Hey everyone, this is my new fic. I need everyone's opinion in order to finish it. Should Kakashi love Karasu back? Or does he love Sakura instead? I need everyone's opinion in order to continue; I can't type anymore until I have a vote. so please read and vote! Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

My name is Karasu of the Kuro clan. Karasu means crow; Kuro means black. I'm a kunoichi of Konoha, a specialist in ninjutsu and taijutsu. If you saw me on the street, you wouldn't really look twice; there's nothing special about me. I am more on the tall side, and a bit skinny. My fingers, according to others, are long and slender. My chest is not well developed, and I prefer it that way. I dress comfortably: a sweatshirt and pants comfortable enough to train in are fine for me. My eyes are dark brown and my nose rather large, and my mouth is usually in a frown. The only pretty characteristic I have is my hair, I suppose. It is as dark and lustrous as a crow's feathers, hence my name. My hair is waist length and has always been kept in a ponytail for as long as I can remember. The only time I ever undo it is when I wash my hair; otherwise, it stays tied up. I have no extraordinary abilities, no distinguishing features.

I was never one of those girls who sat around applying makeup and gossiping about boys that they liked. I was, and still am, a tomboy. When I was younger, I was thoroughly convinced I would never fall in love, never have a crush.

Fate decreed I would fall in love with my friend.

Hatake Kakashi.

We have been friends ever since I accidentally fell off a swing onto his lap when I was five years old, and he ten. I still remember his surprised expression perfectly; the raised eyebrows, the slight tinge of pink on his cheeks, a mask that couldn't disguise his open mouth. He had been dressed in ninja garb; I had been wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Despite this odd introduction, we had become very close.

At that time, Kakashi had already had the Sharingan eye implanted by Rin. As a result, he was not as serious about the rules as he used to be. The boy that looked after me had a dark and imposing façade, but whenever I played with him, he was always happy and smiling. I looked up to him as the big brother I had always wanted in place of my prissy older sister. I believe he loved me as a little sister.

Now we are both jounins. I constantly accompany him on missions, help him clean his house, water Mr. Ukki, take care of his eight dogs, give him hugs when he needs them (in private, of course), and just be there however I can for him. Every time he lands himself in the hospital, I manage to sneak a bouquet of flowers onto his bedside table. As far as I know, he still hasn't figured out that I am the one who sends him the flowers. As for Kakashi…. Well, he expresses his love (brotherly) for me in his own ways.

When I first began having feelings for him, I tried to convince myself that it was just a crush. I was determined not to turn into a wide-eyed, stereotypically lovey-dovey hormone-driven teenage girl; he already had the majority of Konoha's female population after him. I hid my feelings, acting as I normally did with him. But as the years went by, and the feelings intensified, I couldn't deny that it wasn't a crush, that I really did love him.

It's not lust, I assure you; I'm not chasing his body. I personally believe that he is quite handsome under that mask of his, but if he turns out to have buckteeth and fish lips, I frankly wouldn't care. It's Kakashi, the person, the character, the personality that I love, not his physical attributes.

The thing is, I'm afraid to ask anyone else about their opinion. The way everyone sees me as is a shy but lethal tomboy. I was too scared to break that image of me; I didn't want to be known as the girl with a crush.

So I hid my feelings, buried them under the mask of a headstrong tomboy who wasn't interested in love.

It's very hard when I am alone with him. When we lay in the grass next to each other, gazing at the clouds, enjoying the fresh breeze, and just savor our time together. I fight down my blush whenever he touches me, try to calm my thundering heart when he picks something out of my hair.

When we spar together, I focus on the smooth lines of his body, the grace and speed with which he moves. Half the time I lose because I am concentrating on him.

When he talks to me, I fight the urge to blush and stammer like an idiot.

When he tells me a joke, I fight the urge to laugh uncontrollably like a maniac.

When he cries on my shoulder, I fight the urge to kiss him and tell him that I love him.

Instead, I have to make do with hugging him, with all the small, furtive gestures that I can manage in order to convey my love to him.

But at night, however, it is a different matter. When I am alone, his face haunts me, his voice reverberates in my ears, my heart yearns for him, and my body aches for his warmth. It all spirals into a well of despair and pain, until I bury my face into my pillow and sob.

When day comes, I put on my mask. I act as though I am still the same person I was before I began to love him. So as far as everyone is concerned, I am not, and never will be, in love.

But I am.

Please review, and don't forget to vote! Thanks! (the poll is on my profile)