CH. 9
Bella's POV

A/N: It's a lot longer than usual, but so was the wait. Hope it was worth it!!

Usually, I'd object to Alice's poking and prodding as she did my hair and make-up, but not today. I was getting married to Edward and wanted to look like I belonged by his side. And so, here I stood, hours later, dressed in a beautiful gown (courtesy of Alice) with immaculate hair and make-up (also Alice's doing) ready to walk down the aisle and start my new life with Edward.

The car that was to take Alice and I to the ceremony—an old Rolls Royce—arrived a short while later. I still had no idea where we were going, but I climbed in eagerly all the same.

I could just barely see the highway at the end of the driveway when Alice attacked me from behind and covered my eyes with a blindfold. "Alice, what are you doing?!" I squealed.

"Isn't it obvious?" she replied innocently.

"Yes, but why?" I whined.

"Edward wants it to be a surprise, therefore you can't see where we're going. You'll like it better this way—trust me." If I could've seen her face, I'm sure she'd have a smirk spread across it.

I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back against the seat. "Fine," I sighed.

"Come on, don't be that way! You're getting married! Don't be such a grouch!"

Any other time, me and the word marriage in the same sentence would've made me cringe, but not this time. Now, I couldn't be happier about it. I felt a smile creep across my face at the thought.

I felt the car stop a short while later, and I had absolutely no idea where we were. I heard Alice open the door and suddenly found myself standing outside. I made to remove the blindfold, but Alice slapped my hand away. "We're not there yet, Bella. Be patient!"

"You're one to talk," I mumbled.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing," I answered. I knew she had heard me.

"That's what I thought," she muttered. "Are you ready?" she asked in a louder voice.

"For what, exactly?"

"We're not quite there yet," she answered evasively.

With that, I felt myself being lifted. I squealed in surprise. Alice held me carefully and pulled the skirt of my dress up into my lap. "Hold this," she commanded. I did as I was told.

Without any prior warning, my chauffeur took off. I had no idea how fast we were going, but I had no desire to find out and risk vomiting on my dress…or Alice.

She stop a little while later and let me down. The ground was soft and squishy beneath my very flat shoes. (I had refused to leave the house in the heels Alice tried to force me into.)

"Alice, where are we?"

"You'll see," she chimed.

She took the blindfold off, and tears filled my eyes as I took in the sight surrounding me.

Our meadow had been totally transformed into the most beautiful thing I had ever seen—aside from Edward. A red cloth aisle led up to a lighted arch under which Edward stood. He smiled a breathtaking smile at me that I returned feebly. He looked absolutely stunning in his black tux, and I thought of how plain I would look next to him. Rose petals were spread up the aisle towards the altar, and candles were the only light source aside from the lights entwined on the arch and the stars in the sky. They twinkled brilliantly overhead. I hadn't fully realized how much time that Alice had really spent getting me ready for this.

Someone nudged my arm and brought my attention to them. Charlie smiled at me. I could tell that he was trying hard not to cry. He wasn't being extremely successful either, for tears threatened to spill from his eyes at any moment. "You look beautiful, Bella."

I blushed. "Thanks, Dad." I threw my arms around his neck and murmured into his ear. "I love you. Thanks for everything." I had no idea how much more time I was actually going to be spending with him after this, and I wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.

I released him and turned to Alice. She handed me a bouquet, smiling encouragingly at me, and went to sit next to Jasper. There were no others, save Charlie, in the ceremony. Edward's family sat in the few chairs facing the altar with Renée and Phil.

I could feel the tears threatening to cascade down my cheeks as Charlie offered me his arm. This was really happening. I linked my arm with his, and, together, we started down the aisle. I somehow managed to make it to the other end without tripping over my own feet. Charlie gave me a tearful smile. He lifted the veil from my face—a final gesture to Edward of his approval—and kissed my cheek. He smiled at me again before passing me off to Edward and taking his seat. Words cannot describe the joy I felt towards Charlie's acceptance of this.

Edward took my hand in his and led me to my place in front of the minister. A wide smile was spread across his face. He gently caressed my cheek with his free hand and stared into my eyes. "You look beautiful, Bella," he whispered.

I blushed a deep shade of red. Edward grazed his finger along my cheek. "I'm going to miss that," he whispered for only me to hear.

My eyes began to well up with tears. We were really here. I was marrying Edward, and he had agreed to change me so that I could spend forever with him. I couldn't see my life getting any better. Everything was perfect.

Edward wiped away the tear that had begun to fall down my cheek. He smiled gently and took my other hand in his just as the minister began to speak. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan…"

I couldn't concentrate on the words coming out of the minister's mouth. Edward's eyes turned my brain to mush, just as they always did. I caught myself and looked away to regain composure; I didn't want to stutter at my wedding. It was just in time, too, because the next part was our vows. I hadn't had any time to write any, so I simply had to stick to the traditional, repeat-after-me ones. Edward reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring I was to slip on his finger. I had forgotten all about it—man, was I out of it. Edward, on the other hand…

"Isabella Marie Swan, my love for you knows no bounds. I will cherish you as my wife until the end of time. In good times and in bad, I will stand by you—as your protector, your lover, and your friend. I promise to love you forever—every single day of forever. For all eternity—as your husband." He pulled out another ring and slipped it onto my finger. It was stunning. There really was no other way to describe it.

