And here is the third chapter! It is kinda long but I wanted to get a lot of things out of the way sooo I sort of bundled them all into one chapter.

Thank you sooo SOOO much to my reviewers. Your praise on my story really means a lot to me.

Read and Review as always! I hope you enjoy!

Last time:

Emma started to open her mouth before Cal grabbed her wrist and yanked her out of her chair, her shoulder would be sore tomorrow for sure, "I never want to have you disgrace me the way you have today. You will behave for the remainder of this trip or so help me I will throw you over the side so you can get a better look at your propellers."

Emma stayed silent as she was roughly released from her brother's strong grip, "Do I make myself clear to you?"

She nodded as Cal stormed out of the room and slammed the door so hard that her mirror and the hanging chandeliers shook. She sighed to herself and walked over to her wardrobe and removed her robe. Walking to her bed, she turn off her lights and lay there thinking of her run in with her Irish man and the meeting that they had tomorrow.

Emma glanced at the clock in her room. She had holed herself in her suite all day in fear of having another run in with her already irate brother. Trudy had offered many times to bring her something from the kitchens; however, Emma could not eat a thing. Rose had come to her room late last night and explained the entire story to her. Emma nearly began to cry when she thought that Rose would have jumped into that frigid water. She hugged her friend tightly and thanked the Lord that that man was there to save her from a cruel fate. Emma could never imagine going into water that cold.

Emma's nerves from her brother last night and the thoughts she had swirling in her head about Rose had kept her from sleeping and the excitement of seeing Tommy again today did not help. She was not sure why, but this man intrigued her more than any rich man had ever done.

Around 2:30, she slowly crept out of her room. Everyone from first class would either be taking a late lunch or heading off to afternoon tea. She slowly made her way to the sparsely populated first class deck and settled herself into one of the deck chairs and lounged, feeling the sun upon her face and the wind in her half pulled up hair. After a while of this blissful feeling of total relaxation, Emma felt a nudge on her leg that made her open her eyes to find out who had disturbed her peace. The first thing she saw was a mass of red curly hair and familiar blue eyes staring at her.

"Emma, there is someone here that I would like you to formally meet," Rose urged as she nudged her friend's leg. Emma squinted her eyes against the afternoon sun to see the blonde man from the night before. He was standing casually next to Rose, as if they had been friends their whole lives, and holding what appeared to be a sketchbook.

The man stuck out his hand and gave a friendly smile, "I'm Jack Dawson."

Emma stood and returned the handshake and the smile, "Emma Hockley, pleasure to meet you."

"We were just walking around the deck, would you like to join us?" Jack asked with a friendly smile.

"Thank you for the offer, but I am afraid I have to be meeting someone soon. Rose do you happen to know the time?"

"When I last checked it was around three, who are you meeting?" Rose asked with a sly smile. She had seen her friend with a man when Emma had come running after Rose's predicament and noticed the way she had blushed when Rose had brought it up when she questioned her about it last night.

Emma's eyes widened when Rose mentioned the time as she began hurriedly walking toward the stern of the ship and called over her shoulder, "I will tell you later!" Emma heard Jack laugh and glanced back to see Rose have a small smile on her face as she waved goodbye to her fast moving friend.

She was walking so fast and was so lost in her thoughts that as she had just stepped down from the stairs from the first class deck to the third, she smacked right into what she believed was a solid wall. She felt herself being thrown backwards and closed her eyes tightly as she waited for the shock of the impact. She suddenly felt two strong arms grip her own and right her as quickly as she fell. She placed her hands on the chest of her rescuer and found that the muscles underneath were strong; it must have been the mysterious solid wall that she had found herself running into.

"Easy there lass," came a familiar Irish voice.

Emma looked up to see Tommy Ryan smiling down on her. She blushed as she stood on her own, "I am very sorry, Mr. Ryan."

"It's Tommy, lass," he laughed as she turned redder. "How are ya today?"

"Fine, thank you. And yourself?"

"Ah, gettin' by. Care for a stroll?" as asked while holding out his arm to her. Emma smiled shyly as she accepted his arm and began to walk with him around the third class deck of the ship. Many people stared at the odd couple, a shaggy Irish man escorting a finely dressed blonde. Emma took note that he was not wearing his coat, and she could see and feel the muscles that lay under his arms. As they walked, they talked about the weather and how their accommodations were on the ship. Emma laughed at how Tommy perceived everything with a sense of humor and laughed as she described her suite. She had to admit, it was a bit much for one person.

"So lass, wha' do ya plan on doin' after yo'r brother gets hitched?" Tommy asked as they made their way around the deck for the fifth time.

