I'm back with my newest story. It's yaoi and it's kind of AU as it doesn't stick to the plot of the manga or anime over all. I hope you enjoy it.

I appreciate criticism. So if something disturbs you please tell me so I can edit it or take it out of the story.

Title: Simple Offer

Rating: NC17 overall (PG 13 this chapter)

Pairing: Roy/Ed

Warnings: Spoilers for the series, Yaoi, AU

Disclaimer: I'm playing with them, I don't OWN them.

Summary: A little offer and what came out of it.

It had been a simple offer. Just something the boy could rely on. If the older man had known what would come out of it he wouldn't have made the offer. Or would he?

First Time

Roy sat behind his desk and sighed heavily. He had just brought Ed back to the Tucker's estate. The boy had been unconscious but called for his mother and repeated 'I'm sorry' all over again. He couldn't even imagine what the blonde must have gone through in the night they had transmuted Trisha Elric.

Suddenly the door opened and the state's youngest National Alchemist entered the office with his younger brother behind him. He frowned at the dark-haired man behind his desk.

"Edward? Alphonse? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Tucker?"

He was really impressed that the brothers were standing in front of him despite what had happened just an hour before. The scowl deepened and the blonde glared at him.

"We got kicked out. Your friend Grant told us to leave Tucker alone."

The boy sat in one of the armchairs in front of Roy's desk and pouted.

"Well that is surprising."

The dark-haired man leaned back and let his smirk slip in place. Ed just rolled his eyes.

"So get us somewhere to stay or do you expect us to sleep under a bride?"

The lieutenant colonel looked at the 12-year old. How could he be so teenager-like when he just had been so vulnerable? He shook the thoughts away and called for Hawkeye.

"Lieutenant. Could you find out if there is a dorm room for our State Alchemist and his brother?"

The blond lieutenant looked at her dark-haired superior officer and answered right away.

"Sir, there are no rooms available tonight."

Roy looked at her and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Right. Some inspection of troupes from the South. I had forgotten they were here. Haven't seen one of them the entire week.", he muttered under his breath and sighed heavily. "So we have to find another place for those two to stay."

What a visionary thing to say. They searched for hours for somebody the Elrics could stay with. The dorms were out of question, the hotels were booked with guests for some sort of an event and well the only guest house that had free rooms was not in a situation where Roy would have let the boys stay over night. He also didn't want to send them to Hughes and his family so shortly after Elysia's birth. It wasn't that the Elrics would disturb the newborn's sleep but the other way around.

The time Roy had come back to his office the small blonde had curled up in the armchair dozing off. He looked down and sighed. They had tried to find a place for them to stay – they couldn't find one – and now the lieutenant colonel thought about the only place he could offer them – his own home. He groaned loudly. He had seen the blonde's temper already but also had seen his vulnerable side. He just hoped the boy was tired enough to be calm. As he looked down two golden orbs were glaring up at him.

"What?!", the blond boy growled.

"I have found a place for you two to stay."

The youth stretched and yawned.

"Good. I'm tired. Where are we staying?"

"With me."

Suddenly it was very silent in the office. Ed's mouth stand open and he gasped at the older man.

"No.", was the younger's answer after some moments.

"This or you will have to stay outside."


The young alchemist had been silenced by Roy's immense stare and looked away.

"Get your suitcase and follow me. We are driving to the house."

The boy followed the older man to the parking area. They drove to the two-storey house near a small park. It was small but it looked nice. Roy opened the front door and let them in. Edward was nearly asleep on his feet by now and the young officer mused that 9 pm must be the usual bed time for the kid. He let them upstairs to a small but comfortable guest room. It would be enough for tonight and tomorrow the raven-haired man would manage to get a dorm room for the brothers. But things hardly go the way the dark-haired man wants when he's not in the office.

He was woken by a scream in the middle of the night. After that he heard someone pleading for forgiveness. Roy recognised this voice. He had heard it just hours before in a military car. He rubbed his eyes and stood up to silence the 12-year old. He put his robe over his pyjamas and walked into the guest room where Alphonse was already kneeling next to his brother and tried to wake him.

"Nii-san, wake up. You're waking the whole neighbourhood. Come on, Nii-san."

The armour was shaking the small body but he couldn't get him out of a a very nasty kind of nightmare. Roy cleared his throat. The armour spun around and looked at him. He couldn't make out an emotion behind those glowing eyes.

"Lieutenant colonel. I- I'm sorry. Nii-san won't wake up. I tried but I can't get him to stop.", the younger Elric whined despite not being able to whine physically.

"It's okay. Everyone has nightmares. Would you let me try to wake him up?"

Alphonse stood up and made room for his brother's commanding officer to stay next to Ed's bed.

"Edward, wake up!"

He shook the small teen's shoulder but the kid just groaned and knitted his brows even further together. The older man sighed heavily. The alarm clock on the night stand showed 3 in the morning – just 3 more hours to sleep.

