"Are We Havin' Fun Yet?"

Disclaimer: I own nothing


How You Remind Me by Nickelback


"Jacob," I said seriously. He turned to look up at me.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I've decided," I began to explain, "that I will start my book."

"Awesome!" Jacob was always eager about ideas and stuff like that. "Now go write it," he said with a serious tone, pointing to my laptop sitting on the desk. I smiled at him, and he grinned back, giving me the most perfect smile of the day. He always had the best smile - but he could never beat Edward. Edward had the best crooked smile, that would literally knock you off your feet. I'm serious, it happened to me on the first day we met. Then again, I was in first grade. . .

I walked over to my working desk, or Jacob's "personal fun-whacky-loving desk!" I pulled the rolling chair out, and sat down, leaning my back against the chair's soft, grey back. I opened my laptop up, and started the engine. I typed in my password, and quickly went over to Microsoft Word 2008. "What should the title be about?" I asked him faintly.

"I don't know," he said. I could tell from his voice that he honestly didn't know. "Write the title once the book is done - best way of doing it."

I nodded, evern though he didn't notice. I began typing away, letting my ideas find their way to my fingers, as they registered into the computer.


"Snap your fingers together," he commanded me. I looked at him, bewildered.

"Pardon?" I said.

"I said snap your fingers," he repeated, his voice urgent.

"I don't know what the hell you want to show me, but it better be go-" I snapped my fingers in mid-sentence, and watch as a golden-orange flame rose from my fingers. I then scream loudly. He clapped his hand over my mouth, but I shoved his hand away, my heart racing. "What kind of sick joke is this, Theo?!"

"It's not a joke," he said seriously.

"Then care to explain how fire just popped out of my fingers, like my fingers were matches?!"

I was going hysterical now. How did I obtain this? "Sky, do you trust me?"

Sky. I loved it when he called me that - much better than Schuyler. I always thought someone was really angry with me when they said my full name. It made me uncomfortable - so I prefer Sky better. "Yes," I answered, looking at him curiously. "Yes, of course I do. Theo, what-"

"Point your index finger at that wall"-he pointed to the wall to our left-"and say 'Anarchy', okay?"

I nodded, even though I had no idea what was coming. I did as he said, and I pointed my finger towards the left wall, and yelled out, "Anarhy!" and gasped at what happened. I was lost in words. Lightning had struck out from my fingers, towards the brick wall.

And had made a hole straight through to the next room.

"I'm done the prologue!" I squealed with delight. Jacob's loud stomping from his feet became loudly as I heard him come running closer to me. He shoved me over, looking at the computer screen.

"Let me see!"

I moved out of the way, and got out of my chair, letting him sit down. About two minutes later, he looked over his shoulder, to let his eyes meet mine. "It's awesome, Bells," he said. "But why do you have two hundred and fifty-four unread e-mails? Is it from Facebook or something? Because I know that you have like more than freaking two hundred friends on there. . ."

I sighed. I knew who the e-mails were from, but I never really looked at them at all. Throughout this whole two years, I never answered back their phone calls, text messages, e-mails or letters. Jacob then opened one of the e-mails that were unread and was the most recent (I think it was sent seven months ago) and read them himself, out loud:

Dear Bella,

We all do miss you. Really, we do. You don't know how much this is killing everyone - especialluy Edward. He's ready to hang himself. I won't tell you what's happening with him and what's-her-face, because I don't. Okay? Good.

I honestly really do miss you, like crazy. You probably thinking, out of everybody, why was I the last one to e-mail you? You know, since I honestly don't talk to you that much. I love you, don't worry, but you know talking isn't really my thing.

I respect your actions fully. I just wanted to let you know that I'm always here for you. I don't care that you left, I don't care that you aren't talking to us. But can you just e-mail me back? Please? Nobody has to know. It'll just be between us. You know me, I like to keep my word.

So, if you don't want to e-mail me back, I understand.

Love always & forever,


I blinked as Jacob finished reading the e-mail. "Isn't Jasper the blonde guy?" Jacob said, guessing. I just nodded. "Cool. I know you aren't going to e-mail them back. You never do. You never write back. You never e-mail back. You never call back."

"You know why I can't call back," I snapped. "It's long distance."

"You - are - a - millionaaaaaaire," he said slowly, dranging out the word millionaire. "You can freaking afford anything!"

"Why do you think I'm on this trip?"

"Because you wan to write your book, and you couldn't find anything in yourself in Germany. That's why you came here!" He then sighed, knowing I'll still beat him, anyways. "Anyway, where are we going next and when?" I haven't really thought about it. I knew that I wanted to go to Venice next, but when? I'm not sure. Maybe. . .

I tapped my chin, thinking deeply. "When do you want to go?" I asked. "You know, you never once gave me your choice once I decided to leave."

"Will my choice matter, though?"

