.ATTENTION EVERYONE! LAST CHAPTER! I am so sad to see this ending. I tried to make it longer but that's as long as it can go without being boring. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it lol.


"Was that a….. heartbeat?" Carlisle whispered.

Edward gulped and his eyes locked with mine, "my heartbeat"

14. The beat of my dead heart


Heartbeat? How could that be? I'm a vampire! How can I have a heartbeat? I couldn't. But I felt it. I felt the rise of my heart in my chest. I felt it bump against my ribs. I felt it fall back into place. How?

"Edward?" Bella whispered shakily, "Your transformation should have stopped. You aren't supposed to be still turning to a human" She gulped and had her wide eyes fixed on my face.

I knew what she was thinking of. Leo said that I would die if I changed into a human. Does that mean that I ….will die? Why? The bond is broken. Why now?

"Um Leo?" I said slowly, ripping my eyes away from Bella's. Leo looked as stunned as the others, "any ideas?" I almost pleaded.

He stared back at me. He wanted to help, that was clear, but he had no idea what was going on. "um I'm going to go check the book that Carlisle gave Bella. Maybe I'll find something there" He said quickly. I told him how to get past Charlie. The window. I was too stunned to go look for any information.

Leo ran out of the room. The rest of my family were worried to death…… well not technically seeing that they are already dead. I didn't want to look at them. I was causing all the worry again.

A part in my mind was thinking of the possibility of my death. I realized that this might be my last day. Wouldn't I want my last moment in this life would be with her? The last thing I saw before my eyes close for eternity would be her face? The last thing I heard before ending would be her voice? The last thing I felt before being numb would be her warm touch?

Then what am I doing here? My eyes were sucked back into the gaze of her eyes. I smiled a weak smile and extended my hand to her. She stared at me confused before she took my hand. My heart beat again. But this time it wasn't one beat like first time. It beat hard and fast. Bum-bum-bum. Bumping against my hard ribs. Falling back and bumping again. It startled me at first, but Bella's human ears couldn't hear it from a distance, so I pretended like nothing happened. For her sake. If this was my last moment, I wouldn't want it to be spent with her fear. I want it to be spent with her love.

I pulled her to the piano and sat her on the bench. I excused myself for a moment to go tell something to Carlisle. They were all still standing where I left them.

"Um please, I need a private moment with Bella. Could you please allow me that?" I whispered. They all stared at me then nodded and disappeared from the house. I didn't mean to get them out of the house. I just wanted them to leave this floor. They could've stayed in their bedrooms or something. But this was better anyway.

In a second I was back with Bella. I sat beside her and lifted the lid off the black and white keys. My hand started flowing over the keys slowly as I wrapped my arm around Bella. She wrapped both of hers around me. I felt my heart beat again but I easily ignored it. I guessed that Bella heard it too because she stiffened slightly. But, thankfully, she didn't comment.

Somehow the unfamiliar tune I was playing changed to her lullaby. I just wanted to play it one more time. One last time……

"I love you Bella" I whispered to her, when the lullaby was nearly done. I needed to say it. One last time……

"I love you too Edward" She said and I saw her reach up to lay a gentle kiss on my cheek. I would miss that.

We sat for a while in a comfortable silence. I didn't feel the need to talk. I just held her.

"Edward I…" and then I felt her skin suddenly heat. She was blushing. I had to see that. So I pulled away to look at her red face.

"yes?" I urged when she didn't talk.

She blushed even more and then met my eyes, "promise you won't laugh"

"I promise" I said at once. I was curious.

"Did you ever what I usually do when you go hunting with Emmet?" She wondered.

I never thought about that. I just thought she went to so school like any normal day, "What do you do?"

Her blush, if possible, increased. And her skin almost felt like fire against my cold skin. "Well, I used to come here and give your family a headache by playing on your piano. Trying to make up any tune" She admitted flushed.

"Really?" I asked, amused. Why didn't she do that when I was here? I would've loved to watch her. "Did you come up with anything?" I asked curiously.

Her cheeks darkened and she looked at the floor, "just one" she mumbled.

My curiosity was out of control. I wanted so bad to hear her play but I didn't want to push her. "Will you let me hear it?" I whispered as I lifted her chin up with my finger. Once her eyes met mine her face went blank.

"Hear what?" She said after a moment of trying to control her heart.

I smiled, "The tune you came up with. Will you play it for me?"

"Well, I have to anyway" she muttered.

"What do you mean you have to? I won't force you. If you don't want…"

"Edward, relax" She laughed. "I have a reason why I have to let you hear it, even though it's so bad"

"And that reason is?" I asked.

She laughed, shaking her head, "I'll tell you after I play it"

I raised an eyebrow but then agreed. She looked the keys nervously and started counting them.

