part 2

El Tigre and Frida ran towards the sound of the alarm until they found themselves at the source, Miracle City's gold fort, where all the gold owned by Miracle City was. El Tigre looked around. "All the guards are down, Frida! Who did this?!" Just as he finished his sentence, they heard the familiar cackling of Sartana of the Dead.

"AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!" She looked down to see El Tigre and Frida, as she expected. "El Tigre! Are..." she sniffed. "are you wearing... cologne?"

El Tigre turned red under his mask and looked at Frida.

"hahahahahha dude, you're wearing cologne? hahaha are you trying to impress me?" Frida said while laughing.

El Tigre rolled his eyes and threw his grappling hook hand at Sartana, who he thought was still distracted, but instead she was ready with a quick counter-attack and shot one of her concussion laser beams from her guitar at him, and hit El Tigre right in the lower stomach. He was out, and his belt was off. Manny, with the blackness of unconciousness hovering at the corners of his vision, watched his belt slide off of him from the power of the blast, and just as he passed out, he thought he might have saw a hand grab it.

Frida watched with horror in her saphirre blue eyes Manny being pummled by Saratana and then his belt falling off, with Manny slamming against the fort's wall unconcious. Anger acually swelled up within her, and she grabbed the El Tigre belt flying by her, and quickly slapped it on and turned the belt buckle turning into, yet again, La Tigressa. Sartana watched in amazement.

"uh oh" Sartana mumbled humbly.

"Sartana! Prepare to meet the wrath of LA TIGRESSA!"

Frida threw a fist at Sartana, and she dropped the gold on her back, Sartana shot a barrage of laser fire at Frida, but her heightened senses let her dodge all of them. Frida ran past Saratna too fast for Sartana to see, and shot her fist right into the back of her guitar, completly smashing it. Frida winced looking at that precious, finely tuned guitar being smashed. The guitar let out one loud note and then fell into a pile of wood on the ground.. Sartana was laughing in her final moments. "HAHAHAHA FOOL! You have just summond my finest death squad from the grave! No one has survived its attack!" She then fell into a pile of bones.

Frida's triumphent feeling quickly melted away when she looked into the street and saw 100 skeleton banditos rise from the ground and advance toward her. La Tigressa's eyes narrowed, and she only said three simple words softly. "Bring it on."

Manny woke up, and heard the sound of bones falling to the ground, but it wasn't one bone, it was hundreds of bones. Manny looked up, with a tremendous amount of effort and pain, and saw what looked like Frida smashing skeleton bandito's to the ground, without a schratch on Frida. Woah! She's on fire! Manny thought, he then watched her defeat the last skeleton bandito and it fell into a pile of broken bones. Frida saw Manny and she ran over to him. She took the belt off and handed it to Manny. "Here Manny, sorry but I had to do it."

"Woah! Frida that was awesome! Hey, anytime something like that happens you can take my belt!

"hahaha thanks, dude. Guess we missed the movie though"

"Who cares about the movie. As long as I have you I'm happy."

Manny picked up the now very tired Frida in his arms and carried her home, and luckily her dad was not watching.

Manny took Frida to her room and laid her on her bed.

"Thanks Manny."

"Don't mention it Frida. What are best... I mean boyfriends for?"

"To carry me and tend to my every whim" Frida said tiredly with a chuckle.

They both stared into eachother's eyes for a long time, and then Manny gave her a long kiss goodbye, one full of emotion and made Frida blush. Though it was not a regular date, (then again, she was not a regular girl. How many girls are side-kick to their superpowered boyfriends?) it was definetly the perfect first date. Manny told her goodbye, and before she could even watch him leave, she fell asleep.

the end


Well, I'm done with that one. I really made it up as I went along, so if some parts don't fit in with others, that's why. I'm didn't go to school today (thanks to a little thing called mono, i won't be going for 2 weeks. YAY!), so I figured I'd finish this, but i meant to yesterday. I came home and I was so tired I layed down on my bed and fell asleep and didn't wake up till now haha. So yea, enjoy! and everyone LEAVE A COMMENT! Oh and thanks for the good reviews on my last chapter! Bye!