Title : Misty

Rating : T

Disclaimer : I wish to god I owned them, and the storylines, but unforutnaly I do not.

Summary : When Blair finds herself pregnant, she and Chuck must make a heart wrenching choice.

Chapter 1 - Those who Realize

It had to be a dream, no a really bad nightmare was more like it. She was 17, and Blair Waldorf, Waldorf's didn't make mistakes like this, sure there was her father surprise gay omission but not her, just not her. Blair Waldorf had prided herself her entire life for being flawless, she didn't make mistakes like this, she wasn't reckless or careless like the whores in Brooklyn were, she was a Waldorf, she wasn't expected to do something so stupid with her life or so life ruining, especially when she had literally no one anymore. Serena, Nate...Chuck, they were all gone. Maybe not in the physical sense, but the emotional sense, all wrapped up and absorbed in their own lives, far from the former Queen B's.
Sitting down on the edge of the porcelain bathtub, Blair placed her phone next to her, the phone that was eagerly counting down from 3minutes, to none. In 3minutes, her life would either change or the stay the same, she prayed it wouldn't change, but deep down something told her inside that once she left the bathroom she'd never be the same, her life would never be the same. Turning her body a bit, she gave a small smile as she looked back into the tub, the memory of two Thanksgivings prior, coming fondly back to her. It'd been so easy then, her and Nate were together, her and Serena were best friends, and she still had her throne, it all seemed like a lifetime ago now, everything was so very far from being the same.

The white porcelain couldn't be more ironic, virginal Blair Waldorf, so far from it now, and everyone who was anyone on the Upper East Side knew it. More and more these days she regretted getting into that limo with Chuck Bass, if she'd known how far he'd go to ruin her life, she would have taken it all back in a heartbeat. The white porcelain was more then ironic, it was down right cruel.

She was never late, never. Even when her Bulimia had been at its worst, it never stopped that lovely time of the month from coming, never. She wasn't dumb, she knew that the intense nausea, breast tenderness and swelling, along with painful migraines, wasn't exactly a good sign, but none the less a small part of her prayed that her period would just show up, and the rest would have been mixed signals. Two weeks and three days, she was either pregnant or had cancer, cancer being the less severe of the two, especially with the life she was currently living.

Being a mother wasn't something Blair liked to think about often, her own mother cared more about best friend then she did her own daughter, after being raised in that sort of environment for the past 17years, she wasn't sure if she could be any better then Eleanore was. The few times she'd catch her thinking about children, mostly when she'd been with Nate, she always promised herself she'd never be like her own mother, never, but at 17 how could she not be? She wasn't pregnant, she couldn't pregnant, she just wasn't pregnant. That would mean Chuck Bass was the father, and that was something that just wasn't expectable, even for a none Waldorf.

"Miss. Blair, Miss. Serena is here to see you!"

Two minutes, thirty-nine seconds. She just couldn't give her that much time. No of course not, the last person in the world Blair wanted to see, had to come at the worst possible time. She couldn't wait two minutes?


Rolling her eyes, Blair picked herself up off the edge of the tub and walked out of the rather large bathroom, closing the door tightly behind her, the last thing she wanted or needed was for Serena to know about all of this. For all she knew, if Serena found out she could be the cover of the newest Gossip Girl text, it wasn't a risk she was willing to take, especially if she wasn't.

"I didn't think you'd show your face around here until my mother got from Paris" Casually walking over to her bed, she sat down slowly, bracing herself for when the sudden sense of nausea hit her.
"You weren't in school...I was worried" Serena answered just as casually "Its not like you to miss school, unless something bigs going on."

"Well nothings going on...I wasn't feeling well this morning, silly time of the month. You know how that is."

She knew very well chances were Serena wouldn't believe her, she knew better then anyone when Blair was lying. Swallowing hard she looked up at the girl who once seemed to be her best friend, in only a few short days she felt like she didn't know her anymore, this wasn't something she could go to her for anymore, anyone for that matter.

"B, did you forget ours' are linked? I don't have mine, so I know you sure as hell don't have yours, so don't give me that crap." Serena accused "You haven't been yourself in days, no ones seen or heard from you unless it's in the halls of Constance, and even then your colder then ice. Dorota said you don't even leave your room at night. Don't give me the bull that its your period, because I think I know you just a little bit better then that."

"Dorota needs to keep her big Russian Hungarian whatever mouth shut. It's really none of your business about whats going on right now in my life. You didn't care a couple of weeks ago when you went behind my back and modeled for my mother, so you sure as hell shouldn't now, it's none of your damn business!"

"...your doing it again, aren't you?" Serena asked cautiously, the fear evident in her voice "...your purging again, aren't you Blair? Aren't you!?"

It was then that Blair heard her cell phone alarm go off, shaking her head quickly she stood up swallowing hard. Her fate had been decided, but of course once again Serena just had to interfere with it all, with her finding out.

"Aren't you!" Serena accused once again.

"...Serena please, I need for you to leave, please." Blair asked, clenching her jaw "We can talk later."

"No Blair, I won't leave. Your purging yourself again, didn't you learn last time!? Do you remember being hooked up to that feeding tube? Because I sure do, do you really want that to happen again!"

"Serena please, I swear we can talk later" The alarm only seemed to get louder, almost as though it was begging her to go check the white plastic applicator that would determine her future. "Please"

"No, no Blair, no!" Serena was more then willing to put aside their petty problems for a second, just to get through to her best friend. "Oh my god! Where in the hell is your phone?" The alarm was also starting to get to the blond.

"...In...In the bathroom" Blair stammered not realizing what she'd said until she saw Serena walking towards the door. "Serena, wait!"

It was no use though, the blond had already walked through the door. Feeling all the blood rush to her face, she slowly made her way to the door as well, stopping dead in her tracks as she saw her best friend standing next to the sink, the applicator in hand.

"...B" Serena whispered numbly as she looked up in the mirror seeing her best friend in its reflection. She knew something was going on, but never did she think this could possibly be in, never.

The look on Serena's face told Blair the results right away, unconsciously a hand rose and rested on her still flat stomach, as tears filled her eyes.

"...Why didn't you tell me B?" The blond questioned softly.

Gripping tightly onto the doorway, she felt her lungs constrict as the the tears started to slide down her cheeks.

"I can't be pregnant Serena, I just can't."

Walking slowly over to Blair, Serena wrapped her arms around the smaller girl tightly, as her sobs became uncontrollable and hysterical.

"Shhh" Serena hushed, rubbing her back softly "Shhh B, it's gonna be ok, it's all going to be ok...Shhhh"

Little did the two girls know that a certain maid stood outside Blair's door, her heart stopping as well as she heard the twos conversation especially hearing Miss. Blair say she was pregnant. She knew it wasn't her place but she also knew what she had to do. Rushing down the hall, she picked up the nearest phone dialing the all to familiar number, waiting for a pickup.

"Mrs. Waldorf" The foreign women managed out hoarsely as she heard her voice "This is Dorota...it's about Miss. Blair."