Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I only accept constructive criticism.

The Enchantment in Family

Chapter 15

Truly Magical

This woman; this ex-clairvoyant Egyptian beauty had him swallowing back any insults he could think of along with his sarcasm. The CEO felt vulnerable. If only his fellow business men knew the effect the woman had on him, they'd probably sneak her into business meetings.

"I need you to listen to me Seto. Please, do not interrupt me." The linguist expected the silence so she moved closer to him. "I do have regrets about last night. I regret taking advantage of you and moving things so fast. It has nothing to do with Yami; the Pharaoh is fully aware that these types of affections could never be for him. We will always be good friends.

"However, with you, I couldn't very well see myself accepting your friendship in a conventional sense. I need that and more…" Her eyes shifted to the floor and slowly trailed up from his socked feet to his undisturbed brunet hair. "I will always need more."

"More of what?"

"More of you…I care about you Seto, more than you know. If this curse was never broken and I had to walk the lands for all eternity with you, never aging, and taking care of Mokuba and Malik, I know I wouldn't mind. You're all I need…"

Feeling utterly naked before him she shifted her eyes away. He was still standing there, saying nothing. Here she was outstretching her heart to him and he hadn't even made a move to reject or accept it. She reached behind her back and twirled the ends of her hair, biting her bottom lip. If he rejected her, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to hold back her tears.



Cautiously he moved towards her and stood before her, "Look at me." She raised her head and he found the fear and openness she was offering. "Isis…" His hand trailed up her thigh and looped around to her lower back, ghosting along her spine before settling behind her neck. "You talk too much. All you could have said was, 'Yami's an asshole and I want you.' That's it."


He leaned in and cut her off with a kiss. His tongue met hers halfway and there they kissed each other as hungrily as they did the night before. One of his hands held her neck steady while the other buried itself in her hair. She gripped his elbows, moaning softly as his tongue dominated her own and tasted everything she had to offer.

Slowly they pulled back and as they did, Isis nipped at his bottom lip, stretching the flesh before releasing it, "Mmm, not in front of the kids…" She said more to herself than him. "I have to ask though; did you prove Bakura's statement to be true because of Yami?"

"For once he was right and I didn't want a big moment of Bakura telling the truth to pass us all by."

"But Bakura is horribly truthful. It's Marik who's more apt to lie," Isis explained. "Was it about Yami or not?"

"Maybe a portion."

Rolling her eyes she sighed and buried her face in his neck. Grabbing her shoulders he forced her to look up at him, "I said it was only a portion Isis, a mere section of the whole."

"What's the other reason?"

"I don't care who knows. It happened and I have no regrets; that's no way to live a life. You should make a decision and act upon it. Isis, this is your last time to be truthful with me. Do you regret last night because of me?"

"No, not at all Seto; like you said, you were excellent last night." A blush spread across her cheeks as he smirked. She shifted her eyes before settling back into his, "You just mean so much to me, I just didn't want to scare you away with my sexual crazes."

Kaiba took all of this into account and couldn't help but smile, "If anything, the sexual energy has drawn me even more."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "I understand we don't know everything about each other but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to talk."

"I'm not an open book Isis."

"I know that; you're more like a firewall. I need to hack you for a while."

Kaiba couldn't help but find her reference to technology endearing. Maybe this woman knew more about him than she let on. He would just have to find out. "I think you hacked me enough last night."

"Seto you—" Before she could finish he placed his lips to hers once more.

One Week Later

Isis sat on the couch with Malik and Mokuba cuddled up on her lap as she read them a book. Kaiba was off in his study doing a live video conference. Ever since they had gotten together, the boys had been more than manageable. They were actually able to leave the room, one at a time or even two at a time. It seemed the proper magic was flowing now.

She turned her head when she heard someone enter the room. "The meeting over?"

Kaiba nodded loosening his tie, "Three in a row; those men get more and more dense it seems." He walked over to where she was sitting and placed himself next to her.