"Of course it will matter," I answered seriously. "It will matter a lot. Even to me. So, when do you want to go, Jake?" I honestly did want his answer, since I couldn't figure it out on my own. I never will asked Jacob for his oppinion, and I know that's rude. That's why I decided that Jacob should have a say for once. Let him speak up, so everyone could hear him.

"Well, I'm sick of it here," he replied dully. "I don't really like the French."

I nodded. "Yeah, I don't them either. Venice, here we come."

Jacob smiled. He got up and walked towards the coat walked, grabbing his coat, and putting it on. "I'm going to go get some more food. Be back soon."

"Be careful!" I called out to him. Paris was very crowded - you never know what could happen. Once he left, I turned to my laptop, and bit my lip. Should I? What would they think? I mean, Jasper wrote that he would keep it between us. I really didn't want them all to know, because then they would send me a shitload of e-mails. I then clicked on the REPLY button on the computer screen, and began typing away. As I was typing, I kept thinking the same thing over and over again: what will he think?

Dear, Jasper . . .

Jasper's POV

"Get your fucking ass out of my face, Ed!" Emmett yelled, manuvering him around Edward's ass. Edward had basically stood in front of Emmett, who was sitting on the wooden floor, staying at the large TV screen as he played Gears of War with other online people on Xbox 360. Emmett then quickly shoved Edward out of the way, and Edward muttered curse words under his breath.

I sighed. Just then, Rosalie came over to me. "You've got an e-mail, Jazz," she informed me. Who could it be from?

"Did you read it?" I asked. She shook her head. I went over to my laptop, and went over to . I clicked on my inbox, and once I read who the e-mail was from, I practically fell off my chair. I closed the laptop, and got up to leave the room.

Emmett and I are sharing an apartment in college. Edward is a year younger than us, and is sharing a apartment with May, as well. Alice is in a dorm with Rose, since they didn't have enough saved up for an apartment. I walked out of the elevator, and into the lobby, where - thank God - they had Internet connections. I sat on one of the white, leather couches, and opened up my laptop.

It's been two years since we've seen Bella. She had basically left on the day of her eighteenth birthday. We were all getting together a surprise birthday party for her, when Alice came to us and informed us that Bella had just gone. She said that Billy had said that Bella left. She took off, with Jacob, her best friend. We don't know where. Only Billy knows, and he won't tell us because it's a private matter. At first I got mad, but once I started thinknig it over, I started realizing that we should just respect Bella's wishes. If she wanted to leave, then she could leave. I'm glad Edward saw that on that day, and didn't stop her. But damn, was he a wreck. Selfish bastard had to go and marry the bimbo.

I honestly have to say that I never liked May. Not when she dated Edward. Not when she broke his heart, and moved away. Not when she came back, and Bella had to leave, because she couldn't stand seeing Edward with another girl. She thought she had her chance - her lifetime chance, to have Edward. I really do feel bad for her. Imagine if I was in her shoes (but in girl form) and I had to see my lover shut me down. Actually, May had dyed her hair brown - the exact same color as Bella's. Now everytime I see her, I really think that it's Bella, and that she has come back.

But no. It's stupid bimbo from the West.

I honestly don't know what Edward sees in her. Or maybe. . .it's Bella that he sees in her? I mean, come on, she looks exactly like Bella now! It's ridiculous. Everyone else feels the same as me. If Emmett sees May sitting with Edward in the lobby, he'll think it's actually Bella, and yell out, "BELLA! YOU'VE COME BACK!" But then May would feel all tense and say, "Uh, Emmett. . .it's May. Not Bella."

I remember that the day after Bella left, the fourteenth of September, we were all having waterworks. Even our parents were in hysterics. I could see it now. . .


I was sitting with Alice on the loveseat, as she cried into my shirt. I didn't care whether she got my shirt all dirty. Rose was crying in Emmett's shoulder, why Emmett cried in her hair. Edward just had his face in his hands, and was basically shaking his head, muttering things to himself.

Well, that was until May literally broke.

"You guys!" she yelled. "She's gone, okay? She obviously isn't coming back. She isn't returning your calls or e-mail or letters. Don't you understand that she doesn't want you guys? That she literally got fed up and left? You don't need to sulk. Move on, like she did. I don't want my boyfriend, or my best friends to cry over a girl who isn't coming back!"

Then Rose stopped crying, sniffed, and reddened with anger. She got up from Emmett's lap, marched up right up to May. May looked at her with wide eyes, since she didn't really like Rose that much. Rose did something that I wouldn't have done, or even think of doing.

She slapped her.

Rose then gritted her teeth together. "How dare you talk about my best friend like that!" Rose yelled in May's face. May looked taken aback, and so did the rest of us. "You have no right to talk to her that way! She has said anything horrible about you! Just let us be, all right?! We don't need you to comfort us or to make us think that she'll never come back! And come to think of it, we don't need YOU!"

-End flashback-

Yes, it was a very hard day for all of us. I then went to check my inbox, and clicked on Bella's e-mail. I started to read it anxiously.

