The Broomstick Premise

So! A new Harry Potter crossover with SG-1. This should be pretty much in good fun, but since stories tend to wind around and end up in a different area then I intended when I start them, we'll just have to see where it goes, eh? Make sure you've read my other Harry Potter stories before you read this one, or you're going to be lost! Also, there are SPOILERS to the seventh Harry Potter book in here, so if you don't want spoilers, read that book first.

Disclaimer: I'm not making any money on this story and I'm only borrowing the characters, I don't claim to own them.


Sam Carter shut the book and looked over at her CO, who was sprawled on the other side of the couch with a mostly untouched beer near at hand and his Beretta in several pieces in front of him on the coffee table. He looked over at the sound of the book closing and at the motion – since she hadn't moved in well over an hour.

"Finished it?"



"There's no mention of you."

He looked back down at the piece he was cleaning.

"You didn't really expect there to be, did you?"

She shrugged.

"You did kill Voldemort…"

"And I'd prefer no one actually read about it, really."

She frowned.

"I just thought there'd be something… not under your real name, of course, but at least-"

"A dashing Air Force officer from the states rushing over to save the day for the entire wizarding community?" O'Neill snorted, amused. "How would Rowing add that in and manage to make it sound like a good story?"

"Rowling," Sam corrected automatically – although she had a feeling he'd made the mistake on purpose. "And I guess if you put it that way…"

"Did she bring Sirius magically back to life?"

"No. He's still dead in this one."

"And that's the last one?"

"It's supposed to be. One for every year Harry and the others are in school."

"He's going to be in his sixth year this year, isn't he?"

Sam smiled.

"She can't help the fact that Voldemort rushed the final battle before she'd planned for it to end. Besides, she promised everyone seven books, so she had to deliver seven and draw them out."

"So how did it end, then?"

"Harry kills him."


She shrugged and nodded.

"Pretty much."


Jack hadn't bothered to read any of the Harry Potter stories. Not because he didn't like to read, and not because they weren't available, because Sam had all of them – including this brand new one that had been sent to Jack by Sirius only a few days before – but because he just wasn't interested in them. He knew the story better than most Muggles – pretty much all of them, for that matter – and he had been a part of it.

Even that had been more than he'd wanted, really.

"Want to know who she marries him off to?"

Jack scowled, looking over at her once more.

"You're serious? He's married?"

"The last part skips way into the future – he even has kids."

"Not with you?"

She smiled, knowing he was teasing her.


"Not with Teal'c?"

Now she chuckled, and set the book down on the coffee table in front of her.

"You should read it."

"I don't need to."

"It's not bad."

"I remember you thinking otherwise when they killed off Sirius…"

Sam rolled her eyes.

"Because I thought it really had happened."

"Well, I-"

He was interrupted by a flash of light from his fireplace. There wasn't actually a fire in the thing, since it was summer, but it suddenly lit up as though someone had started a blaze with about a gallon of lighter fluid or gasoline. Neither of them even started. Since the death of Dumbledore, it was pretty much commonplace for such a thing to happen and sure enough the light signaled the entrance of Fawkes down Jack's chimney and into his living room.

The phoenix gave a sharp cry of greeting to them both and did a crazy aerial swoop that showed off his belly and legs to them. His way of telling them that he had a message for someone. It squawked again, and landed on the coffee table in front of Sam since there wasn't any room for him in front of Jack. When Carter reached for the note, however, the phoenix chirruped gently and placed his sharp beak between her and the message.

"It's for you," Sam told him unnecessarily.

Jack scowled.

"You know, she's my second in command…" he told the bird. "She can read my mail if she wants."

The phoenix just watched him, and Jack sighed and reached for the message. Which put his hand way too close to that beak – even if he knew nothing was going to happen to him. As carefully as he could, he untied it, and Fawkes flared his wings immediately and flew to the perch Jack had built for him in one of the corners of the room.

"Who's it from?" Sam asked, curiously, as he unrolled the small piece of paper. His expression went from annoyed to interested and then right back to annoyed.


Which wasn't enough of an answer to explain the expression on his face. She knew Jack liked Harry. Which meant there was more to the letter than just a hello.


Jack scowled, and handed her the little note. She took it and read it – and grinned, which only made his scowl deepen.

"You're going, right?"

"No. We have a lot of stuff here to take care of and Hammond-"

"Teal'c's going to be so excited…" she said, ignoring him.

"I'm not going, Carter," he repeated.

"You gave him your word, Colonel."

"That I'd go visit, not the rest of it."

"It'll be fun."

"No it won't."

She smiled.

"So you're going to tell him no?"


"Face to face?"

Now he hesitated.

"I can write him a letter…"

"He'll be disappointed. You know he's been looking forward to this for months."

Jack sighed. She was really good at saying exactly what he didn't want to hear.

"Fine. We'll go."

Sam smiled.