Sonic the Hedgehog Alteration

Chapter One: Sonic's first encounter with a girl

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic or anything else that it is affiliated with. The rights belong to SEGA.

I know, I'm already back for another story. This one is a recreation of the Sonic history, with a few bugs in the stories and such corrected in the way I want them to be. Hope you like! One last thing...I don't know how many of you will like this, but I've changed Sonic looks. They have clothes and the like. Just a heads up.

Sonic dashed through the forest, hoping to reach the town here in time to stop the badniks that had been dispatched there. His sneakers, designed to withstand the friction and wear that his running generated, sped in a blur underneath him. His T-shirt, a plain green, fluttered in the wind as he ran, and his blue shorts mixing in with the blue blur that he created.

He ran through the green of the forest, dodging between the trees at speeds that went just above the speed of sound. He had been alerted to the badniks being back by the genius, yet somewhat clumsy, Dr. Robotnik. His arch rival had always had a knack for screwing up in places, and that was what allowed Sonic to foil him the first time. Now, he was back at it, and one of the cryptic messages on his cell phone talked about a new super weapon. Sonic was a little worried about it, but he knew that he could defeat Robotnik again, even if he had some super weapon with him.

He ran along, and barely caught a glimpse of a Badnik dead ahead of him. He leaped into the air and rolled into a ball, using his momentum to send himself blasting through the first Badnik, a small robot crab, with ease. He landed on his feet and slid backwards, then stood up straight and looked straight at a pair of badniks. They were flying bee bots, one of the more annoying robots he had faced before. One shot a laser right at him, and he just watched it as it came towards him. To him, the laser moved fairly fast, but not as fast as it would normally be to someone that wasn't as fast as he was. Right before the laser hit his head, he leaned to the left and felt it barely nick him as it passed.

He said, "Well, that wasn't exactly a good thing to do."

He leaped at both the bee bots, and then kicked the one on the left into the one on the right. They crashed into a nearby tree and exploded. Sonic kicked off the tree he was heading towards and landed facing the town. He saw about twenty people all huddling together in fear from a group of five random badniks. Sonic sighed and thought; I hate badniks. They're always causing trouble at the wrong times.

He called, "Hey, botheads!"

The badniks turned, and one of the crab ones mechanically said, "Warning! Subject is Sonic the Hedgehog, arch nemesis of Dr. Robotnik."

Sonic grinned and said, "Yep, that's me. Now, I think it's about time your parts joined the scrap heap."

He blasted forward, and stomped the crab bot into the ground. He rolled into a ball and blasted through three of the bee bots at once. He landed and faced the only one left, a large bot about his size that was built like a chicken. He said, "Don't think that you're going to win this time, Sonic."

Sonic grinned and said, "Heh, you wish."

The chicken robot pulled out a machine gun and began shooting at him. Sonic simply moved aside of every single bullet while standing there. Then, when the robot had to reload, he dashed forward and kicked the the robot in the face. It was sent flying into the wall, and exploded. Sonic landed and chuckled. He said, "No badnik can defeat me. Eggman sure doesn't know how to design these stupid things."

Sonic then turned to the huddling crowd of people, who were now beginning to cheer for him. He asked, "Hey, you all alright?"

One of them, a brown hedgehog, said, "Yes, we are alright thanks to you, Sonic."

Suddenly, Sonic heard a girl call, "You were amazing! Even I'm not that good!"

He looked to see a girl emerge from the crowd. She was a teenager, probably about his age. She was a fox with bright green eyes, gold-colored fur with white run around the front of her face. She was wearing a black jacket and plain jeans, along with red and white athlete shoes. Sonic was surprised to see her, as he had never really encountered a girl before.

He said, "Hi! Um...the name's Sonic the Hedgehog! What's yours?"

The fox girl replied, "My names is Miles Prower."

Sonic grinned and said, "That's a cute name!"

That comment made the girl blush slightly and she asked, "You think so?"