That was it for me. The water-works started. His words of love and devotion were so incredibly poignant that I couldn't stop myself from crying. It seemed like ten years had passed before the minister finally said the words I had been waiting for. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Edward's hands reached up and held my face gingerly. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine with so much love that I was overwhelmed by it. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my hands on his muscled shoulders. I had to make sure that I didn't allow myself to let things escalate too far. There were people watching.

I ruefully pulled away when I heard Emmett wolf-whistle. And I thought I couldn't get any redder… I looked into Edward's eyes and bit my lip. He smiled broadly and swept me off my feet. Everyone stood up and clapped as he carried me back down the aisle. I wondered idly where we were going, but couldn't really care less as long as it was with Edward.

He kept walking through the trees until we were out of sight of the meadow. As soon as was safe, he started running. An errant thought entered my mind then. "Edward, how did Charlie and Renée and Phil get here?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Um, a plane?"

I rolled my eyes. Way to state the obvious. Although my question wasn't so brilliant either… "No, I mean in the meadow. It's a long walk, for human, anyway."

He smiled slyly at me. "Alice has her ways."

I had no idea what he could be talking about, and didn't think that he'd elaborate on the subject anyway. I decided that I really didn't want to know, and left it at that.

Edward continued running until he reached the clearing in which the Cullen mansion stood. He slowed down slightly and bounded up the steps, pausing at the front door. He got the door open somehow, and let it swing into the foyer. He smiled down at me before he carried me through the threshold, as was customary. The sight that met my eyes was extraordinary.

The Cullens' home had been transformed to look similar to the meadow. All of the light came from candles placed throughout the lowest level of the house. Rose petals were sprinkled all over, contributing to the mood. Edward let me down from his arms, and I slowly walked further into the house—my house—gazing at the beautiful scene around me. I heard my lullaby float around me from the piano behind me, and I turned to see Edward smiling gently at me. I returned his smile and headed over to where he sat. I walked up behind him and rested my hands on his shoulders, satiating my need to be close to my husband, and, closing my eyes, allowed the melody to envelop me completely.

The word still sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe that he was actually, officially, and only mine. I had never acted so impulsively and irrationally in my life, but it felt great. I can't believe it took me so long to agree to it. I wish it hadn't. Edward Cullen was my husband. Cue shiver.

I was glad that his family would be out hunting far, far away this evening. I felt bad at first for kicking them out of their own house, but, after Alice pointed out to me that Edward would've otherwise had to book a hotel room, I was quickly appeased. Edward wasn't one for subtlety. He much preferred expensive luxury and grandeur. I was also glad that Edward had decided to skip out on the reception. He had already forced me into dancing at Prom, so he didn't find the need to subject me to it again, I guess. I'm sure Charlie didn't mind. After all, I didn't inherit my two left feet from my mother.

The last chord lingered in the air around us. Edward slowly stood and turned to face me, reaching up with his hand to caress my cheek. I smiled and closed my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest, inhaling the simple smell of him. He enveloped me in a hug and squeezed me briefly before releasing me and taking my hand, leading me towards the stairs. I followed him, and he looked back at me, still smiling. "Care to join me, my dear wife?" I had no idea if the sudden nervous feeling was mutual, but butterflies erupted in my stomach. I smiled back, all the same, nodding my head.

He led me up the stairs and down the hallway to his bedroom. The entire path was lit with flickering candles. He walked into his room, and I continued to the window—or wall, just made of glass—my shoes the only sound in the silent house. I peered out into the night, the moonlight illuminating everything with a soft glow. I could see it reflected in the river running behind the house in the distance. Edward walked up behind me silently, wrapping his arms around me. "Beautiful isn't it?"

I nodded, bringing my hands up to rest on his forearms.

"Just like you," he whispered, running his nose along my jaw line.

I smiled at his words. Tonight was just so perfect. So I was married at 18. So what? It was to a man that I would always love—for eternity, for we had that amount of time before us.

He released me, and I heard him walk away to shut the door and heard his shoes hitting the floor. I felt his breath on my neck as he stood behind me again. He ran his fingertips up and down my arm. "I love you, Isabella Marie Cullen." My name sounded perfect falling from his lips. I shivered, goosebumps erupting on my arms where he trailed his fingers.

"And I love you, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen."

"Then we've reached an agreement," he whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice.

I turned my head to see his face, and he bent his lips to mine. Such passion arose in me that I could hardly contain it. My hands reached for the collar of his shirt, loosening his tie and beginning to unbutton his shirt. Our kiss did not become hurried but remained slow and passionate. I had never felt so much love and devotion for anyone else, and I know I never will.

He trailed his hands up my sides, grabbing my shoulders to pull me to the bed. We collapsed onto the mattress. I rolled onto my back, and he crawled over to me. My hand reached up and pulled his shirt out of his pants, untucking it, and I finished unbuttoning it. I ran my hands up his torso to his shoulders and pushed his shirt down his arms. He helped me to take it off, pulling his arms out of the sleeves. I dropped it to the floor and returned my hands to his bare chest, our lips never breaking apart…

A/N: I know it's been forever, so feel free to to make me feel Not many people are reading it and it's very discouraging, but I will continue it for those of you who are. I am so busy it's not even funny, so I don't know when the next update will be, but the action should start picking up when I do. Hopefully it won't take so long. Reviews are immensely appreciated. :)