First Biker Mice from Mars fic I've done. I've liked this series since I was a kid, and when I saw it again on Fox Kids the creative fluids in my brain started flowing. I'll admit at first I really didn't like the new artwork, especially for Charley, but it kind of grew on me.

Heh, it was actually kind of funny. I was baby sitting for my little sister when it came on the T.V. and I literally shrieked in surprise. Next thing I knew I was going home with her after the episode and digging out all my old tapes so we could have a marathon. Worth every cardboard box I had to tear open 'till I found them.

Anyway, I wanted to write something, and this kind of came from it. It's short, and may see more chapters if people like it. If not, it works well enough as a one-shot.

WARNING! This story contains implications of guy/guy feelings. It's small, but it is there. If you don't like it then don't read.

Also, I don't own BMFM. If I did I think there would have been a bit more swearing. I mean come on, they are bikers after all.

Don't Worry

Vinnie knew the relationship was over the second he'd heard the screaming. He'd heard Throttle upset before, and knew the guy was much too collected to loose control like that unless he was really upset. Sound annoyed? Yes. Hit someone? Yes. But to actually scream, that was a whole new ballpark.

And it wasn't hard to hear the other voice screaming back on the communicator. Carbine had always had a set of lungs, and no reservation about using them. Vinnie didn't stick around outside the door to hear whatever was being said, it wasn't any of his business, and he knew what he'd hear afterwards. So he beat feet and made sure he wasn't near Throttle when he stormed out of the scoreboard and to his beloved motorcycle.

Vinnie wasn't worried. He knew Throttle could handle himself, even as Modo brought up the fact that he might do something stupid. Throttle was strong, and not just physically. He'd get past this.

Vinnie wasn't worried.

Throttle's attitude lasted for over a week. He barely spoke to his bros, trashed Limburger's goons with more ferocity than was normal, and had started avoiding Charley like the plaque. Vinnie never asked what the fight was about, since he had a hunch he already knew, especially when the name had been screamed out by Carbine. Poor Charley-girl was a good friend to all three of them, but just a friend, and not everyone understood that. He'd didn't think Carbine would have approach that territory but he'd been wrong about women before.

Vinnie knew Throttle would get over it. Knew that Throttle would eventually calm down and talk when he was ready. He figured he'd go to Modo or Charley to talk things out and it'd all be okay again.

Vinnie hadn't figured he'd find his leader sitting on top of the scoreboard at six in the morning, just staring off in the sky. The stars were still out, but the inky darkness was starting fade to blue. Throttles sunglasses were off, and it only took Vinnie a moment to decide he had elsewhere to be.

"What are you doing up so early?" Throttle said just as he was turning to leave.

"Ah, nothing much Bro," he replied. "Charley-girl asked me to come over."

"Things going that well between you two?" He sounded both surprised and bitter.

Any other time Vinnie would have made a comment about his 'sweetheart', but whatever some people may have thought of him, he wasn't insensitive. Now wasn't the time and he wasn't about to rub in his leader's face a relationship that wasn't even there.

It also wasn't the time to reveal why there was no relationship, at least on Charley's part. She hadn't known about Carbine at first, and Vinnie had seen the looks she'd often shot Throttle when the tan mouse wasn't looking. It was okay to flirt with her, because they both knew it wasn't truly anything serious.

"She needed some help in the shop," Vinnie answered and walked over to sit next to him and plopped down. "She's worried about you."

"She shouldn't be," Throttle muttered. "I'm fine."

"Throttle, that's a damn lie and you know it," Vinnie snapped. "Look, you want to be pissed, that's cool. You gotta work through this, and I'm not going to tell you not to, but don't go around and say you're okay when you're not."

"She accused me of caring more for Charley than her," Throttle confessed. "She says she understands there's a job to do on Earth, but that Mars needs me too, and anyone could handle this place. She said I have other reasons for staying."

"Ah, come on Bro," Vinnie sad with a smile and friendly punch in the arm. "We both know you love her. Just cause she don't-"

"Vincent, just shut up okay," Throttle sighed. "I'm not interested in the pep talk. We both know you don't know how this feels."

"Well, no lady has ever burned me, yeah," he admitted, even though he knew damn well was his friend meant. "What girl would start a fight with my charms? I'm too irresistible to risk loosing."

"I meant you don't know what it's like to be in love."

The remark had been harsh, and Throttle did not look bad for saying it. Vinnie sighed and stood up.

"Throttle, you're a tough guy, and I don't think this is going to drag you down forever. I'm not going to spout a whole bunch of better to have loved and lost crap to make you feel better. I trust in you enough to know you'll move on."

And with that he left, not really angry… but kind of hurt. He'd never been in love? Ha. But right now wasn't the time to be angry with his friend. Throttle had the right to be upset, and Vinnie could take the onslaught. The tan Martian would make it and it wouldn't matter what had been said.