Sonic was beaming as he replied, "Yeah! Sure, it isn't common, but it is cute."

Miles giggled, and said, "That's awfully nice of you, Sonic. To tell the truth, I've always dreamed about meeting you in person."

Sonic grinned and said, "Well, you've got that chance! I think this is the first time I've met a girl..."

Miles seemed surprised and asked, "This is?"

Sonic thought for a moment, and then said, "Yeah, besides older women. You're the only girl I've met that has actually been around my age."

The same hedgehog said, "Miles here has actually been wanting to adventure with you. I was thinking that, if she knew how to help, she might become a great help to you, Sonic."

Sonic's grin widened and he said, "Why not? You can tag along if you want. I'll even slow down if needed so you can catch up. Any help right now is better than nothing."

"Oh ho! I've got you now!" they heard a voice proclaim.

Suddenly, Sonic was grabbed by a huge metal claw. Everyone gasped when Eggman appeared in his flying mobile. It had a giant claw attached to the bottom, and it was holding Sonic in place. He said, "I will crush you now, you annoying blue hedgehog!"

Miles yelled, "Let him go, meanie!"

He turned towards her and seemed amused. He said, "Well, aren't you a daring one to sass me like that? I'll teach you a lesson after I'm done here."

He began crushing Sonic, and Sonic couldn't do anything to get out. That's when Miles acted. She leaped at the chain that was attached to the claw, and accidentally spun into a ball, cutting the chain in two. Sonic dropped and then leaped out of the claw. Eggman charged Miles and bowled her over with his mobile. She skidded a little ways away, leaped up and ran at Eggman with a furious yell.

Suddenly, she tripped over a rock in her path. She fell, and desperately rolled into a ball to avoid hurting herself. She rolled and then began to spin faster and faster in place. There was a high pitched whirring sound as she did this, and then she released herself from that position and sped forward, right into Eggman's mobile. She knocked it into a nearby tree, and he gave a yell of pain as several coconuts fell on top of him.

He said, "Dang you and your friends, Sonic! I'll be back, and this time you won't make it you stupid hedgehog!"

He flew away, and Sonic stared at Miles. She stood up and brushed herself off, and Sonic said, "That was amazing! How did you do that speed up roll?"

Miles turned in surprise, and blushed when she realized what she had just managed to do. She said, "Um...I just held myself in that position and spun in place. Then, when I stopped trying to keep myself there, I blasted forward."

Sonic grinned and said, "Why don't you try again?"

Miles beamed and then tried it again. She managed to, and when she felt that she had enough spin, she blasted forward. She went up a tree and when she popped off, she rolled out of a ball and landed on her feet back down on the ground. Everyone began applauding and said, "Great job, Miles!"

Sonic just then noticed that she had two tails instead of one. He said, "Hey! I never noticed that you had two tails."

Miles said, "Yeah! I'm part kitsune!"

Sonic said, "Well, that's cool! You're pretty cool, so now I want you to tag along."

Then he happened to glance up into the sky, and noticed a huge metal ball in the atmosphere. It had a giant imprint of Eggman's face on it, and was facing down at the Earth. Sonic's jaw dropped in awe, and he asked, "What is that?"

Miles looked up, and when she saw it, she replied, "I don't know..."

Then, Eggman called, "That, Sonic, is my super weapon! And you will never be able to stop it in time now!"

Sonic turned and said, "You'd better think again, Eggman!"

He was about to run off, and then he remembered Miles. He asked, "Can you keep up with me?"

Miles nodded and said, "If you don't run as fast as you possibly can. I can run about four hundred thirty miles an hour."

Sonic grinned and said, "That's my cruising speed! C'mon, Miles! We have a doctor to bust."

He ran off, and Miles followed. Sonic thought, If Eggman didn't stand a chance before, now he really doesn't. Besides being cute, she's really cool! Eggman, you're done for.

First chapter done. "Tails" will be officially named later on, and it will be Sonic who gives the nickname as a something cute to call her. Hope you like this set up so far.