Dear Jasper,

Yes. I'm alive. I know that I never bothered calling or anything like that, but it's for the best. You guys probably forgot about me through these seventh months, since you sent your e-mail seven months ago. I never check my e-mail, actually. I know that you guys keep sending me things, but I don't bother. I need to do this on my own.

I'm doing well, if that's what you are wondering. I know a lot of you don't know where I am. Let me explain to you what I've been doing these past two years:

I flew to Berlin, Germany on my eighteenth birthday - dreadful say, it was. Anyway, I went there with Jacob, found an apartment thankfully, and went to college there. I didn't finish college because I really wasn't like Germany all too well, and left. I stayed there for a year and a half. I just left there a couple of months ago.

I then flew to Paris, France, with Jake. I found an apartment, after all the hard searching of real estate agents that I had to look for (so many freaking people live here) but thankfully, I got a home. I don't know if I told you this, but when my parents died, they left me a whole bunch of money in their wills. So, basically, I'm a millionnaire now. I'm going to leave Paris soon, and then go to Venice. Once I get tired of Venice, I'm flying to Sparta, Greece. And let's hope, I'll be able to go to Cairo, Egypt, and then somewhere in Africa, so I could help the poor.

But I am also writing a novel. When I arrived in Germany, I had the idea of writing a novel on fantasy - about a girl who is part dragon (silly, I know) and can command any of the five elements that she wants. It was actually a childhood dream of mine.

I can't explain anymore. I've already written too much. I hope you respect my wishes, and keep this between us. I might not be e-mailing you right away, but I will. I promise you, okay?

And I don't care what Edward's decisions are. You know that. I'm over it, but just because I'm over it doesn't mean I'm going to be coming back home. I might someday, but right now, I have no intentions of coming back.

I hope you understood. You are the only one I could trust now.

I love you, too, Jasper. Best wishes.


"Hey, what do you have there, buddy?" Emmett's loud voice said to me as he plomped down onto the couch next to me. I was so close to writing back to her, but he freaking had to interupt. I quickly shut my laptop, so he couldn't see anything. Bella wrote that she wanted to keep this between us, and it will stay that way. "Reading e-mails?"

"Not, just browsing," I lied.

He didn't look convinced for a moment. "Anyway, why didn't you stay in our apartment? I mean -"

"No connections," I answered, cutting him off.

"Whatever. I'm going to go eat something."

"You do that," I replied, not really caring. I watched as Emmett jiggled his car keys with his fingers, as he walked out of the lobby, into the bright, sunny day, outside. Once he wasn't in my sight, or I wasn't in his, I quickly opened my laptop again, and started replying as quickly as possible.

Edward's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed in my apartment that I shared with May. She was somewhere in the kitchen, making dinner. I scratched the back of my head, and noticed a new picture frame on the bedroom bureau. I walked over to it, and picked it up. It looked like. . .Bella.

Same hair. Same eyes. Same skin. It looked exactly like her. Maybe it was her. Maybe it was one of the photos that we had taken years ago, and Rose probably put it on my bureau to make me feel more rotten then I already feel.

She wasn't looking at the camera. That was always her problem - she never liked looking at the camera. She said the photo would be more unique if you weren't looking directly at the camera. And she was right. She was smiling her smile that I love so much, and she was looking up towards the sky. It was a sunrise. I remember what she told me about why she loved sunrises better than sunsets. She had said, "It relates to me. I'm rising up, shining so bright, until I go back down, into the darkness, because I know I won't have enough courage."

How wrong she was. She could have stayed up there, and shined to bright it could blind people - and she would still look beautiful. To me, she never looked like she wasn't brave. She always had courage. But she always the thought that backwards, and I could never make her see her for herself.

"Remember that picture?" I heard a woman ask from behind me. I turned to see May at the doorframe, smiling. The smile looked like the same one in the photo. Weird. "You took it when we went to Oregon."

I suddenly frowned.

I wasn't looking at a photo of Bella. I was looking at a photo of May. She looked exactly like Bella. I guess it's because she dyed her hair the same color as Bella's. But she said she dyed it because she didn't like being dirty blonde. She wanted something original. Regular.

And all this time, I thought I was looking at the only photo of my long-lost best friend, Bella Swan, when I was really looking at a photo of my wife. They looked exactly the same.

Question was: did I want to imagine it was Bella?

Yes. Yes I did. I wanted to imagine it Bella, because I had basically very loose memories of her, and I didn't want that going away. I wanted to keep her close to me.


Bella had just confessed thats he loved me.

Just then, May had come in, and danced to my side. Shit. "Bella," I started, "you have to understand that I will love you from the bottom of my heart."

She was hiding her tears - I could see it. She looked at me coldly.

"But that means there's always room for another girl at the top," she replied, her voice cracking.

-End flashback-


A/N: I love that last quote. "But that means there's always room for another girl at the top." For some reason I always have sick-ass quotes. XD

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