She leaned over and placed a kiss on his neck, "I'm sorry."

"How about you make me forget about it?" He challenged as he leaned in and started nibbling on a particular spot on her neck.

"Seto," she pleaded softly.

"I know Isis, I know," he pulled back and placed a kiss to her lips.

The two had planned to stave off of sex until they were sure they were ready. Sure they were ready, more than ready, but they needed to make sure their relationship was ready. It needed to mature more before they were tying each other up again.

"Hello all," Odion greeted entering into the room, "today's the big day."

"So it seems," Isis responded closing the book she was reading to the boys.

On accident Odion had found the reversal spell book. Isis was suspicious on whether or not he had been searching for it but he had said he hadn't. He was simply working at the museum when they got a shipment of old books. There in the box was the original spell books Yang. After giving it to Yami the Pharaoh had found everything out he needed within a few days.

"It's also the day Mokuba gets his punishment," Kaiba said as he looked down at the grinning baby.

Isis nodded, "Malik as well." The little blonde nuzzled his head more into his sister's bosom.

Yami, Bakura, and Marik filed into the room. Yami was holding the book, Bakura was holding artifacts and Marik was already making a circle with candles whole holding a little baggy. After the candles were in the place the white haired yami placed the artifacts in front of hit facing it.

"Now, would you four please enter the circle," Yami motioned to Isis and Kaiba. The two picked up Mokuba and Malik and entered it. "Set your brothers down." They set them down and the two tots sat up on their own looking around confusedly.

"IIIIMMMAAA!" Malik whined clinging to her leg.

She dropped a hand a top of his head and ran her finger through his hair, "Its alright, you'll be okay."

"Aba, Maleee scquared," Mokuba said with a big nod.

"You should be too," Kaiba mumbled as he focused his eyes back on Yami.

The ex-pharaoh began speaking from the book; the ancient text came out as a hum and all of the candles lit in a flash. Marik threw spices of a sort towards them and a wind picked up, spinning them around them. The ground items multiplied and an almost sand storm swirled around them. The Heh and Heket statues rose from the floor and swirled around the two. Soon there was so much dirt and magic that the three yamis couldn't even see the four anymore. Finally after a while longer it all dissipated to reveal four passed out persons, two of them whom were naked.

Malik rolled over and groaned as he slowly sat up, "W-where am I?"

"In my dungeon of tricks; prepared to be spanked," Marik said. He couldn't help but chuckle as he caught the familiar flush of arousal cross his Light's skin. Surely his lover was back. He made his way over and handed him his clothes.

The blonde dressed quickly. When he finished Mokuba rolled over to have a T-shirt and jeans tossed over him by Bakura. Without asking questions he quickly dressed and stood up with Malik, "I told you it wasn't a big deal!"

"Oh, but it was."

The two turned around to find their glaring ex-Ima and ex-Aba slowly pushing themselves up onto their feet. "Mokuba, you're in so much trouble."

"As are you Malik," Isis then said taking a step forward, "you know better than to play in magic."

"And you know better than to give into sexual temptation Sister," Malik said with a sly grin. Mokuba nodded giving an odd smile of his own.

"You two know?" Kaiba nearly gawked.

"Know?" Malik began, "We heard IT ALL."

"Thanks for scaring me Seto!" Mokuba pouted.

"Thanks for the new moves Isis," Malik couldn't help but chuckle at the angry blush she was now sporting.

Kaiba cocked his head to one side, "So let me get this straight, you two knew what was going on the whole fucking time?" Mokuba and Malik gave an innocent nod.

Before either sibling could explode upon their younger off-spring Bakura perked up, "Since we're being honest, Yami staged liking Isis. It was all a ploy to get Kaiba jealous enough to act on his liking for Isis. He even had us in on it."

"Pretty sneaky, huh?" Marik giggled as he came behind Malik wrapping his arms around him.

Isis and Kaiba then turned their attentions to Yami, who was now tackling Bakura to the ground, "You stupid robber! I told you not to say anything!"

