happily. "Why are Inuyasha and…Wait who are you?" Sota asked Kouga.

"I could ask you the same question boy…." Kouga muttered, clearly not happy and he crossed his arms.

"Well Kagome," Sota started unsure of how he should start this, being in the presence of three demons….

"Mom still thinks you've been sleeping with demons and ah-ha….." he scratched his head and continued… "She thinks that you're with a child and err…" he couldn't finish. Kagome turned 10 shades of red and hoped the ground would open up and swallow her right now……

She didn't notice all three demons Inuyasha, Kouga and surprisingly Sesshomaru throwing each other death glares which in demon language meant, 'You wouldn't dare touch what is mine and mine alone!'

"Sota could we talk about this in private please?" Kagome gave him a begging look. He sighed and said that there really wasn't much more to say.

Of course still being a naïve little child he said, "You know I still think mother wants you to get together err…mate was it called? With the demon who saved your life…what was his name? Sesshomaru?" Kagome could've died right there from shock, unfortunately she didn't. Damn.

Sesshomaru smirked at the other two, who angrily growled at him. Both stalked towards him and Kagome panicked. She yelled 'sit' at Inuyasha and he fell to the ground. 'That's one down…' she said. And then she pressed her hand against Kouga's chest to stop him from Killing Sesshomaru, which she knew he couldn't do….

Sesshomaru frowned, not liking the fact seeing Kagome's obvious distress, and her having to resort to touching the filthy wolf and sitting his brother. He knew that she did not like violence.

Sota watched this with interest and sighed knowing he'd said something he shouldn't have, at least in public in front of unruly and violent demons who were known to be:

1.) Possessive.

2.) territorial (especially the canine kind)

3.) Would kill if anything happened to their intended mates, who'd they'd perceived as theirs to begin with.

4.) Not happy if any other male came within 15 feet of their intended mates…

5.) More possessive (could make a female sick, if you think about it)

6.) Growl to get their point across.

Should he do something? Where were Kagome's other friends, like shouldn't they be here to help or something? He knew he shouldn't be here and wondered why he got sent here. Was it perhaps because his mother was worried at Kagome? Come to think of it, Didn't Kagome once mention that the well was making strange noises and could perhaps malfunction? She could be stuck here! He could get stuck here! Shit. He wanted to go back here. How Kagome could stay here and spend most of her time here was beyond him. He had a life, a girlfriend, he was going to school and the star quarterback in his school. He had a life.

Should he perhaps feel bad that Kagome was losing her 'normal' life? After all she didn't 'choose' to come here this was an accident, the jewel was an accident. 'Look at her now..' Sota thought. 'She's trying to keep order between three demons who obviously think that Kagome is theirs.'

Children, was the first thing that came to his mind. Unruly demons, who behaved as children! Well at least that Sesshomaru demon seems concerned about Kagome's distress, 'he seems more intelligent of the other two and he's not yelling…..' Sota thought.

"SIITTTTT!!!!!!" Kagome screeched again and Inuyasha became a ditch in the ground. "Honestly Inuyasha!! And you too Kouga!! Just because my brother said something doesn't mean that I'm mated to him! Grow up!!! And Inuyasha? SIITTTTT!!!!!" With that Inuyasha fell back into his grave.

"Kagome…" Kouga stared at her as if he'd seen her for the first time gulped and wondered what he should say to the girl he loved. Sesshomaru was conveniently sending him a death glare, a look he'd give 'lesser' demons before he killed them. Kouga was aware that Kagome was upset and he cared enough to feel bad, but he didn't want to die, at least not yet…..

"Kouga, Ayame waits for you." Kagome said softly, giving him a reassuring look. "Go to the one who loves once told me you'd never break the heart of the one you loved…will you break hers?"

'Interesting.' Sesshomaru thought wondering who this demoness Ayame was. Kagome was doing a fine job of telling Kouga to take a hike. 'I didn't even have to resort to bloodshed, she'd make a fine lady of the west.' Sesshomaru just hadn't realized he'd thought that…….

Chapter 9: Section 2: Back to basics

-Well looks like things are progressing nicely, you seem to be 'ridding' of the other demons quite well.-

**It's such a pity that your demons hasn't realized that his thoughts are slowly drifting towards you…..**

Don't you sit on your lazy butt now! You still have a hanyou to deal with and that might get messier, but keep your chin up…..

(And while you're at it, tell your brother to go home….)

Uh-oh looks like the hanyou is reviving….you've got a job to do!!!

Yes I do believe that it's time for you to 'brush up' on your acting skills…..

**Evil smirk**

Have fun and don't be afraid if things get a little messy!!!



"Sota, go home and tell mom I'm fine and not preg….Never mind." Kagome said a bit firmly.

"But Kagome…" Sota started, only to be cut off by her.