"Edward! Ed!" His words didn't effect the boy.

He sighed and looked down. The blonde was sweating and gripped his pillow tightly. The dark-eyed man knelt down and cupped the boy's cheeks in his hands.

"Edward, don't make me slap you."

The blonde squirmed and let out another cry before Roy couldn't hold out any longer. He slapped the boy and that did the trick. Edward was unfocused and breathing heavily. He swallowed several times before he even looked up at Roy and his little brother. The lieutenant colonel looked angry. The teen licked his lips and within moments realised that he had done something he hadn't done in years. He closed his eyes briefly and rubbed them with his real hand.

"I'm glad you're awake, Edward. Took you long enough."

The older man sighed and rubbed his own eyes. He was tired as hell and this whole 'waking-Ed-up' incident had lasted for thirty minutes. He sighed heavily.

"Now that we could get you out of your nightmare I hope we will get another two hours of steadily sleep. Good night. I'm going back to bed."

Roy was about to leave the room as Ed held him back. The young alchemist wasn't looking at him and his cheeks held a nice pink blush. The older man raised his eyebrow and looked down.

"What?" He peeled the hand from his sleeve. "Edward it's really late and Hawkeye will shoot me if I'm not at my best tomorrow – today."

The boy didn't look up yet.

"Al could you – could you get out just f- for a while. I- I need to talk to the lieutenant colonel for a bit."

He licked his lips and waited for the armour to walk out. It was humiliating enough with the dark-haired bastard alone but he didn't need his brother to see that he had done that and Al couldn't help him to get fresh bedsheets without Mustang noticing but it worked the other way around. He just hoped the lieutenant colonel wouldn't say anything about it. He didn't mean to do it. He sighed and sat up.

"So what is it what you have to tell me and nearly four in the morning?"

Roy had crossed his arms over his chest and waited growling for the answer. The blond teen looked up. The were a lot of emotions playing in those eyes. But the most outstanding was – fear? He raised an eyebrow but let his arms drop to his sides. Ed looked disgusted as he removed the blanket and stepped out of his given bed. Roy's eyes widened slightly as he saw the wet spot on the teen's boxers and the bed sheet. He would have expected a lot of things – maybe an apology – but this was just enough to make this night perfect. He sighed and was glad that he didn't place them with Hughes. He wouldn't survive the speech he would get from his best friend and self-appointed parental substitute for the Elrics. He rubbed his eyes for the hundredth time that night – at least he felt that way and nodded.

He gathered the sheets and blankets together and motioned for Ed to follow him. He put the stained bedding into the washing bin and turned to the teen who was standing behind him with downcast head chewing his bottom lip.

"You should get out of your clothing and shower." He let him into the master bathroom and showed him how the shower worked this late at night when it was hard to get hot water out of it. "Do you have something to change with you?" A single nod was his only answer. "Okay. So take a shower and then come into the master bedroom. As you're bed is', he looked down at the teen, 'dirty you will have to sleep in my bed as well."

He heard Ed breathing hard and got a nod as response. Just as he walked out of the bathroom he was called back.

"Thanks, lieutenant colonel. For – for everything tonight."

Despite himself the young officer smiled and left the teen alone to air the mattress in the guest room. As he was done he walked downstairs where Alphonse was sitting on the couch with his hands resting in his lap. He looked up as he heard somebody coming down the steps.

"Is nii-san alright?"

Roy cam over and nodded.

"He's fine. His nightmare had have some other effects on his body and he wanted to be the cool big brother for you. Nothing to worry about."

"So I can go back upstairs to his room?"

The older man hesitated for a brief moment before he answered the younger Elric with a reasoning smile.

"Well. Actually he asked me if he could sleep in my room. He was cold. Why don't you go into my study and read a book or two until we have to leave for work?"

Al was suspicious at first but forgot it as soon as Roy had mentioned books. The dark-haired man let him into the study where he kept all his alchemy books and journals. He just hoped the boy would find something interesting until they had have breakfast and the older man had cleaned up the guest room.

The armour boy looked at the books and as he found some he was interested in, Roy left him alone. At the time he was upstairs again the shower wasn't running any more and the bath room door stood open. He walked into his own bedroom where a pair of sleepy golden eyes looked up to him. Ed hadn't laid down yet and was still sitting on the edge of the bed. Roy raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I didn't know which side you normally sleep on and I didn't want to take your side.", the teen mumbled and blushed lightly.

Roy just smiled, shook his head and got to the other side of the bed motioning Ed to lay down beside him. The teen's eyes closed nearly the instant his head hit the pillow. He breathed softly and curled up under the blankets. Soon after Roy let himself drift to sleep as well.

AN.: This chapter plays before Ed got his state title as Fullmetal Alchemist. That's why Roy is calling him Ed instead of Fullmetal.