A/N: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews! Life has been hectic and unfortunately I was unable to find time to write. However, recently I've become inspired again and I would like to continue this story since Em/JJ will forever be my favorite couple. Thanks again for sticking with me and I promise I won't abandon this story.

The pain was a dull ache but she could still feel it hovering in her lower abdomen. Her brain began to clear and JJ remembered a baby; blonde peach fuzz, blue eyes, good set of lungs: Tristan. As she opened her eyes she saw the two most wonderful people in her life and just laid there for a moment drinking in the splendor of it. Emily held their new baby and slowly rocked him to sleep and quietly sang him a lullaby. JJ couldn't understand the words so she assumed it was in another language; one of the many that Emily could speak.

"Chiudi gli occhi mio tresor, Dolce amor, dolce amor. Fa la nanna sul mio cuore, Dolce amor, dolce amor. Fa la nanna sul mio cuore." Emily had heard that lullaby for years and it was the first one that came to mind to soothe her newborn son. Then the thought hit her like a ton a bricks. This small human was now her responsibility; he was dependent upon her for his every need. She wasn't sure if she felt anxious, nervous, ecstatic, happy or all of the above. The brunette stared at the little bundle and envisioned a brand new future; one that she was happy to meet head on.

"I like the sound of that lullaby. What did it mean?" JJ barely spoke above a whisper but it was enough to startle Emily and she nervously chuckled as she laid Tristan in JJ's open arms.

"It's called, Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin or Sleep, Sleep, Beautiful Child in English. I heard it often at the churches in Italy. The nuns would sing it to the orphans before they went to sleep. It was the first one that came to mind." She gently kissed her girlfriend and son on their foreheads before continuing. "The doctors just brought him in. He's perfect, JJ." She beamed down at the most amazing scene she had ever witnessed. "This is a family. This is what life is all about. Now I can come home to the most amazing part of life and leave the demons of my job at the door." She thought to herself.

JJ looked up into chocolate eyes and she couldn't catch her breath. The love pouring out engulfed her in flames and she didn't want to imagine a better feeling. She also never believed anyone could ever make her feel so amazing by just one look. "This is where I belong. Right here in this moment, I love without abandon and I don't want to run anymore." JJ let herself fall completely for the brunette and knew that her heart would never belong to another.

"I love you, JJ." Their small bubble was popped with a soft rapt on the door and Hotch popped his head in the room. Emily waved him and the rest of the team in and for the first time in months the team was able to unwind without the depravity of humanity weighing on their minds.

JJ motioned for Reid to come closer and handed Tristan to him. Morgan came over and started giving him lessons on holding an infant. Garcia smiled and Emily noticed her best friend start to cry. They exchanged a look and Emily couldn't imagine a better father figureā€¦other than Hotch. The team stayed for an hour or so until everyone started to file out and give their congratulations. Hotch was the last one to leave, "I'm assuming Will came in and told you the news. Oh, and if you guys need a lawyer I'm available. There's a second parent adoption law that would allow Emily to be on the birth certificate and have full parental rights." He hovered in the doorway and Emily realized that he had worked his magic once again.

"Thanks, Hotch. We will definitely be looking into that. Oh, and the Christmas party is still on. You guys won't get out of Secret Santa presents that easily." She chuckled and Hotch shut the door quietly to give the new family some much needed peace.