"Sota you, yourself told me that you fully enjoy living in the future, with school, football and your girlfriend, Hitomi. If you get stuck here you won't have any of that anymore and will have to wear Haori's and hakama's, no music and no jeans…"

Sota gave her a panicked look and then took off towards the well. He was never going to jump or even try to jump into that cursed well again. Sesshomaru smirked as he watched a retreating Sota. 'At least Kagome can train her brother to listen…' he mused inwardly. He then turned to look down into the 'Inuyasha ditch' and then sighed. 'And Kagome doesn't need a subjugation necklace for Sota.' Life really just was not fair sometimes……

Kagome looked at one brother to the other, err….were they like gonna argue, fight, bare fangs at each other or what? She was happy that her brother had left, before things got a little out of hand. No fights were ever pretty in the feudal era, especially when it involved fighting for a female. Sure Kagome could've just given Inuyasha a lecture and been on her way, but she wanted to see how Sesshomaru would handle the argument minus killing and bloodshed, hell if he wanted her than he'd better tell and show Inuyasha why Kagome was so important to him.

Inuyasha slowly climbed out of his ditch and gave his brother a wary look, before turning to glare at Kagome, daring her to 'sit' him again. "Sesshomaru, what an unpleasant surprise." Inuyasha said angrily. Damn his brother showed up at the wrong times all the time!!!! "This is becoming a bad habit Ne? Pissing me off and trying to take my woman!! I think you've got enough of everything already. And now here you are sauntering into the forest trying to take what is rightfully mine?!"

For the first time Sesshomaru didn't try to kill Inuyasha for declaring Kagome as his. He just gave his brother an insolent look, telling him he was an utter and complete imbecile that ever lived with no brains and deserved to be dead along with his dead Miko, Kikyo.

"Yours Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru said. "I beg to differ. The Wolf did the right thing, don't you think? He avoided bloodshed and went away….just as you should. Although if Kagome wishes to leave with you then I won't stop her.."

Kagome could've growled at Sesshomaru for putting her on the spot, but she was just human. 'Leave it to him to make me clean up this mess.' She cleared her throat and said something that made Inuyasha's jaw drop and Sesshomaru smirk, with a 'I-won-now-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it?' look.

Kagome bit her lip and nodded as she spoke. "Yes Inuyasha I'm not lying! Sesshomaru is injured and I must tend to him before he suffers!"

'Then again maybe Inuyasha should keep Kagome…' Sesshomaru thought. Grimacing he imagined what she could do to him while he slept. He backed away and started to walk west when Kagome's sharp voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Sesshomaru don't move or we'll go into surgery."

His jaw could've dropped, he could've ran for it, he was faster than the two, but he wasn't going to leave Kagome with that….that…half-breed brother of his….no telling what he'd do to her. Yes he would leave with Kagome, but just had to make sure she didn't kill him……

'Note…Keep sharp objects away from Kagome, when she becomes my mate.' He mentally told himself.

"Sesshomaru get your own miko!! she's mine!" Inuyasha growled at his brother and moved forward to grab his woman before his insolent brother did something to her.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome started in a warning voice. "I do believe that I've got a brain to choose my own mate ne?"

"You're my miko, my shard-detector!!" Inuyasha huffed, crossing his arms smugly.

"WRONG ANSWER!!!" Kagome screeched. "SIIITTT!!!!" And with that Inuyasha hit the ground again.

Chapter 9: Section 3: Then there were two…..

**Can't say on a job well done yet…..**

-You just hit the other demon to the ground, what makes you think that he's gonna give up?-

Well are you gonna:

Wait till he wakes up or revives in this case?



Say 'to hell with it' then grab your demons hand and race back to his home?

I like option number 'd' because who knows what outcome could come out of it….and that's just my opinion of course.

"Kagome you just don't know where your loyalties lie anymore!" Inuyasha huffed. Kagome suddenly stilled which sort of worried Inuyasha. "Ka-Kagome." He thought she was going to sit him but she said something different.

"Is that so Inuyasha?" "I have been helping you for the past two years collecting worthless shards!!! Shards Inuyasha!!! When I could be out, at home studying, making friends and going to school!!!"

"I help you selflessly and you say I don't know where my loyalties lie?" Kagome said screeching the last part out angrily.

"I don't even have time to date Hojo!! I don't have time to love anyone!! And why is that Inuyasha? Why? Because I'm here, getting my butt kicked in the feudal era helping you collect shards!!!!!" Kagome had the last straw. Inuyasha was going down…..

Sesshomaru watched this scene quietly for he had no business 'butting' into anyone else's problems, but this was Kagome and him seeing her in so much distress was not appealing to him. "Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said.