Emma stopped and looked at Tommy, "What do you mean? I will still be under his guardianship I suppose, so the same I believe."

Tommy shook his head, "Nah, I mean would ya leave? Venture out on ya own?"

Emma looked at him in shock, it's not like she had never dreamed about doing that very idea before, but to actually do it took more courage than she believed she had. She walked over to the railing and stared out at the just setting sun, marveling at its colors.

"If I offended ya lass..." Tommy started before she interrupted.

"No you haven't," she began. "I've thought about it before. I've thought of packing my bags and taking the first available train to wherever I wanted to go. I've thought about becoming an actress or a writer. Perhaps even a dancer, but I've never had the courage. I used to play that game when I was younger. I would pretend to have run away and need to find a way to survive, but when I was called back inside for dinner I always came. I always obeyed."

She looked over to see that Tommy had a slightly confused look on his face. She laughed a bit, "I know it does not make much sense. Hell, it doesn't even make that much sense to me."

"Ah, so the lass does know how ta curse," he joked. She laughed again and nudged his arm that was only a few inches from hers as they stared out into the sunset. "I jus' don' get why ya can't just leave. Don' come back when they call."

Emma looked at him and pondered his words, why didn't she? She looked back out at the sunset, "I am like the sun. Every morning I rise and every night I go to bed. People take the sun for granted, without it there would be no light. People need the sun. If one day the sun decided not to rise, there would be utter chaos. The sun is a constant, it never falters. That is what a good lady should be and that is what I intend to be. My mother raised me that way and society says that is how I as a lady should act."

Tommy raised en eyebrow, "Why can' ya just ignore that shite? Jus' be who ya want to be."

"Because I do what is expected. I am told what to do and I try my best to be perfect at it. Besides, I could never leave Rose. She is the closest thing I have had to a friend in years. We need to stay together if we are to endure the wrath that is my brother."

Tommy contemplated the woman in front of him, "How do ya do it?"

"I beg your pardon? Do what?" she questioned.

"Live each day with tha' kinda passion. Ta never falter when told ta do somethin'? Don' ya find it exhaustin'?"

Emma mulled over his question and decided on her answer, "Only around you. Why do you like to irritate me so?"

Tommy smiled and winked at her, "Why do ya rise ta the occasion?"

Emma opened her mouth and then shut it realizing that she had nothing to argue. Tommy laughed at her as she smiled and frustratingly smacked his arm. He laughed and grabbed her hand before she could do it again. Her laughter stopped in her throat as she looked up into his eyes and saw the seriousness behind them. His hand did not grab her in the rough way that Cal often did when he was angry with her. Instead it felt like her hand was resting within a strong, callous pillow that protected her from all outside harm. She found themselves leaning closer and as she was about to whisper something , a throat cleared behind her.

She spun around to see Lovejoy, her brother's little puppet spy glaring at Tommy. She immedietly dropped his hand and straightened herself, "Mr. Lovejoy?"

His eyes roamed appreciatively up her body as Emma inwardly cringed, "I was sent to find you to inform you that the dinner bell is about to ring."

Emma glanced up at the first class deck, there were hardly any people on the deck and she noticed that the sun had set quite a bit from when she first arrived on third class deck. "Thank you Mr. Lovejoy. I will be along soon."

He nodded before sending another glare in Tommy's direction and walking back to the first class area. "Who was tha'?" Tommy amusingly inquired after seeing Emma stick out her tongue at the retreating back of Mr. Lovejoy.

"Oh just my brother's little bodyguard spy. He is almost as worse as my brother," she said while sending a glare in the man's direction. Tommy laughed to see the little lass all worked up and her fiery temper showing once again.

"Ya better get goin' then lass. Wouldn' want ya ta be late for ya dinner," Tommy said. He did not want their afternoon to end, however, his Cinderella story had to turn back into a pumpkin sometime.

Emma looked regretfully at the first class deck. She did not want to go back to her life as a mere doll that sits upon the shelf quietly and perfectly until it is noticed. "I don't want to go. Another party with the same people and the same gossip."

"I promise ta see ya again lass, don' worry yo'r pretty little 'ead over tha'," Tommy joked to her.

"Who said I wanted to stay with you?" she countered.

"I'm wounded! 'ere I am spendin' time with ya and I even wen' as far as ta call ya pretty and I get insulted," Tommy joked back, seeing her smile beginning to break through her façade.

