A/N: my first own fanfiction.

Of Ice Mirrors and Fire Blossoms

"Good to see you again" she smiles at him.

"Yeah you too. Long time no see, ne?" he returns her smile.

"Too long, too long"

Sitting in the snow, all alone, the boy lifts his head as he hears light footsteps approach.

It's a small girl, maybe a year or two younger than him.

She starts talking to him. Talking about her home, her village. Not caring about his ragged appearance.

He listens intently. Wanting to hear more. Finally being noticed.

She talks about her friends, and her family. About the many kids teasing her, and the one standing up for her. About her mother's strictness, and how her father would spoil her when he was home.

She asks about him. Wants to know about his friends and family.

He looks away. Tells her how he doesn't have any.

She disagrees. Says if doesn't want any she could leave right then.

He tells her he wouldn't be good for her. How she would be in danger.

She asks if that was because of his secret. Because of his ability.

He wonders how she would know about that. Why she would know about that.

She answers. Shows him her secret. Shows him what she was forbidden to show.

He smiles. "So, you're just like me, ne?"

Their smiles turn sad. Wishing they could stay though they know they have to leave.

"I have to go. He's waiting for me"

"I know. See you."

"Yeah, see you. Hopefully soon, ne?" He turns to leave. Already a bit late. He probably should have left sooner, but he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his friend.

"Yes. See you soon, Mirror." She has a bad feeling, as though this would be the last time they could talk to each other. "Bye."

"Goodbye, Fire Blossom." He couldn't help himself but hope that she would be alright, having unknowingly the same feeling as her.

Little did they know that the male would die the next day, protecting his mentor from an attack by her teacher.