
Chapter 1: The Match

While Ash and his friends traveled the region of Sinnoh, another traveler was having a Pokemon journey of her own. After their Contest Battle at Terracotta Town, May took a ferry to the Johto region to compete in the contests there. After registering at New Bark Town, May quickly traveled to Cherrygrove City to compete in the contest. She managed to win with her Squirtle and Blaziken participating the Appeal Round and the Battle Round respectively. Currently, she was heading towards Goldenrod City to compete at a Contest there. But first, she decided to do some sightseeing at the neighboring city of Ecruteak.

May was walking through the city gates, looking at her Cherrygrove ribbon with pride. 'After that, Goldenrod should be a sinch. Then it's off to Olivine,' she thought. She put the ribbon away and looked around. Ecruteak's buildings were of an older style than most of the cities she's been in. "Wow, I wonder where I should go first," she said. She reached into her backpack and pulled out her guide to Johto. She wasn't as good with guides as Brock, but she was able to get this far with minor assistance. She scanned through what it said about Ecruteak City and noticed what it said about the Kimono Dance Theater. "Ooh, that sounds exciting. I might be able to pick up a few pointers while I'm there." She studied how far it was from the city gates to the theater and started walking in the direction indicated.

Eventually, May found her way to the Kimono Theater. It was a rather impressive place that matched the city's old-styled fashion. As she headed towards the doors, she noticed two people waving at her. She didn't recognize the younger girl with magenta hair, but she instantly knew the other. "Max! What are you doing here?"

"Dad was going to talk with the Gym Leader here about something and since I knew that you'd be in the area, I thought I'd tag along to see if I'll meet you. Guess I was right."

The girl beside him bowed respectively and said, "We're very honored to have you here, May. My name's Sakura, I'm one of the five Kimono Sisters."

"Really?" said May, "I came to watch the dancing here."

"Then come on in, we've heard so much about you."

May followed Sakura inside, after giving Max a friendly punch in the shoulder.

The inside was well decorated for kabuki dancing. Sakura's four older sisters were waiting for her. As long as May was staying here, she let out her Pokemon for some fresh air. Blaziken sat on a mat and meditated peacefully. Squirtle was fascinated by the bright directions and was continually wandering around. Munchlax simply ate the refreshments offered and then went to sleep. Bulbasaur and Beautifly sniffed all the flower arrangements. Eevee curled up on May's lap. The Kimono Sisters were very interested in him. "So, do you know what you're going to evolve him into?" asked Koume.

"Not really," said May, "I'm just happy with him as he is right now."

"Sakura was just the same way, before Espion evolved," said Tamao.

"I've heard that there are two parts in Sinnoh where Eevee can evolve into different evolutions," said Satsuki.

"Really?" said May, "I might go there at some point."

Sumomo smiled and said, "If you really want to get there, you'll have to prove you're tough enough. How about a one-on-one battle before we get dinner ready?"

"Bring it on!" said May.

The seven of them went outside. Sumomo stood with her Vaporeon at one side of the yard. May decided to use her Bulbasaur for a type advantage. "This battle will be a one-on-one between May and Sumomo. Their Pokemon will battle until one of them is unable to battle," announced Max. The two trainers and their Pokemon stared at each other fiercely until Max called, "Begin!"

"Vaporeon, use Mist!" called Sumomo. Vaporeon blew a mist that covered the area.

"Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf to blow it away!" called May. Bulbasaur shook the bulb on its back and razor-edged leaves sprung out and flew forward. The wind they created caused the mist to disperse.

"Vaporeon, Water Gun!" Vaporeon spat out a stream of water that hit Bulbasaur in the face.
"Use Vine Whip!" Vines extended from Bulbasaur's bulb and smacked Vaporeon in the face.

"Use Bubblebeam!" Vaporeon opened her mouth and rapidly shot out bubbles that popped on Bulbasaur, inflicting minor damage.

"Petal Dance!" Bulbasaur moved her body around and pink petals came from her bulb. Another gesture and the petals flew straight at Vaporeon. Vaporeon tried to find a way out, but the petals surrounded her and hit her. After being struck several times, Vaporeon collapsed on the ground, her eyes replaced by spirals.

"Vaporeon is no longer able to battle! The winner is May!" declared Max.

"Good job, Bulbasaur!" said May.

Bulbasaur nodded her head and said, "Bulbasaur." Suddenly her body was covered with white light. Everyone watched in surprise as Bulbasaur's shape grew larger and the bulb changed shape. When the light faded, her body was a bit larger, her teeth had gotten sharper, and the bulb had grown into a flower bud with leaves around the base. "Ivysaur."

"It evolved into Ivysaur," said Max in amazement. May checked her Pokedex about Ivysaur.

Ivysaur: The Seed Pokemon. The evolved form of Bulbasaur, the pod on its back has grown larger, allowing it to perform more attacks. Its bud will slowly open as it gains maturity.

"Wow, this is great!" said May. "I bet I can win even more contests now!"

"Ivy," intoned Ivysaur in agreement.

"Let's go inside and have some dinner to celebrate," said Sakura, which everyone agreed to.

Dinner was quickly prepared in a traditional style. May found it quite delicious as well as her Pokemon. It was hard to tell with Munchlax as he ate up his portion at the same rate as all his food, and he took several helpings before he felt sated. Fortunately, Munchlax's appetite had been considered before and extra food was prepared so everyone got enough to eat. While they ate, the girls gossiped a lot while the Pokemon appeared to have conversations. Ivysaur's personality didn't seem to change much after evolution, aside from seeming a bit more mature.

Max, however, was quieter than the rest. He was occasionally looking between the gossiping girls and the happy Pokemon. 'Everyone here has a Pokemon besides me. They get to go to all sorts of places to have battles. I can't do that because I'm not 10 yet. I wish I had my own Pokemon. I wish I was old enough to go on a journey by myself,' he thought. Little did Max realize that both of his wishes will be answered in a way he would have never imagined.

And there's the first chapter. This is my first time in writing a Pokefic so be easy on me. I hope I'm being faithful to the anime as I'm writing this. Anyways, I'm planning on updating this fic every four days this month for Halloween. So check this fic again on the 5th as the chapter I'm putting up then is where the excitement gets started. Please review.