"Fuck you! I do whatever the fuck I want when I fucking want to Pharaoh!" Bakura snarled back.

Before the woman could turn to Kaiba to have a laugh about it, she watched as he made his way over and joined in the dog pile, grumbling about 'how dare he challenge me'. Marik naturally joined in.

One Month Later

"How is Mokuba?"

Isis side stepped a fallen ice-cream cone and continued to walk closely to Kaiba. Somehow she had convinced him to take a walk in the park with her. It was a nice day; the cold weather had taken a break from making everyone miserable and had given them unusually warm weather and sunshine. It wasn't hot enough for shorts but at least she didn't have to wrap herself in three jackets just to get the mail.

"Much like Malik; still grounded."

Kaiba tucked his hands in his trench coat. Taking a break from the office and just casually strolling through the park with Isis had been a good idea. Often she did have good ideas and he was finding that out more and more. They had only been together officially five weeks and some days, but it already felt so right. He couldn't explain it but at least he had the comforts of knowing it wasn't magic.

She chuckled, "It was quite awkward explaining things to Malik's principle of his absence, but I assured him he would catch up on all of his homework. He has nothing but time for homework."

"As does Mokuba; I've been punishing him with running Kaiba Corp. and sitting in meetings. Who knew work was such a punishment for him?"

"Some people don't find as big as a gratification as you do love," she said as she took a place on one of the benches.

He took a seat next to her and rested his arms across the back of the bench. She scooted in a little but still kept a good amount of distance between them. The two weren't much into PDA; Isis found it brazen while Kaiba didn't like people in his business. From afar they appeared with the possibility of having a romantic relationship.

"I also have Malik cleaning and cooking; usually Odion would but he's still running the museum for me along with attending school."

"Do you not have time now that you've started your new job?"

"I haven't started it yet."

Kaiba turned to her, "I thought you were hired last week?"

"I was but I don't start for a while." Isis had landed a job as a translator for a company that dealt with relics and other cultural affairs. It paid well and Kaiba was more than relieved that his girlfriend had finally gotten a job she deserved.

He shrugged, "That's how some jobs go."

"I chose not to start for a while."

Now he was confused, "Why would you—"

"Seto I'm pregnant."

In that moment alone you could have bought Kaiba Corporation with a penny, taken all of the brunet's belongings, and smacked him in the face calling him a bastard and he wouldn't have known. He was in too deep a state of shock.


"…pregnant," she finished for him. "I'm three weeks along."

He kept his face completely neutral, while he was screaming, running around, and wrenching his hair out on the inside. Isis was pregnant, with his baby. The twenty-five year old CEO of Kaiba Corporation would have an off-spring in thirty-three weeks.

"Seto…" Taking his limp hand she begged with her eyes more than her words, "Tell me how you feel."

When she had finally returned home from her 'too long babysitting job' she had felt fine. After sometime the morning sickness began and she called the first person she could think of: Yami. Had she not been pregnant when she and Kaiba had had sex? Why was she showing symptoms now?

The Pharaoh had explained that somehow the Kaiba's sperm had been kept alive do the magic. He went on to explain that when that particular type of magic inconveniences someone, once it wares off, things go back to how they once were. And if something occurred in that time, that would change the person, it would be preserved.

She had rushed to the local drug store and bought five pregnancy tests. They all came out positive. After getting over her shock of it all, she went to a doctor who assured her she was indeed three weeks along. She knew she had to tell Kaiba as soon as possible. So with the doctor's office being downtown, she called him and proposed they take a stroll in the park near there.

Here they now sat. Here Kaiba stayed silent.

"Seto, please…say something…"

Once his mind was done running a mile a minute he turned to her, "I hope he has your eyes."

Isis paused for a moment caught off guard before smiling with a reply, "I hope she has your eyes."

"She?" Kaiba grunted, "I think I know my son when he's around Isis."

