Hello :)

Thanks for the reviews, guys. I appreciated them a lot :) Hopefully this would make it clearer for you peoples who are confused & had questions. ;D

Chapter 18

My mind blanked out for a moment before my eyes returned to the screen.

I noticed my mistake right about…there. He called me Bella. And I – wait. Why did he call me Bella? And why did I – aw shit.

Falloutgirl says: Er it's Ella.

I swallowed, waiting for his response.

E. says: Oh god. I'm so sorry.

He paused before continuing.

E. says: Because you responded after I called you Bella the first time so I

Falloutgirl says: I know, my mistake, lol.

Edward's POV

Falloutgirl says: I know, my mistake, lol.

I tried to ignore the pain that just pierced through me after reading those words.

She wasn't Bella.

Why was I so stupid?

But I thought I did. I really thought it was her. But all those scents and the thoughts…how did I miss Ella's thoughts in the midst of all the…oh. All those people…her thoughts must have been mixed up with the rest of them.

It wasn't her. I told myself that repeatedly. It couldn't be. The chances of her being here in…no. Impossible.

Too coincidental.

Yet I still hoped that- ugh. I shook my head.

What was wrong with me?!

Bella's POV

E. says : I have ruined it now, haven't I? :S

Falloutgirl says: Well… =\

E. says: Will you let me start over? I'm really truly sorry. It's just because the names...and I wasn't thinking when I pressed enter;

Falloutgirl says: Okay, well. Give it your best shot. lol

E. says: What I meant was,

E. says: Ella, I really like you. Really really really like you.

He sounded so cute right there. Sounded like he didn't have much experience with this kinda stuff before too.

Falloutgirl says: I think I do too.

Fallougirl says: I'm falling.

E. says: You always are ;) Are you alright?

Falloutgirl says: For you.

E. says: I can say the same.

Falloutgirl says: *blush*

E. says: okay. So what do we do about this?
Falloutgirl says: Erm. Do you want to meet up?

E. says: Sure. Are you free tomorrow?

Tomorrow was Saturday. I pondered that thought for a moment. No, I wasn't doing anything with Karen…I already met Edmund once anyway, it's not like he was some creepy stranger online. What was there to lose? I felt a tinge of guilt, thinking about Edward. I didn't go out with anyone after meeting him…and we didn't go out or anything anyways. Why did I feel as if I was betraying him?


I grimaced after entering my words. Alice would kill me for this later. She would hate me for betraying Bella. Well technically I didn't betray her or anything. I didn't even go out with her… the selfish mean part of my mind sneered. Rational-Edward didn't have anything to say.

Because this time, there was nothing to stop me.


Falloutgirl says: Yep, no plans.

E. says: Meet you at the Starbucks down the street from the post office near the Police station?

Falloutgirl says: Time?

E. says: 1:30 in the afternoon, sharp?

Falloutgirl says: Sure

E. says: it's a date ;)

Falloutgirl says: I wouldn't have it any other way. (:

E. says: I've got to go, I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow – literally.

Falloutgirl says: haha. Funny. See you (:

E. is now offline.

I followed his lead and signed out as well.

B is now offline.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I drummed my fingers against the table impatiently. Okay, I couldn't help myself. I arrived early for our little meeting at Starbucks and was now waiting.

And waiting…

I checked my watch for what seemed like the millionth time.


Three more minutes.


I stirred my latte and stared at the coffee swirling around and around in the mug until I was practically cross-eyed.

I tapped my foot.

I counted the cans of dog food that sat on the table accompanied by an old man.


Wow. How many dogs did he have?

I sneaked another glance at my watch.


My heartbeat quickened. Almost 1:30…



My head snapped upwards at the sound of the Starbucks door opening.

My mouth fell open in surprise as a pair of emerald green eyes met my gaze.

It was him.

I know, I know. It's confusing. But answers will come soon, I promise :)

And yes, I'm aware that I suck for leaving these cliffys. :P

Good things (and explanations, maybe) will come to those who review :] So please review? For me?

And if anyone can tell me how to find out the people who have this story on alert (or the number of them?), please do. I'd appreciate that very much lol.

ilybbs ;)
