Summary: Sam Puckett- an intimidating teenage girl that no one really knows. Fredward Benson- the geek who's always running after the girl he'll never have. Watch as the two personalities collide in a collection of Drabble-ish oneshots. Seddie

Alright. Here's the deal. This isn't JUST a collection of random drabbles about Seddie. Each drabble is based upon a word that I get in a random word generator. The word is placed, in italics, at the beginning of each chapter, after the drabble title. Let's see where this goes, eh?

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly.


iLike Freeways

word: freeways

"Sam! Slow down!" Freddie yelled, panic evident in his voice. The fearless blond beside him let out a laugh.

"Why? They're called 'freeways' for a reason, Fredward!"

"Just because it has the word 'free' in it doesn't mean there aren't rules! There's this little thing called a speed limit, Sam. I suggest you follow it." he ordered through clenched teeth, a look of sheer terror on his face. He held onto the arm rest for dear life, constantly gazing out the rear view mirror, sure that they'd get pulled over any second by the police. He always knew that being friends with Sam would get him arrested.

"Stop being such a worrywart, Freddork. Live a little. Break free from the little bubble your mother has built around you." she told him, turning on the radio and letting it blast her music. She sang along at the top of her lungs. Freddie looked over at her with wide eyes, pushing the thoughts out of his head that suggested he listen to Sam.

"My mother tells me those things for a reason. Besides, I do not want to spend my prom night getting arrested."

"Come on Freddie. What's life without a little adventure?"

"There's adventure, and then there's jail."

"You are such a killjoy." Sam commented, slowing the car down the slightest bit.

"I cannot believe Carly went to prom with that dumb football guy instead of me, leaving me to come with you to prom." Freddie muttered. Sam's blue eyes turned to him, and he thought he saw the slightest look of hurt shining in them. However, it was gone as soon as it had appeared.

"Like I'm so thrilled." she shot back.

"Hey, I'm not the one putting your life in danger!"

"Oh come off it Freddie. We both know that's not what this is all about."

"Then what is it about?"

"You're just upset that Carly doesn't love you and never will. Get over it Freddie instead of sulking about it all the time. Some of us don't want to hear you whine about how she doesn't love you all the time! It's about time that you open your eyes and see who does love you!" she screamed. Freddie stared at her.

"What?" he asked dumbly.

"You heard me." she mumbled.

"And who, exactly, is that?" he inquired. Sam sighed as she caught sight of the place their prom was being held.

"Never mind, Freddie. We're almost at prom. Just forget I ever said anything and go win over Carly Shay." she spat. Just before she turned in to the parking lot, she felt a hand upon hers, stopping her.

"Don't. Let's just drive. I want to talk some more." he whispered. Sam looked over at him, smiling only with her eyes, and didn't turn in to the parking lot, but instead, continued driving.

"So, tell me about this girl."

"Well, she's gorgeous, witty, smart, everything that anyone would be lucky to have, but she's stuck being in love with someone who will never notice her." she told him. He smiled before leaning over and placing a small kiss on her lips as she stopped at a red light.

"I wouldn't be so sure, mystery girl."

Sam Puckett suddenly loved freeways.