Title: Seeing Green

Disclaimer: Supernatural and Angel do not belong to me.

Summary: Drabble! Angel didn't like Sam but he had his reasons.

Sam liked Spike.

Gunn shook his head. He would have guessed Sam would like Angel and Dean would get chummy with Spike.

Dean didn't like either of them. "Vampires," he said. "I can't get used to it."

Angel came up behind him. He watched Sam and Spike talking animatedly, with Spike occasionally drinking from his bottle of blood and snacking on Cheez-Its. "Looks like Spike's got a fan." His voice was moody.

Gunn's lips twitched. That was another thing. Angel couldn't stand Sam. He was too much of a know-it-all, he was too stubborn, and…he thought William the Bloody was way cooler than Angelus.

What do you think?