She woke up the next morning with a massive headache. She managed to get a few hours of sleep, but now she had to get up and deal with the outside world. Merlin. It was Monday morning and she had classes with Ron and the evil cockroach. She was not looking forward to it.

Reluctantly she got up and dressed in Hogwarts uniform, not at all excited about classes. And she loved classes. She slowly made her way out of her room that she shared with other classmates and saw Ron waiting for her in the Common Room. Smiling, she sat down next to him and he grinned and it made her feel nice inside. He was happy to see her.

'Hiya 'Mione, how did you sleep? Hope you didn't miss me too much,' he said teasingly.

'I slept great. And of course I missed you Ronald.' she said brightly. She didn't want him questioning why she didn't sleep properly. She needed to figure everything out and keep Malfoy out of her life so she could continue this, whatever this is, with Ronald.

'You better have. I woke up wanting you this morning.' he whispered in her ear. And it sent shivers down her spine. She touched his leg and knew she had to leave, because she desperately wanted him.

'Oh, Ronald. Look who is teasing whom now. But I must be off, I desperately need breakfast.' she scurried off before Ron could utter a word. She needed time and space.

Wrestling the Great Hall door open, she sat down at the Gryffindor table and started munching on anything in sight. Receiving looks from her classmates, she explained that she hadn't had dinner the night before. While eating a scone, she looked up and saw Malfoy right across from her sizing her up and down. He didn't seem to be hiding his lust for her, and she wasn't sure if she minded.

Shaking her head, she proceeded to go to class before she did something she would later regret. She sat between Ron and Harry like she always did. They both were in a heated discussion involving a Quidditch player. She decided to take out her book and read the next chapter.

Class finally ended and she breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't have to deal with Malfoy anymore, at least for today. Feeling his eyes on her, she hurriedly got of her seat, yelled 'later' to the guys and bolted out of the classroom.

'Where do you think you are running off to? Scared little pussy.' Malfoy mocked from behind her. She whirled around and was pressed up against the wall.

'You need to stop doing this Malfoy, I don't like you like that. I would never do anything with you. You repulse me, you must know that!'

'Believe me, I do know. I just don't care much. I always get what I want. At this present time, it just so happens to be you.' he murmured seductively.

She tried to shove at him but he held her still with his formidable form. He grabbed around her neck and swooped down and pressed a tight kiss on her lips, she moaned and tried to press further away. He licked at her lips and she couldn't help the gasp that escaped her mouth.

'Someone is enjoying this far too much. Are you sure you don't want me, Granger?' he grinned, 'Open you mouth for me now.'

She tentatively opened her mouth and he immediately gave her all of him. The kiss was too intense, she felt it in very part of her being. Her body ached and didn't realize she was grinding against him until she felt his erection throbbing against her thigh.

'Merlin, we need to stop.' she broke apart from his lips and rasped out. 'Please, Malfoy. We can't do this.'

Malfoy pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. She looked up at him and was mesmerized. He was actually very handsome, she couldn't deny it. He had the brightest blonde hair and piercing blue eyes and firm build. He was very handsome, indeed.

'I need to have you. Give yourself over to me. You know you want to Granger. I can feel it in your body. You think the Weasel makes you feel good, you have never been with me. It would feel so amazing. Just give in.'

Hermione looked at him in outrage and remembered that this couldn't be happening. She was a muggle and he a pureblood. It made no sense.

Malfoy came in and made a loud entrance like he normally did. Everyone ignored him except for the other Slytherins who snickered and scowled. What else did they do, honestly? They never looked remotely happy unless it was picking on a first year or insulting her and her friends.

She tried to ignore him, but found it rather hard... it was as if he took up the whole room with his energy. It was empowering. He has a presence that no one could ignore. She needed to stop letting him bother her. She was getting tired of feeling like her feelings are split in half. It was confusing and scary. She was used to knowing what she wanted. She was Hermione Granger... the brightest witch of their age.