"Pretty? Just pretty? I shall have you know Mr. Ryan that many men have called me beautiful," she retorted as she began to walk back to the staircase. No one had ever said that to her, but she would not let Tommy win another banter session. She then felt a hand on her wrist and found herself being lightly jerked back into Tommy's arms. She was aware of her smile slowly disappearing as she once again looked into his serious chocolate eyes. "Ya are beautiful, lass. Don' let anyone tell ya different."

Emma felt her heart pounding against her chest as Tommy leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead, "Go 'nd get yaself ready for dinner."

Emma could barely feel her legs, yet her entire body was burning. As Tommy released her and she turned to walk up the stairs, her arms and where he had kissed her tingled and left her with a new sensation that she had never felt before. As she entered the first class deck area, she looked back to see Tommy watching her with a smile on his face. She raised her hand and gave a slight wave, and saw his smile widen as he nodded to her.

She began walking back to her suite when she saw Rose, Jack, Ruth, Molly, and the Countess all gathered in a small circle talking. She observed how Jack seemed a bit nervous and how Ruth was glaring at him with all the hatred that she possessed.

"Emma! How are you darlin'?" Molly inquired as she saw Emma's approach. Emma smiled and replied, "Fine, thank you Mrs. Brown."

"I've told you before it's Molly. None of this Mrs. business," Molly said while she smiled at Emma.

"Molly," Emma repeated as she glanced at Rose out of the corner of her eye. She looked grateful to have an interruption and looked to saw something before a shrill blaring of a trumpet began to blare a mere ten feet from them.

"Why do they always have to announce dinner like a damned cavalry charge?" Molly quipped as the group turned, startled at the loud interruption. Emma laughed goodnaturedly as Rose looked thankful for the once again inturption.

"Shall we go dress, Mother?" she inquired without even waiting for her mother's answer as she grabbed her arm and steered her away. "See you at dinner, Jack," she threw over her shoulder.

Emma saw Jack give her a wave and proceed to watch as Rose, Ruth, and the Countess left to dress. Molly and herself stayed behind and watched as the young man in front of them grinned like a madman as he watched Rose leave.

"Uh, son?" Molly quipped. "Son!" she shouted louder as Jack tried to look around her to watch Rose. After finally hearing his name, Jack turned to look at Molly and seemed surprised that she was standing there.

"Do you have the slightest comprehension of what you're doing?" she asked critically. Emma watched as Jack just smiled and shook his head, "Not really."

"Well you are about to go into the snake pit," Emma threw in her opinion. If he went in there the way he was, he was going to be eaten alive. And with all the interesting things that she had watched others eat-snails, fish eggs, lamb brains-she wouldn't be surprised if everyone grabbed their forks and dug in.

Molly studied the boy in front of her critically and nodded to the clothes that he currently had on, "What are you plannin' to wear?"

Jack glanced down at the clothes he was wearing and just shrugged, suggestion he was going as he was. Emma just smacked her forehead and mumbled, "Oh boy," as she watched Molly eye him up and down once more.

Molly gave a sarcastic snort, "I figured. Come on," she said as she grabbed Jack's arm. "You too Em! I think we are goin' to need all the help we can get!" she called back laughing. Emma gave a little laugh before scurrying to catch up the pair and linked her arm through Jack's other available one.

As the threesome reached Molly's suites, Jack and Emma were escorted toward a dressing room that held many packages and trunks. "I know I have my son's new suit in here somewhere. You two look to be a pretty close match."

Emma just laughed as she watched the finely dressed woman toss her shawl at the waiting attendant and begin to dig through the packages, throwing the ones she wasn't looking for left and right.

"Emma, honey? I know I've got something on that vanity over there that should calm Mr. Dawson's unruliness. Could you see if you can find it and maybe see what you can do with that rat's nest on his head?" Molly said over her shoulder as she kept digging through the many trunks.

"Yes, Molly," Emma replied. She turned to Jack who looked absolutely confused on the events around him.

She pulled out the stool from the vanity and grabbed Jack's arm as she made him sit, "Now, Mr. Dawson I am going to fix this mess on your head that you call hair."

Jack's eyes grew wary in the mirror as she pulled out a comb and began working through the knots in his hair. "When was the last time you combed through this mess?" she inquired after she had to pull sharply a few times to get out the knots.

Jack put his hands to his scalp as he winced and cursed in pain, "Damnit! That hurts!"

"Oh Lord in heaven Jack! It can't hurt that bad!" Molly joked from across the room.

"She is trying to scalp me alive!" he shouted. "I bet you wouldn't be this rough with Tommy…" he muttered under his breath.

Emma stopped brushing and stared at Jack, "Where do you get that idea from?"