"What do you want?" Inuyasha yelled at his face. He didn't need his brother's grief right now, Kagome was enough and she was just a tiny human girl!!! This was stressing and it was grating on his nerves……

"Don't yell Inuyasha, It's hurting my ears." Kagome said. Inuyasha gaped at her incredulously. Her ears? She'd been screeching for the past 20 minutes and it was hurting her ears? He was a demon and it should be hurting his ears not hers !!!

"It's hurting your ears?!" Inuyasha yelled at her.

"Sit boy." Kagome said sighing.


"I'm making a decision." She said finally. "I'm leaving you and this shard quest."

Inuyasha gaped at her statement and then said, "You're the only one that can see the bloody shards you worthless wench!!!"

"Sit boy."


Sesshomaru didn't have much to say, but he clearly was enjoying Kagome's continuous 'sitting' of Inuyasha. How a tiny Miko was able to subdue his brother was beyond him. Anything that caused Inuyasha pain was alright with him.

"worthless wench you say?" Kagome said, eyes glittering mischievously.

"Ah Kagome what are you going to do?" Inuyasha asked her looking up at her from his 'ditch.'

"Inuyasha…I think there are some screws loose in your brain and you need medical treatment before Sesshomaru…." That said she pulled something out of her bag.

Inuyasha never had looked so panicked in his life…..She was going to really kill him this time!!

"Don't you worry Inuyasha!" she said sweetly. "I'm a good doctor!!"


Inuyasha backed away cautiously, continuing to eye the object in Kagome's hand. "What is that Kagome?"

"It's a needle, you need a shot Inuyasha, after all since you're a dog….dogs have flea's ne?" and she smiled at Inuyasha as if nothing was wrong. Kagome moved forward waving the needle in her hand, while Sesshomaru looked on, amused as hell. "Don't you smirk there Tai-youkai, you're next." Kagome said evilly.

"Kagome…." Inuyasha began warningly. Kagome was now less than three feet away from him and he frowned and then yelled. "Fine then! Sesshomaru you can keep the damn Miko for all I care!! Who knows maybe she'll do us all a favor and get rid of you for us!!!"

"But Inuyasha…." Kagome fake-sobbed. "I thought we had a thing going! I thought you cared! I thought…." Then Kagome started bawling louder. Inuyasha who had never seen a female cry before, (Kikyo didn't cry….she's dead.) panicked and wondered what he should do. Making a split-second decision, he ran off into the direction of the village, leaving her to his brother. Kagome watched him leave, gave Sesshomaru a triumphant smile and then put the needle back in the bag.

'Hn, human females were certainly a strange lot.' He thought.

"That was easy, ya know I'd never thought I'd actually get him to listen to me…." Kagome said.

'Hn.' Sesshomaru thought, wondering vaguely. The onna was indefinitely crazy.

"What?" Kagome said to him innocently. "Don't worry I'm not going to give you a shot…Sheesh…I don't even have a license in being a doctor, I'd REALLY kill the both of you if I tried." Sesshomaru could've sweat-dropped. She sashayed up to him and grinned seductively.

"So Tai-youkai which way is west? I think I'll 'fix' you when we go home." She grabbed him by the wrist and then proceeded to drag him along the road. Well wasn't Kagome being a little too forward today…..but of course she hadn't noticed.

Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome's head and sighed inwardly. 'So the Miko wants to be my mate?' 'Oh very well….' But he wasn't about to let her 'fix' him….oh no, he was going to dispose or hide those damn things she had in her bag. He would never let 'his person' be succumbed to a human female.

Chapter 10: Then there was the end.

**Congratulations on a job well done!** (shakes hand)

You've got your demon, everyone's happy and I….(ahem) I mean you, did well…..and listened to me for once!! Told you everything would work out okay and no one got hurt!

(cough) needle…. (cough) needle…….

(Of course that would be a liability on us and this book would have to be discontinued.)

---And you'd still be in your pathetic misery state collecting shards with a loud-mouthed hanyou!!!!

*** Now don't you forget to pass me along to someone else who needs help in trapping a demon!!!***

After all, It's not easy to 'trap' a demon is it?

Lady Nefertiti: This was the last chapter!! Yay!!! Please read and review for the last chapter.

Inuyasha: "Well I'm still Alive thanks to my demon instincts....."

Lady Nefertiti: "But the real question is that will you be able to survive in my next class?"

Inuyasha: "........"

Lady Nefertiti: "That's right. I also happen to be teaching the next class........ "How to tame a miko 252."

Sesshomaru: "Hn. So this means that this Sesshomaru passed this class?"

Lady Nefertiti: " didn't really need this class. just look good sitting here in my class."

Girls: "That's RIGHT!!!!"

Sesshomaru: '...............'

Lady Nefertiti: "So everyone, Keep a lookout for my new fic, 'How to tame a Miko 252'!!!!!!"

Inuyasha: "God have mercy! HELLLLPPPP US ALL!!!!!!!!" (runs around in circles yanking on hair)