Zaraki's Rice Ball Experience.

Zaraki was sitting in his desk, looking at the rice ball Ikkaku Madarame brought for him from the material world. It's so neatly packaged…and its so-so….perfectly rolled! Ikkaku told me that it was restored throughout the day, an Yumachika was there to back him up but….that's impossible. He sat there, quietly examining the rice ball. And the wrapping! Its so tight, and perfect! Ha! Maybe I'll ask that Kuchiki girl….she lived there for a while…Yes. That's what I'll do.

And so, Zaraki called in Rukia Kuchiki to tell him how it works. But, just like anyone would, she tells him a complete lie.

"-And so, the munchkins ended up in a factory where these are made and forced to work! Are you satisfied, Mr. Zaraki?" Zaraki thinks for a moment, then nodds.

"Yes. You can leave now." Rukia look her chance, and ran out of there as fast as her legs would take her. Zaraki picked up the rice ball, and decided to eat it. He tried to open one part, but it wouldn't budge. He growled at it, the tried it again. When it didn't work, he swore at it for a few minuets. Why won't this damn ting work? Wait, maybe I'm trying to open the wrong side…

1 hour later

Zaraki, throws the rice ball to the ground. Stupid thing! I just want to eat it! Maybe if I ignore it, it'll listen to me…oh God. I'm hanging around Yachiru a bit too much. He shakes his head, the sits down in his chair, crossing his arms over his massive chest. He glared at the unsuspecting rice ball for another five minuets, then he sighs. He gets up and goes over to the rice ball. He bends own and picks it up. He then lifts one corner, and slowly tries to peel it off. It doesn't work. He then yells at it again, and throws it out the window.


General Captain Yamomoto was outside in the garden, talking to Captain Ukitake and Captain Shinsui, when something came flying towards them. The object hits General Captain Yamomoto smack in the head, and explodes. Ukitake and Shinsui double over laughing, Shinsui going so far as to fall on the ground. General Captain Yamomoto wipes off some of the smushed rice ball, and licks it. Hmm…this is pretty good. Wait…didn't Zaraki have one of these? Yes, I do recall him having one today! He then yells out into the sky, loud enough for the entire soul society to hear:


I had a lot of fun writing this. Please review!! (PS: This is the third instalment of the 'Zaraki's Stupid Moments' series. XD)