Chuckling she took his hand, "Are you sure about this?" A smile still lingered on her lips but her voice was more serious.

"I'm more than sure Isis."

They were both adults, money was no obstacle, and they were more than emotionally and mentally qualified to do this. Sure they had only been dating for almost six weeks but they were both more than ready to make things work and in that case, it could work. Not to mention, Kaiba wasn't getting any younger and Isis was three years his elder.

With the rate their relationship had been moving it was sort of a blessing that the kids were coming now. After the magic incident that had discussed kids more than once; while Isis wanted five, he was fine with one. Luckily they both wanted children. Now here they were starting things off.

He shifted his eyes down to her hands and took one in his. He led her back through the park to the street. They climbed into the limo and he instructed his driver to call Roland, to instruct Mokuba to head to Kaiba Corporation for his duties. He also instructed his driver to head back to the mansion. After the privacy window was up, he took her hands in his and kissed them both.

"You're being more affectionate than usual. Don't get too mushy on me love."

"Shut up and enjoy it," he grumbled out as he nuzzled his face into her neck. He could feel her laugh rumble against his cheek. "Isis…" He pulled his face back and looked into her eyes, "Now, I'm allowing myself this one emotional outburst till we get to the mansion. I don't want you expecting it on the daily but…I really do love you…and him." He gently placed his hand to her tummy.

Isis leaned in and gave him a soft kiss, "And I love you too…and her Seto."

He wrapped his arms around and embraced her in the most heartfelt hug he could muster. She returned his embrace and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"You know, there's always something enchanting about family. Despite all the obstacles they stay together as one."

"We'll do the same."

"We're going to be okay, aren't we Seto?"

"Yes Isis, we are."


(Crying like a baby) It's over! WHY OH WHY!? Anyway, I hope you liked it along with the ending. I had to make it extra fluffy for all you extra cuddly readers out there. I didn't think I'd make it to my goal of fifteen chapters but I did it thanks you purty readers! At one point this wasn't even going to break ten chapters, but thanks for keeping me going! Thanks for reading!

Now, I know you might ask: Sequel? I'm seriously considering it. However, I need you alls want and approval. So tell me and tell me what you though of this story and ending.

Hebrew Words:

Ima – Mother

Aba – Father

This was posted especially for:

Ruby-Knight – Long time no see! I'm glad you got a chance to read this and liked it. Hope you enjoyed the ending. Glad to see you back!

Anon Goddess – Yes, the deliciousness of the end; I hoped you liked it and it was enjoyable. Thanks for reading!

Tru Mel Meiko Mei Ling – I glad you loved it. I couldn't have had it any other way. LOL. We were all WAAAAY over do for an Odion cameo. I laughed through this whole story when I would randomly put him in, but it worked if you liked it. I was worried Kaiba would be taken as too playful or emotional, but once more if you liked it, it was on point. I was also worried about the slap but I wanted to just take a chance with it. Glad you enjoyed it so much, hope you liked the ending as well!

Amber-Kaiba – I usually do the happy dance when the stories I read get updated too. That and when I finish a chapter. Just a sec…(happy dances around my dorm room) Okay. LOL. And yes, you called it. However in this case, "No glove, much love." LOL. Thanks for reading!

Lace Kyoko – I hope you didn't die and got a chance to read the ending. LOL. Seems Yami was never losing but acting. Tricked cha! Glad I could clear up the ring on the thumb thing and I LMAO-ed for the longest about that threesome comment. Writing that rape scene was hard because the whole time I was thinking, "A threesome with them? Yuuuuummy." Thanks for reading Room 3525 and reviewing on it. Glad you read both and enjoyed both!

Seren McGowan – Glad to have you back! Yes, things did get a little complicated but now everything's as smooth as a baby bottom. Pun intended. You have to love Bakura and Marik! They keep things moving. Thanks for reading!

Still stands: If I don't get one measly review, no new chapter, however if I do get one measly review, new chapter.


Well I'm Out.