"Well he won't stop talking about you," Jack replied, thankful that the torment on his head had stopped for a moment. Emma did not have time to reply because their conversation was interrupted by Molly's triumphant, "There it is! Jack let's get your dressed, and Emma you might want to go change yourself."

Emma glanced down to her attire and realized that she indeed did need to change for dinner. She said her good-byes to both Molly and Jack as she made her way out of the suite, contemplating Jack's words. Tommy wouldn't stop talking about her. That was a good thing right? What if he had just been talking to her and making her feel the way she did simply for a joke? A chance to tell all his friends about the first class girl he pretended to like just so he could make fun of her later. She had told him things that she had never told anyone before. What if he really did like her? What if he just liked her company and talking to her? She had to admit that that had never happened to her before so she did not know the signs. Perhaps she was just thinking to much about it. She sighed as she found herself back in her suite, once again picking out a dress that hid her bruised arm.

Emma made her way slowly down to dinner with her brother and Ruth. Rose had been running late and told the three of them not to wait. Her long silver dress was laced delicately with white beads and her long wavy hair was in a low twist that had small diamonds intricately weaved into it. However proper and socially beautiful she must have looked was exactly how much pain she was in from her corset. Emma hated that corset almost as much as she hated her brother. She was nervous about dinner for Jack. These people that her brother called friends were truly ruthless.

She was also nervous about having future meetings with Tommy. She found herself admitting to things that she had never before told another person. She was nervous in the way that he made her feel. His simple touches made her weak and crave for more. She did not have any idea what was coming over her and she wanted to find out more.

Emma's attention was diverted to an awaiting Jack Dawson who stood at the end of the Grand Staircase. Emma watched as Cal and Ruth walked right by him without even noticing, however, Emma stopped and gave him a once over.

"Very nice, Mr. Dawson. You clean up better than any gentleman here," she complimented. "And your hair! My goodness I must get the name of your barber."

Jack smiled at her and laughed, "He was a very sturdy fellow. Made me feel like my hair was being pulled out from the roots."

Emma pretended to be offended and slapped him gently on the arm, "Very funny. Now for business. Do you know how to greet a gentleman?"

Jack just shrugged and gave her his carefree smile as he laughed, "There's a specific way?"

Emma just laughed, "Yes silly. Now pretend I am a gentleman. Grab my hand firmly but not so much as to break it," she demonstrated. "Very good. Now hold an easy eye contact and appear friendly."

As Jack practiced Emma laughed, he would fit in perfectly. "Very nice to meet you Mr. Hockley," he joked. "Are you in relation to Cal Hockley?"

Emma slapped his arm again and once again began to laugh until she heard Cal yell to her, "Emmaline! Come and greet the Countess." Emma gave an apologetic smile to Jack and walked to where her brother, Ruth, and the Countess were all gathered in conversation.

"Emmaline, my dear how have you been?" the Countess inquired. "I feel as if it has been far too long since we last holidayed together."

Emma put on a genuine smile, and agreed with the Countess. She was a nice woman, however she did stick to the rules of society.

The Countess excused herself just as Emma heard Rose," Darling? Surely you remember Mr. Dawson?"

Emma noticed how Jack truly did fit in, no one would ever suspect that he was from the third class. Her brother too seemed to have been convinced by his outfit "Dawson? Why it is truly amazing! You could almost pass as a gentleman!"

Emma scowled in her brothers direction at the discrete insult. She was impressed though on Jack's calm reply of "Almost." Jack was nothing like her brother who considered himself a gentleman. If her brother was what the definition of that word, then she was glad Jack could not fully pass for one.

Cal offered his arm to Ruth and completely ignored Emma. It was considered unladylike and an embarrassment to not have an escort at least walk her into the room. She sighed and began to follow her brother when she felt an elbow nudge her right arm. Glancing back, she saw Rose and Jack smiling at her while Jack offered her his open arm.

"Thank you," she murmured. Jack simply responded with his smile as he led the ladies down the rest of the stairs and into the dining room.

As the threesome entered the room, they stopped to the side of the room to observe the crowd. "There's the Countess of Rothes," Rose pointed out. Looking around she found more first class passengers with scandals and secrets about them, "And that's John Jacob Astor, the richest man on the ship. His little wifey there Madeline is Emma and I's age and in delicate condition." All three of them discreetly looked over to where she was standing to see Madeline holding her hands and her fan around her stomach to where her dress was supposed to fit loosely, however, it was rather tight and round.

" See how she trying to hide it?" Emma added in. "Quite the scandal." Jack laughed and Emma realized that she and Rose were making first class seem less glamorous. Emma realized that if you truly looked at everyone here, there were no perfect lives. Everyone had their dirty secrets that they hid from the rest of the world. Her family was no exception. She was the bastard child of her father and a maid, and her brother treated her like dirt. She also spent many of her time with a third class passenger that she found herself having strong feelings that she had never expiereced before. Yes, everyone had their secrets.

