Disclaimer: I own nothing of Gossip Girl

A/N: This is my first fanfic, so reviews are strongly encouraged and highly appreciated

"B!?" Blair rolled her eyes as she heard Serena call from the floor below.

"Blair I- Blair!" She barged into Blairs room to find her in bed with her covered with a pillow.

"Blair get up now!" She hauled the sheets off and opened the curtains causing Blair to be slightly blinded by the light. Blair propped herself up on her elbows and glared at Serena, "What's up, S?" Blair asked with feigned ignorance. The blond was already hauling clothes out of the closet and flicking them on the couch.

"Are you robbing me?"

"Very funny, Blair. Now get up. We're late"

"I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about" Blair said with a sign as she lay back on the bed, she made a grab for the sheets Serena had unceremoniously torn off of her earlier, but failed when her friend jumped on the bed, sitting on the bunched up bedclothes.

"Listen, B, I know you are not happy about this but it will be good for you" Serena looked at her petite friend with a sad face. "Come on, I promise it will be fun" she said after a few minutes. With that she jumped up and grabbed Blairs arms and started trying to haul her from the bed.

"SERENA" Blair shrilled "You're going to kill me!"

Serena let go when Blair was finally sitting up. "Stop being a drama queen and get ready! The boys will be here any minute!"

Blair grimaced. The boys. Perfect. Two weeks in the Dominican with her annoyingly perky best friend, her ex-boyfriend, and then there was Chuck. The very same Chuck who had broken her heart and left her halfway across the world, completely alone. Blair sat on the edge of the bed thinking about the trip, her mind slowly drifted to Chuck. Ever since she returned from Paris he had been uncharacteristically charming. He always wore his famous smirk but he seemed to be less... Chuck. She, on the other hand had never been such a bitch to him. She did her best to avoid him but when it was inevitable she made sure he knew he no longer meant anything to her, and of course it was true how could-


Blair shook out of her thoughts and gave Serena a cold look.

She came and sat by her friend and took her hand, "Look Blair, I know this is going to be a bit hard for you. I mean with Chuck-

Blair ripped her hand away, "Chuck? Ha. Why would Chuck make this hard for me? He is nothing to me." Blair finished with a look that told Serena the conversation was over. She smiled sweetly "Now, if you will excuse me I have to get ready" Serena gave her a sad smile and left to wait downstairs.

Blair walked out of her bathroom 20 minutes later. She was looking in her closet for something appropriate for the plane ride, when a soft knock came at her door. God what was Serena's problem! It was Chucks dads private plane. It would wait! She rolled her eyes, "come in". She heard the door open slowly and close lightly. Blair continued to search her closet, this was a tough decision. A few minutes passed and she realized Serena had yet to say anything.

Blair whipped around to face the door "I am hurry-" but stopped mid sentence when she saw Chuck leaning lazily on the wall.

"Get out, Chuck" Her face was set in stone.

He looked her up and down. It was only now Blair became aware that she was only in a towel. She quickly wrapped her arms around her body and stared down at the floor. This action was not lost on Chuck.

"Relax Waldorf, I was just announcing our arrival" he pushed off the wall and walked towards her. She shifted and stepped back a bit, looking all around the room, anywhere but at him.

Chuck was aware of just how uncomfortable Blair was with her body. It was one of the many things she was highly insecure about. Yes, Chuck was aware of it, though he would never understand it.

He approached her slowly and gently took her arms and put them at her sides. She looked up into his eyes and he could see the vulnerability in them. He placed his hands on her hips and bent down to kiss her gently on the cheek. Blair closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. He looked back into her eyes, their faces barely touching. "You look absolutely beautiful, no matter what you wear". He turned and left the room. Leaving Blair completely stunned in the middle of the room.

As Chuck made his way back down the stairs Serena came out of the living room. As he reached the bottom she pushed him. "Chuck!" she yelled. He merely straightened out his shirt and glared at her. "What the hell is your problem! Don't bother her!"

"Calm down, Van der Woodsen. I was simply letting her know that we had arrived." He stalked past her to join Nate in the study. Serena rolled her eyes and followed. The three sat in uncomfortable silence until Blair entered 45 minutes later. "Shall we?" she was smiled. The three got up and started to walk out of the room.

"Chuck? A moment?" she said a little to sweetly.

Serena whipped around to give Blair a confused look and glare at Chuck. Nate simply didn't notice.

Chuck stopped, clearly surprised, but grinned "Of course, Blair" When Serena gave her a pleading look Blair replied "It will only take a minute" and closed the door on her friend. She turned around to face him with a sneer.

"I just wanted to tell you to stay out of my room" she said harshly

Chuck grinned "Whatever you say, Blair" and began to walk past her towards the door. Blair was shocked to say the least. She didn't think he would give up that easily. She grabbed his arm as he passed. He turned around to face her, few inches separating them. "Is there something else I can do for you?" He said in almost a whisper. She looked straight into his eyes then down at his lips. She wanted to make sure he was clear that he was not to bother her, but she had forgot this control he had over her when he was close. "Blair?" she looked away and shook her head. Taking a step back she cleared her throat. "Yes, I want to make it perfectly clear that you understand what I said" He closed the gap she created between them. "I understand" he said. He leaned into her ear, " I will not enter your room unless you ask" he breathed. He felt her stiffen as he spoke.

A lifted his head to look into her eyes and he was greeted with the same vulnerability as before. He placed both hands on either side of her face, half expecting her to pull away, when she didn't gently pressed his lips to hers.

Blair felt her knees give out beneath her. She grabbed his shirt for support and hungrily began kissing him back. He noticed her legs become weak so he removed his hands from her face and replaced them on her hips pulling her closer to him. After a few minutes Blair pulled away and shook her head. "No way, Chuck. Don't ever touch me again." With that she stormed out of the room. He smiled and began to follow. He knew she still liked him as much as she would like to deny it. He knew she became putty under his touch.

Serena shot him a glare when she saw him. Chuck had refrained from telling Blair she now had lipstick all around her mouth. Serena pulled Blair off to the side to tell her. Blair looked absolutely mortified and shot Chuck a look that could kill before Serena took a napkin and removed it from her friends face with a disappointed look.

Chuck slapped Nate on the back and with a smile declared "This will be a fun two weeks"