Note from author:

Disclaimer: None; sue me. I dare you. You've screwed up our couple and left us fans in turmoil. I can just see the court room packed with GSR fans ready to shred the owners to pieces so go ahead, make my day….sue me!

Another disclaimer: I have been referred to as the Queen of Angst. I can understand that but I always leave our couple in a very happy place. Given that, YOU CBS, should be taken out back and horse whipped for making us GSR fans (loyal fans at that) go through eight years of crap only to begin the ninth year with more crap. As my readers often tell me, where the hell is the fluff and the happy ending? Fix it! Don't make us come to Hollywood….By the way, it wouldn't be too hard to figure out where you live….okay, I'm calming….some.

Why the rant?

Okay, so almost everyone who watched last night's departure of Jorja Fox on CSI once again is feeling cheated, pissed and well…feeling the urge to hop a bus, train, plane, etc and go beat the crap out of everyone involved in CSI Vegas. I certainly did (just ask Peggy47). I thought we needed something with a little humor, mild angst, fluff and lots of GSR. So, here is the story. Now, this is my alternate universe. Come along and play with me for a few days. I think we need this. Oh, by the way, it is less than ten chapters...I know some of my loyal readers just fainted or are laughing hysterically...Penny...with a short story...yep the world is coming to an end. LOL. Shut up and read. And oh, since I'm already in a fowl mood because of CBS be sure to leave a review for every chapter... I mean it!

Take care,


Facing Sara's Temper

Her eyes followed him as he walked down the hall past the break room. Her hand gripped her coffee mug and for a moment Greg contemplated ducking as she lifted it into midair. One thrust and it could have no doubt sailed with intent to do bodily harm. Her hand curled bringing the empty coffee cup to her side as she walked over and placed it in the sink.

Sara Sidle was a dead shot.

Her talent was not hidden from anyone.

She could easily toss an object with dead accuracy.

Greg swallowed as he saw the sheer anger seething to get out.

Her actions did not go unnoticed by Nick as he glanced at Greg.

It was not wise to piss off Sara Sidle.

She was sweet and kind but she could easily kick your ass. Her temper was something to take serious. She shrugged her shoulders as if tossing off some evil demon attached to her back as her long legs made haste.

Once her body was out of sight, Greg stood. "Never seen Sara this pissed before," whispered Greg.

"Wonder who's to blame?" asked Nick.

"Just glad it isn't me," Greg said.

She watched as he made his rounds.

It was nothing new.

He did this all the time. She slowly tracked him like a wild animal ever so quiet and yet she did not hide her actions. It was purposeful and she was determined to talk with him. She would wait for the perfect moment, swirl him around and make him look directly in her eyes. He owed her that much. She did not deserve any more of this bullshit. She was tired of him retreating within himself once he had ventured out and actually became human enough to let his emotions be seen.

She had seen more emotions from him in the last twenty four hours than she had seen in six years. It had not even been intentional. It was not even her fault. For once, she could say that she did not pursue Gil Grissom but rather he had pursued her.

Of course that was now in the past and for some reason he was making sure that they were back to their old antics again.

Well, she was having none of that. She was not going to settle for a mere glance or slight of tongue while no one was around. She was quite sick of it all. By God, she was going to make Gil Grissom admit that just a few hours ago, he had given in to his desires just as she had and the cat and mouse game had come to an end.

She had given up.

She had thoroughly given up and it had scared the shit out of him.

For once in the last six years, the table had been reversed.

No longer was Sara the cat ever chasing after the elusive mouse, Gil Grissom.

No, yesterday, she had given it all up.

She had washed her hands of it.

She had retreated like the mouse but he had pursued her with intent to catch her.

It had been a dangerous endeavor by his part.

She had been thoroughly pissed and hurt and needing to flee but he had boldly stopped her.

She had contemplated the many ways to kill and hide a body.

They had just witnessed how a man had stealthily gotten away with the murders of two people.

One had been a former lover.

She did not think she would ever forget Grissom's words as he sat there and talked to Lurie as if he were an old friend.

He had crushed any hope she held out for him to come around.

She had left with a purpose that evening.

She was done.

She was thoroughly done.

But, Gil Grissom had done the unthinkable and had chased her.

She had cursed like a sailor and had threatened to do him bodily harm if he did not let go of her and yet he continued knowing that she could very easily make good on her threat.

Now, the fury had passed as Gil Grissom had done what he said he could never do.

He had risked it.

And it was good.

It was damn good.

She had felt vindicated for all the nights of lying alone in tears for the man who refused to accept the fact that he loved her.

None of it mattered now.

She had Gil Grissom.

They had gone their separate ways.

She had not even minded.

She was too exhausted to do anything more.

She knew that when she woke and returned to work the next day, it would be different.

It would be gloriously different.

There would no longer be the need for the cat and mouse game.

She had won by giving up.

Sara Sidle had been happy.

She had dressed quickly, made her way to the office and had waited in eager anticipation for him to come to work. She had smiled her infamous Sidle smile when she had seen him walking down the hall. His eyes met hers and the smile faded. She had seen the look before. She knew exactly what it meant.

It was regret.

She shouldn't have been surprised.

She should have actually expected it.