"And that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress Madame Aubert," Rose continued. "Mrs. Guggenheim is at home with the children of course. And over here we have Sir Cosmo and Lucille Lady Duff Gordon," she added, pointing to where a finely dressed man and woman were standing with Cal and Ruth and waving to them, "She designs naughty lingere among her many talents. Very popular with the royals." Emma and Jack both laughed as they continued pointing out people and dishing on the scandals or secrets that they had heard.

"Miss Rose, Miss Emma how are you this evening?" they were interrupted when Thomas Andrews made his way over to them. Emma gave a happy smile at seeing him, she thought that he was one of the nicest men she had ever met in her life. Truly genuine, like Tommy. Tommy never said or did anything simply because he was required to. He said everything as he saw it and did not apologize for his opinions and did not ask her to apologize for her own.

"We are doing well thank you, Mr. Andrews. How are you?" Emma answered.

"Very well," he replied with an easy smile.

"Mr. Andrews may I introduce to you Jack Dawson?" Rose inserted politely. Jack and Mr. Andrews shook hands and nodded at one another.

"Please to meet you Mr. Dawson."

"Thank you Mr. Andrews."

"Jack, Rose, Emma, and Thomas! How are you this fine evening?" Molly said as she walked up to their little group. "Jack, care to escort a lady to dinner?"

Jack looked quickly to Emma who simply smiled at him as she took the arm offered by Mr. Andrews. "Certainly," he replied to her as the five of them walked toward their table. Jack, Rose, and Molly all stopped to talk to J.J. Astor and his wife, but Mr. Andrews and Emma continued on to talk to Captain Smith and the Countess.

The conversation at dinner flowed well and Emma was pleased to have been seated between Mr. Andrews and Molly. When the conversation at the table became too dull for her to handle, one of them would strike up their own private conversation with her.

She was in such a conversation with Molly when she heard Ruth address Jack," Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they are quite good on this ship."

Emma's eyes, as well as Rose's and Molly's, widened considerably at Ruth's rudeness toward Jack. She clearly saw him as a threat to her stable future.

Once again Jack did not let the snide comment affect him as he coolly answered, "The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats."

Emma could detect the sarcasm in his voice as he answered and she sent him an apologetic look on the behalf of her brother and her future mother-in-law's antics. Their whole group gave easy, yet somewhat awkward laughter.

"Mr. Dawson is joining us from the third class," Cal explained to the entire table. "He was of some assistance to my fiancée last night.

"It turns out Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artist," Rose added. "He was kind enough to show me some of his work today."

Emma's smile faltered somewhat when her brother added in his ever so important opinion, "Rose and I differ about our regards to fine art. Not to impugn your work, sir," he added in quickly before he could be perceived as rude.

Jack simply took it all in stride again as he shook his head offhandedly. The rest of the dinner finished with the usual idle chatter. Ruth had tried her hardest to embarrass Jack, but he rose to the occasion each time and never faltered. Molly as always had the most entertaining storied that left Emma wiping her eyes with Mr. Andrew's handkerchief she had been laughing so hard. After calming herself down she and Rose stayed behind as Cal and the rest of the men left to go to their smoking room and as Rose put it best to "congratulate each other on being masters of the universe."

Jack had first kissed Emma's and then Rose's hand as he left, and Emma noticed that their was a piece of paper in Rose's hand that had not been there before. As Jack left, Emma watched as Rose hurriedly uncovered the paper and read it and then glanced to where Jack had retreated to before she hid the paper in her napkin.

"I am very sorry ladies, Mother, but I feel rather tired. I think I will turn in for the night. Emma would you care to join me?" Rose said as she rose from her seat at the table. Emma nodded and made her goodnights as she and Rose linked arms and began walking out of the dining room.

"What did it say?" Emma whispered to her.

"'Make it count, you and Emma meet me by the clock,'" she whispered back. Emma looked at Rose who simply shrugged and looked just as confused as she was.

As they ascended the steps the turned the corner to see Jack waiting for them staring at the clock as it struck nine. She and Rose glanced at each other before sighing and began walking up the stairs to where Jack was waiting. As if he sensed them coming he turned and offered them a sly smile. "So you ladies want to go to a real party?"

Sooo what do you think? Read and review

I just wanted to get all this over with because I want to do the party scene which I must say is probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire movie. I would love to have gone to a party like that! So much fun!

Tell me what you think!
