Massie stayed in bed till about eleven in the morning. She covered herself with her thick covers and buried the side of herself into a pillow. Massie could hear whispers around her they sounded a lot like Cam and Alicia hissing at each other. Massie decided to ignore it and keep her amber eyes shut. She figured that if she never woke up she'd never have to face the world.

"Wake her up!" Massie heard Kemp exclaim and she opened her eyes.

"No don't," Dylan insisted.

"Touch her Kristen." Plovert teased. Massie could hear a slap against skin. Everyone burst into silent laughter and Massie shot up "What's going on?"

"Uhm, hey Mass." Everyone seemed startled.

"Hey." Massie replied.

"Massie today is the big soccer game." Alicia was the first to speak up. "Let's go."

"No." Massie said without a second thought. Derrick would be there.

"C'mon Massie." Dylan cajoled.


"Please?" Josh pip up.

"Not even if my life depended on it."

"Go!" Cam demanded.

"Go by yourself." Massie countered.

"Massie, if you won't regret it." Alicia assured her best friend.

"No." Massie whined. "I'm not going not ever."


"See? Aren't you glad you came?" Dylan smiled while the three girls sat on the bleachers. Massie huffed and slouched in her seat. Alicia exchanged a smile with Dylan. Kristen was of course one of the team players so she was already warming up on the field.

The final game of the year wasn't starting but Massie could already feel the tension. The bleachers were getting crowded and the sound of people talking with each other was getting louder and louder. Massie shuddered when something told her to look out on the field and there was Derrick; the guy who broke her heart and didn't have the decency to give it back. The two locked eyes for a moment then Massie turned away.

"You okay, Mass?" Alicia asked as she stared at Josh from the field.

"Yeah," Massie responded. "What's up with you and Josh?" Massie asked as she fallowed Alicia's gaze on him.

Alicia smiled, "Well, me and him are going out tonight."

"Really?" Massie asked more than happy Josh and Alicia belonged together and now that fake dating was not an option it was a good thing. "I'm so excited for you two."

"Yeah," Alicia said in a small voice that made her sound shy and scared. Massie stared onto the field and saw Jennifer Brooks with her cheerleading teams. "Why are there cheerleaders at a soccer game?" Massie asked Alicia. "Because it's the last game of the year it had to be special." Alicia answered.

They heard a loud whistle and they turned their attention to the soccer field. The game finally started. It was sort of boring for Massie. She didn't really care what was going on. While everyone stood up and cheered when Kemp shot the first goal Massie looked into the night sky and day dreamed.

After about half an hour the game was now tied 2-2. Josh had the ball and made his way toward the opponent's goal. The goalie got into position and was ready for Josh to kick it in. Josh ran slower and kicked in the ball. The goalie was about to catch it but the ball went right passed him.

The Briarwood fans exploded in their seats. Alicia and Dylan shot up and started clapping. The game was nearly over and Massie kept checking her Tiffany watch. The Grayson Academy goalie threw the ball onto the field. Cam got the ball and swiftly ran passed the Grayson players. He made a quick pass to Kemp and he kicked the ball but a blonde girl blocked it and ran toward the Briarwood net, where Derrick was standing.

The blonde passed the ball to the Grayson captain; Martin. Martin was a buff and huge guy. He ran with so much force it was hard to even keep up with him. Martin's dark hair was blowing behind him as he charged toward Derrick.

The huge guy was ready to even out the score. Derrick gulped but did not show fear. Massie watched with fascination but looked away when the guys who were standing on the field were looking at her with curiosity. Massie turned away and blushed slightly. Next thing Massie knew was that everyone started to chant, "Derrick, Derrick, Derrick, Derrick!"

Back on the field, Derrick was ready and once Martin kicked the ball he would either die because it was to powerful or catch it and win the game. Either way it didn't matter. Why? Because he did not have Massie Block.

Martin kicked the ball with so much force that everyone could feel it. Derrick tried not his best to blink the ball had to be going nearly a hundred miler per hour. But Derrick couldn't resist. He blinked for half a second and his arms were out and ready but the second he opened his eyes the ball was in his hands and everyone was cheering.

The Tomahawks all jumped up and cheered and the losers walked off the field carefully. Derrick walked up to his cheering team mates.

"Great job man!" Josh patted his best friend on the back.

"Yeah thanks." Derrick mumbled and stared out to the bleachers. "Is uh, she, uh," Derrick stuttered.

"She's here." Plovert nodded.

"Great," Derrick exhaled a tired breathe. He stared onto the bleachers and saw Massie looking at him. He saw Alicia nudge Massie and wondered what she was saying.


"Let's go!" Alicia urged Massie. The amber eyed girl looked around to the Briarwood fans that were running onto the field to congratulate the winners. Massie let her eyes search all over wondering if her secret admirer was in radius. Dylan got up at once fallowed by Alicia.

"Come one Mass!" Dylan pleaded and watched the drooling fan girls running up to the guys.

Alicia had an eager look written on her face and just grabbed Massie's arm. Massie didn't fight back; she knew she'd have to face Derrick sooner or later. Massie got up and hoped her secret admirer would save the day and take her away from here.