Okay Sidle, get a grip…

It's just a slight set back…

He can't erase what happened…

He can pretend…

He knows…

I know…

That's all that matters…

She stood there and waited for him to come to his office. Her eyes followed him to every stop throughout the lab. She could have easily closed her eyes and knew where he was at each minute. He was a creature of habit. He entered the lab at the same hour each day, made the same stops along the way to his office, stopping off to get coffee and then retreating to his office until the others arrived.

She would just wait.

He arrived with coffee cup in hand.

She stood there and waited for him to acknowledge her presence.

He did.

He asked her to sit down.

She did.

He stared point blank at her.

She returned the stare.

"I want you to know this doesn't change anything," he said.

She blinked.

She blinked again.

She bit down on her lower lip as if staving off the curse words that threatened to erupt.

He stared at her as if her reaction seemed odd.

She nodded as she got up.

"Last night doesn't change how you feel?" she asked.

"No…it doesn't."

She nodded again.


Her hand went up in a flash.

He sat there and watched as she struggled to maintain some composure.

"You uhm pursued this…not me. I told you to let me go…you followed me home…I told you to get out of my apartment…you didn't…I told you to stay out of my life if you had no intention of…you did and now you want to just pretend…"


Her hand flew up again. "I'm not doing this. I'm finished with this stupid game. It hurts too much. I resigned myself that we would never be together but then you…and you want me to just act as if…I'm done! You hear me? I'm done! I wish I didn't have these feelings…I wish I could erase the last six years. I wish I had never gone to that damn seminar. I wish I didn't know you."

He sat there and watched as she stormed out of his office.

He knew better than to go after her at this moment.

He had seen just hours ago the depth of her temper and felt it was best to let her cool down and let calm return.

He stood there handing out assignments as if nothing had ever happened.

But, it had happened.

Her body was proof.

It was sore from the lovemaking but it also felt rejuvenated as if he had awakened something that had been dormant.

His eyes avoided any trajectory that might encompass her.

She fumed.

It was as if it had never happened.

She grabbed the assignment and bolted from the room before anyone could stand.

The others glanced at one another as Grissom sifted through his papers hell bent on not letting them see how he felt like a complete and utter ass for treating her like shit.

It had not been his intention.

The shift grudged along and the others stayed clear of her line of fire. She worked like a speed demon and had returned to the office well before the end of shift. She had even seemed to calm down as she sat in the break room with the others.

But then something had rekindled the storm.

And now she was following him once again.

He stopped and talked with Hodges.

She waited a few feet behind.

He's not getting away…

He's going to face me…

The calm before the storm, Sara…

He grabbed some files and proceeded.

His tracker continued.

She was not deterred when he stopped again to talk with Catherine.

She glanced back when she heard her name.

It was Hodges.

One look and he decided it could wait.

She turned and found that Grissom had disappeared.

Her eyes scanned his usual stops and she was at a loss at how he had escaped.


You're losing your edge, Sara…

Just corner him and make him admit it…

Force him to…

She leaned against the doorway of the evidence room and closed her eyes.

Calm down, Sara…

He's not worth this anger…

Calm down…

I should just kick his ass…

I am not putting up with this anymore…

I wish I had never met him…

She felt the door give way and thought she could catch herself.

That is, until her head hit the floor and for a moment there were bright lights then stars followed by blessed peace.

She cursed when she felt the wetness on her forehead.

She swiped at it only to have her hand pushed aside.

"I think she's coming to," said someone.

"Where's doc?" asked Grissom.

"Shouldn't we move her?" asked Greg.

"She took a nasty hit on the head," said Grissom. His hand gently reached back and tried to assess the back of her head.

He felt guilty when she moaned from the gesture. He quickly removed his hand which set off panic when it was covered with blood.

"Oh shit," muttered Nick. "This is bad. Someone call an ambulance!"

They watched as blood slowly oozed from the back of her head.

"Oh damn!" said Warrick.

Doc hobbled down the hallway and shoved the others to the side.

"What happened?" he asked.

"She was leaning against the door and fell backwards when I opened it," said Grissom excitedly.

"Roll her gently to the side," said Doc.

She moaned once again.

"She's got quite a nasty cut on her head. She's going to need stitches," he said. "Probably a concussion…hell she could have cracked her skull with this much blood."

Grissom cursed. "I didn't know," he said.

I swung the door open…

I never should have used such force…

I was angry…

Hell what was she doing leaning against the door?

They watched as the paramedics arrived.

Warrick and Nick swore when they saw Hank.

"What's wrong?" asked Grissom.

"It's Hank," said Nick.

Grissom looked confused for a moment. "Hank Peddigree?"

"That's Peddigrew," said Hank.

"He cheated on Sara," whispered Nick.

Grissom glanced at Hank and then at Sara.

"You don't touch her," said Grissom pointing to Hank. "Your partner treats her."

Hank nodded angrily. "Tom, you take the lead on this one."

The men watched as they loaded Sara on the gurney and prepared her for transport.

"Her pulse is low," said Tom. "Call ahead. We may have a crash and burn en route."

"A crash and burn?" asked Grissom.

"Cardiac arrest," said Tom as they hurried down the hall.


Okay, I am going to release chapter two as well so no panic attacks...please...the humor kicks in soon ...what don't believe me? Think I write for CBS?

Don't make me leave another disclaimer...

Take care,
