I was in Disneyland the other day, and I saw "Cinderella" in the parade thing, so this weird idea just popped into my mind. :) Yes. Cinder-bella. Sounds corny doesn't it? This was supposed to be a one-shot, but I was too tired to write the whole thing, so I decided to make it a short-ish story :) It sounds really really silly, but it's going to be a very touching story (since Edward's no Prince Charming, he's FAR better) with Edward being a vampire, Bella being a human & all those complications.

Anyways, I hope you guys like it!

Full Summary:

A not-all-human story. Bella, instead of moving in with Charlie, moved in with her 2 cousins, Felicia and Laura, and her Aunt Louise & Uncle Ted. Coincidentally, Charlie had to go on a police-work-trip of some sort, so he wasn't able to stay with Bella. In Forks, she meets Edward, the same thing happens in the cafeteria, and there is one problem..wait no..2 problems.. Laura and Felicia are one of the problems, but did is Edward breaking one of the Volturi Laws by having a relationship with Bella? Edward and his family had to leave, but they always say, love always returns if its meant to be..

An EdwardxBella Story

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for: Laura, Felicia, Aunt Louise, Uncle Ted, & my ideas (Nor do I own Cinderella)

(Although I do wish I owned Edward. -sigh- that would be pretty cool:)


by oxcrushhed

Chapter 1

I stumbled down the stairs, hands gripping tightly onto my green suitcase. "Bella! Hurry up please! Your cousins are expecting you in an hour!" Renee shouted from the front gate. I was going to stay with my cousins for awhile, Renee was going to travel around with Phil, and they couldn't drag me along with them.


"No mom, it's fine!" I protested.


"No mom. I'll go stay with Aunt Louise next week. It will probably be fun" I forced myself to smile.

"Okay fine" she gave up, "I'll call Phil" she couldn't resist as a huge grin spread across her face.

"Hello? Phil? Hey honey… No I will be able to go with you… Bella's staying with my sister Louise… yes…okay love you, bye!" She put the phone down slowly and looked at me happily. "We're going to Wisconsin!" she exclaimed. I faked my excitement and gave her a hug.

"Have fun, mom."

Trudging out the front gate, I waved back at Renee who was standing at the doorway.

"Bye mom!" I shouted, my voice weak.

"Remember to call!" she yelled back, as the car drove away.

Aunt Louise lived in Washington. Her husband, my Uncle Ted, worked at a rich company in Seattle, and they own a huge house in Forks, Washington. I stared out the window as minutes passed by slowly. They sent a car over with their driver to pick me up, I took a mental note of thanking them, for I was dead tired, and I wouldn't be able to ride on a plane in this state of consciousness. My eyelids drooped, and as I leaned against the backseat of the car, fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next thing I knew, the car was pulling into a narrow driveway, and behind the driveway was one of the biggest houses I've ever seen. The walls were painted white, and the door provided a grand entrance to who ever entered the house. I took a deep breath, and stepped out of the car. I knocked on the door twice, and heard light footsteps rush towards the door immediately. An old lady dressed in an apron smiled at me, her friendly face was framed with small wrinkles. "Hello, may I help you?"

"Umm, I'm Bella Swan? Aunt Louise's niece…"

"Ohh, Bella! We've been expecting you" she led me inside the house, I marveled at the modern furniture, and how expensive everything looked. Two girls about my age walked out of one of the rooms in the hallway we were now walking down. My cheeks burned as they looked at my clothes scornfully. Their outfits were obviously designer clothing, and I was dressed in a simple blue cotton shirt, and jeans. The smaller one snickered and flung her blonde straight hair over her shoulders. "Hey" she said, her nasal voice hurt my ears, and she crossed her arms.

"Hi…" I bit my lip nervously as I glanced at her older sister. They must be my cousins, Laura and Felicia.

"Hey, I'm Felicia" her older sister said, also smirking at my choice of clothing.

"Err, Hi…I'm Bella" I stammered, and an awkward silence flooded the room.

"How long are you going to stay here?" the smaller girl, Laura, asked in a rude tone. She obviously didn't like the fact that I was going to be a guest in their house for awhile.

"I'm not sure. For as long as Renee will be busy, I guess" Felicia scoffed and turned to her sister.

"Well let's hope that it won't be for very long." the two of them walked back into the room where they came from. Their heels clicked against the polished marble floor, and the lady in the apron hurried me down the hallway once again. We stopped in front of a room, inside, there was a long beige colored couch, and a big brass framed bed to match everything else.

"So this is going to be your bedroom, Bella" the lady smiled at me, I could hear a faint Spanish accent in her voice. "Oh forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself" she chuckled half-heartedly, "I'm Rosa, the house keeper. If you need me you can call me, okay?" I nodded, and she grinned at me again, before disappearing out the door.