The girls made their way down the bleachers carefully and Massie could feel the wetness of the green grass. She was now only inches from Derrick. Massie prayed that someone would be her hero and make this all better.

The whole group got together and were all filled with 'congratulations' and 'amazing game'. Massie felt out of place with this group now. She felt as if there was something missing. She looked into the sky hoping a miracle would fall in front of her. After a few minutes of congratulating and awkward stares Massie spoke up, "Well, I'm going to go now. Nice game." She said to the guys and smiled one more time at Derrick.

Massie turned an walked away and Derrick watched her. All his friends looked at him and Derrick looked at Jennifer, who was still with her team. Massie was barely across the field but the cheerleaders got into position. "Massie, Massie, Massie!" they were chanting her name like they did to Derrick. Massie turned and saw that everyone was chanting her name from the soccer players, cheerleaders, and everyone on the bleachers. Massie stared at Derrick who was the only one not chanting. Massie turned around and continued walking away.

Derrick sighed and ran after her. "Massie!" He called and everyone was still chanting. Massie sped up and Derrick chased after her. He caught up to her and grabbed her arm. "Massie," He breathed one her gripped onto Massie's arms. He looked into her eyes; the eyes that were filled with joy, love, disappointment, courage, strength, laughter, tears, pain, and this look she's giving to the world lying that she's okay when she's not.

"What?" Massie asked coldly. Derrick gulped boy, was she pissed. Btu that made Derrick gripped onto her tighter. "What?" She repeated.

"Massie, I'm your secret admirer." Derrick confessed at once.

"What?" Massie looked at him. "What is this some cruel sick joke?"

"What? No!" Derrick defended himself.

"Derrick what is your problem?" Massie spat and tried to loosen from his strong grip.

"Nothing." Derrick said sincerely. Everyone stopped chanting and everyone watched the two argue in the middle of the soccer field.

"I can't believe you tricked me!" Massie said hurt. She tried to blink away the tears but one slipped away and Derrick loosened his grip on her.

"I'm sorry." Derrick said while Massie looked down to the ground. "What do you want Derrick? I'm tired of this game." She said in near tears.

"I know Massie-." He started but Massie cut him off.

"Can we just forget it?" Massie screamed. "I don't want to do this anymore, you are who you are I am who I am."

"Meaning?" Derrick asked scared of her anger.

"Meaning it is what it is." Massie said quietly. "We can't be anything more than what we are now."

"Massie don't say that." Derrick pleaded in a near whisper.

"Derrick its proof you and I are going to crash and burn. We're way too different!" Massie exclaimed. "We can never be-."

"Massie shut up!" Derrick rolled his eyes. "you know you're running my moment, gosh I know your pretty but still my turn just shut up!"

"You shut up." Massie challenged.

"No, you shut up." Derrick said his hand still gripping Massie's arm.

"You shut up."

"You shut up."

"No you just shut up."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up already."

"Massie I love you!" Derrick said honestly.

"You shut up," Massie said then realized what Derrick just said. "What?"

"I love you Massie." Derrick said his face close to hers. "I love you more than anything. You changed me in so many ways and made me want you."

Massie stayed silent taking everything in. "Why?"

"Why not?" Derrick challenged.

"How can you say that? And expect me to believe it?" Massie said with a tear streaming down her face.

"Because I never felt this way before." Derrick said and leaned in to kiss Massie's perfectly glossed mouth. Massie couldn't resist she had to give in. His mouth was warm on hers and she could hear the 'awes' from the audience. Massie blushed slightly but kept her mouth on Derrick's. He kissed so perfectly and their mouths fit like a puzzle piece but Massie had to pull away.

"I don't believe in love." Massie lied. But she never had fallen in love before.

Derrick looked in her eyes. "Believe in me." He said and kissed her carefully. He placed his hands on Massie's sides and felt a weird shape in her pocket. He pulled away and Massie looked at him oddly.

"What's that?" He gestured to the square shape in Massie's jacket. Massie pulled it out and saw it was the black iPod she didn't even put it in her pocket. "Why do you have my iPod?" Derrick asked.

"What?" Massie asked in shock. "I found this in Westchester Park about a month ago."

"Really?" Derrick asked his arms still resting on Massie's sides. "I lost it at the park about a month ago."

Massie looked at him then broke into a smile. "It's always been you hasn't it?" Derrick smiled and shrugged. "I love you, Derrick Harrington."

"I knew you would," Derrick teased, "I love you too Massie Block."

"Forever?" Massie asked. Derrick nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Forever." He murmured and for some reason Massie believed him. The two laughed at each other and found their lips touching again. The whole school cheered with happiness after all they all knew those two would fall in love.


For real! Anyway thanks so much for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and alerting. You guys are awesome. I hope the ending was okay and the yes there will be a sequel I'm just not sure when.

Special thanks to: Kai-XCrunner4life (Kailin, read her stories they rock my socks!), One of the fallen, Theshawdowpuppeteer, KylahGurl, too-much-of-a-book-lover, mickk luv, lovetheclique, I'ma Cookie Monster, nanny kiwi gurl, massie-at-heart-x0x0x0, JenniferBroflovski, honey18xo, exclamationpoint811, penguinluver923, and everyone else who read and reviewed! Thanks.

So one more time review?


Desiree :)