Vinnie couldn't be the one to cheer him up. Jokes and snarky comments weren't going to help. He needed something more than what Vinnie could offer.

"Oh Modo," he said sweetly as he approached the larger mouse's hammock. "Wake up darling."

Modo twitched lightly before Vinnie put his hands underneath him and flipped the thing, causing the gray mouse to tumble to the ground.

"Hey," he grumbled. "What's the big idea?"

"We got work to do big guy," he said. "Charley-girl too."

"Throttle?" Modo asked.

He nodded.

Vinnie knew what he was doing when he took Modo with him to the Last Chance Garage. He knew what it was going to take to make Throttle be okay. He needed someone who could listen and not hurt him further. Charley didn't even protest when the two mice suggested to her and left them to handle things at the shop. They weren't on the level of her skill, but they could handle the workload between the two of them.

"Think he'll talk to her?" Modo asked.

"Sure, who could resist that sweet thing?" Vinnie laughed out.

Things went well, at least that's what Vinnie heard at the end of the day. He doubted Charley-girl would go into all the details of how she had fought to get him to talk to her.

Of course, he knew they'd just talk. Charley had self-respect and had no intention of jumping at the tan mouse right after a break-up. It wasn't right in her mind, and she knew the risk to her heart if the two mice were to suddenly to get back together. Still, she could be the presence that Throttle needed, and Vinnie knew it.

And when he and Modo got home, Throttle did seem to be doing better.

Vinnie knew he hadn't needed to worry.

Hw wasn't surprised when she starting talking to Throttle more privately over the next few weeks. It didn't even bother him that much. Hell, he'd been flirting with her for years. If she'd wanted him, she would have said so a long time ago. He wasn't hurt. Acting the way he did was second nature to him, and both he and Charley knew that while he thought she was special, a large part of it was play.

Those two would be good together, and Vinnie was okay with it.

He found Throttle again on the scoreboard, just like he had been positioned a full month ago now.

"Hey, my man," he said as he approached him. "What's up?"

"Just watching the sun rise," Throttle answered. "Going to help Charley again?"

"Nah," he answered. "That's your area now."

"I'm sorry man," he said softly. "I never should have said that stuff."

"S'no problem," Vinnie said.

"I can't do this with her though," Throttle said. "We don't feel that way for each other, and even if we did, it'd just be proving Carbine right."

Vinnie thought that Throttle was either completely ignorant about Charley's feelings, or he was just trying to deny it.

"Carbine made you choose between her and a whole planet then blamed you when she didn't get what she wanted," Vinnie argued. "And we both know she would have been ticked if you had done it to her. She's being a hypocrite, and you don't need to blame yourself."

"You want me with Charley?" Throttle asked.

Vinnie didn't answer. It didn't matter what he wanted, but what Throttle needed. And Throttle needed someone who cared for him, who loved him and could treat him well. Throttle was he kind of guy that needed someone to take care of too. He liked to feel needed, but needed someone who was tough enough to take care of themselves when it was necessary.

"I want you to feel better Bro," he answered. "Give her a chance."

Vinnie was grateful when Throttle didn't argue. He wasn't one for emotional talks, never knew what to say. It was better for him to be the egotistical but well meaning goofball. He could fit that role in Throttle's life just fine. He was comfortable with that.

He could act like he didn't care.

Throttle didn't know, and that was best. That way Vinnie didn't have to worry. He wouldn't have to wonder how his bro would react, how he would treat Vinnie afterwards. He respected Throttle, and honestly wanted him to be happy. Carbine had ended it, and Charley could pick up the pieces. Throttle'd fight it, but he wasn't the type of guy who could stay alone for long.

And if anyone saw Vinnie acting odd, they'd think it was over Charley. If he ever faltered then no one would think anything of it, and he'd be able to blow off any questions with a quick smile and joke. No one would guess who it was he really wanted. No one would ever consider that the self-proclaimed lady's man would care that way about his bro.

It'd be okay.

Vinnie wasn't worried.


Okay, short but not so sweet. This originally started as Vinnie giving up on Charley to give her to Throttle, but somehow morphed into this. I think it gives it an original flair, even though it did make me feel bad for Vinnie.

If anyone liked it, let me know please. If not, well review anyway if you could. The only thing I don't want to hear is "Two guys? Gross!" If that was the only reason you don't like it, then tough, because you were warned. And it's not like anything happened.

Also, my beta seems to have been misplaced. She hasn't answered any of my e-mails in weeks, or I'm thinking either she's no longer interested or too busy with the real world to write me back. I hope it's the later, because I really thought she did a good job. As it is, I'm sort of betaless right now. I tried to go through my own work as best I could to make sure it was error free, but I'll admit I know what I meant to write, so sometimes I skim over it without even meaning too.

So if this had any errors that were just so obvious yet I somehow still missed it, let me know and I'll fix it.