I sighed and set my suitcase on the floor with a slight "thump". Noticing a window on one of the walls, I glanced out, and from here, I could hear the cars in the city beeping loudly. I turned back towards the king sized bed, and lay down thinking of what to do next. Renee told me that I was going to go to the school here, Forks High. Both my cousins go to that school, and I groaned. The students there would probably be all self centered and rich like my cousins.

I heard a doorbell ring, it triggered my senses, and I suddenly remembered that I had to unpack. I clicked open my suitcase, and put all my clothes inside the wooden closets. Once everything was in place, I decided to go outside and take a walk. When I stepped out of the door, I saw my Aunt Louise walk towards me. I didn't see her for years, she looked at me like my cousins did. "Hello Bella" she said coldly.

"Erm, Hi Aunt Louise"

"Oh…you remember me?" she raised her eyebrows, I noticed there were no wrinkles on her forehead, and her nose was unnaturally straight. Plastic surgery does it's wonders… I thought to myself.


"Okay, well, you will be going to school with the sisters tomorrow. You brought your stuff with you, right?" I nodded feebly.

"Our driver comes at 8 in the morning to drop Laura and Felicia at school. You can ride with them if you want." She winced at that idea, I would probably be an embarrassment to her daughters.

"It's okay. I brought my bike" The driver put it in their garage once I reached their house.

I watched as Aunt Louise's face flooded with relief. "That's great. Well, I have to go now. Take care of yourself, and behave. Ted will be back at home for dinner, be sure to greet your uncle, he hates impolite visitors." she narrowed her eyes. I took a deep breath and nodded again as she walked out the door, a Gucci purse in her hand. My head spun as I walked back into the bedroom. My mouth fell open as I noticed that there was a desk in the corner, a high tech computer on top of it. A door was in the back of the room, which led to my own bathroom. A small table was against the wall opposite the bed, and a wide screened TV was placed on top, a DVD player on one of the shelves underneath the TV. A cordless phone in it's place-holder was next to the computer, on the desk… Wow… I pulled out a chair from the desk, and pushed a button on the computer, hoping it was the on-button. The machine hummed and the screen lit up, "Loading…" in a few seconds, the desktop of the computer was on the screen, and I clicked on "internet explorer" to go check my email.

Bella Swan

Inbox (1)

I clicked on my inbox and as I thought, the message was from Renee:

Bella, once you have time, remember to call me!

Love, Mom

I picked up the cordless phone on the table, and tried to make sense out of the many buttons. Dialing the numbers to my house in Phoenix, the dial tone stopped, and Renee picked up.


"Hey mom, it's me"

"Oh hey Bella, how's Forks?"


"How's your Aunt? Isn't her house just huge?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to get lost in it one of these days…" I heard Renee chuckle,

"Glad you're having a good time, honey" when did I say I was having a good time?

"Sure, it's fabulous here" I hope the sarcasm didn't show in my voice.

"Bye Bella, call me soon okay?"

"Yeah sure mom, love you"

"Love you too!" I pressed the 'end' button on the phone, just as I heard Rosa call,

"Bella! Laura! Felicia! Dinner is ready!"

I walked out of the room, as I heard Felicia and Lauren come out of theirs, Felicia muttering "jeez what a " (A/N: pardon my english :P or rather Felicia's ;) under her breath. I heard the front door open, Uncle Ted was probably back. As the three of us (me and my cousins) walked to the dining room, I saw Uncle Ted approach, "Hello Bella" he greeted me with a friendly smile. I stared in shock… that was a change from Aunt Louise's attitude towards me. Dinner passed slowly, as not a word was said between all of us. I was used to silence during meals, so I ate quickly, and with an old habit, started washing my dishes in the sink.

Laura and Felicia smirked, "So you're used to maid work, huh?" Laura stated.

Felicia, "Hmm, it would look better if you were wearing an apron" the two of them burst in hysterical laughter.

I saw Uncle Ted frown with disapproval, "Girls, you know that you could be nicer to your cousin"

Felicia snorted, "Duh, 'course we know."

"Why should we though?" Laura's voice was really starting to bother me. Her father sighed and gave me a pitiful look, as he scooted his chair backwards and left towards what I guessed was his office. Rosa hurried over, taking the unwashed dishes out of my hands. I stepped backwards, tripping over the table leg behind me, and fell backwards, my elbow knocked against the edge of the wooden dining table.

"Gee, what a klutz.." I heard someone say behind me. My cheeks burned, I got up quickly, and walked to my room. I could tell I was in for a very long night…

Soo do you like it? If you like it, please review & I'll try to post the chapter early, due to your kind reviewing-ness that makes me oh-so-happy :)

ox Amz