I knew what she was doing. She had the tune memorized by the number of the keys. I used to do that before I learned the real rules.

"Ok, here goes nothing" She muttered under her breath.

She started playing with her two index fingers on both hands but I barely noticed that as the tune was ……mesmerizingly soft. My mouth fell open and I stared at Bella who had her eyes fixed on the keys. Concentrating hard, making sure she wouldn't trip. The tune was so soft so sweet it wrapped around the both of us like a warm blanket. The simple notes filled the air with it's sweetness. I started swaying my head a bit with the music. They stunned me completely.

Bella had a small smile on her face when she was ending the tune. Proud of herself that she didn't trip once. It ended slowly and drifted into the softest ending anyone could ever imagine.

She looked up at me nervously, "Did you like it?" she whispered almost afraid from my answer.

"Bella…" I whispered. It took me a while to form a coherent sentence but it was hard, "it's beyond words Bella. Really. I can't tell you how incredible it is"

She smiled widely and then gave me a pen and a paper that were over the piano.

"Could you write it's notes, please?" she said with a very big smile.

I wanted to ask but I decided to do what she wanted first, "sure" I took the pen and the paper. It was easy to remember the tune in detail. Vampire minds can memorize things easily. I wrote it in less than three and a half seconds and then handed her the paper. She smiled and took it. She leaned over her knee and placed the paper there. She wrote something on top but her hair was covering it. She sat upright again and gave me the paper again.

I looked at her questioningly. She just nodded and put the paper in my hand. I stared at her then looked at the paper to see what she wrote.

Once I took one glance of what she wrote, I gasp and the paper fell from my hands.

"Bella?" I whispered unable to put more volume in my voice. She smiled and nodded slowly.

"You must be joking Bella. It can't be" I whispered in disbelief. In a second she was in my arms. I hugged her tightly. Stroking her hair and brushing her cheek. I felt my eyes start to sting from the urge to cry.

She wrote two words. Two words that stunned me. Two word's that made me unable to speak. Two words that were the biggest surprise.

Edward's lullaby

She wrote me a lullaby! Me? I couldn't believe it. My eyes stung harder and then I felt it again. My heart beat again, so surprising so quick. And to add up to all that I felt my eyes wet. Really wet. I wiped the……tears quickly before she could notice them. I pulled away and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you" I whispered gratefully. My breathing was hitched. I couldn't explain how happy I was.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I got it out. I had a message from Leo. I smiled at Bella and then looked at the message. I read it quickly.

"Bella" I whispered to myself. I wasn't calling her. I just understood what was going on. Bella was the reason behind this.

"Yes?" she asked confused.

I smiled and looked up at her, putting the phone back in my pocket. "That was Leo" I informed her. She was abruptly worried but when she saw the smile on my face she relaxed.

"And……?" She urged.

"Well, apparently I was so close to turning human that it was impossible to be saved. But I was. But that had it's side effects" I smiled.

"The beating heart?" She asked.

"Sort of. My heart won't beat all the time like yours"

"I don't understand"

I took her face in my hands and whispered, "only you could force these human reactions out of me. When you mentioned our wedding, I go excited and that forced a human reaction of enthusiasm which is an accelerating heart beat. When you told me that this is…..my lullaby it caused me tears. These reactions appear as an answer to something you said that made me happy or sad. But they only happen when we are touching" I explained.

She smiled and then she looked thoughtful.

She smiled again and said, "So what do you want to do now, Mr. Cullen? Would you like to spend sometime with Mrs-cullen-to-be?"

The sound of that satisfied me more than it should and I felt my heartbeat accelerate again.

Bella's face was stunned and she mouthed, "wow"

"what?" I asked confused.

She reached for my cheek slowly. She traced her fingertips along my cheek as she gazed into my eyes. She smiled and whispered, "You're even more breathtaking when you blush"

Me? Blush? That was awkward. I hid my head in her hair and pulled her close to me again.

"So….. I made your heart beat?" She asked after a while.

"No Bella. You are the beat itself. Right now I could finally tell you that my heart calls your name with every beat. You're the beat of my dead heart, love"

She sighed and hugged me tighter.

"Would you do something for me?" I wondered after a while.

She nodded against my chest.

"Will you hum my lullaby for me?" I asked shyly. She pulled back to look at me then a brilliant smile was on her face. She nodded then leaned her head back on my chest and I buried my face in her hair as she started to slowly hum, in her soft and gentle voice, my lullaby.

A/N: That's it you guys. The end. Hope you liked the ending and the whole story. I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you guys for everything. I'll post a new story so soon lol. I can't wait lol. Thank you guys again so much.