Title: Changes
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Only the twisted plot is mine…well most of it
Summary: Catherine can sense things are changing as everyone tries to adjust to the loss of Warrick, but just what is it that is changing?

Special thanks to my beta abina2810

Catherine's POV

It's been a week since the funeral. An event that should provide closure if not, the knowledge that we caught the guy who did this to Warrick should. But it didn't, and now I can sympathize with the victims more than ever. I've been the victim, but I have rarely ever been the one left behind when the victim of such a heinous crime is gone.

Tonight a man asked me how many times I say 'I am sorry for your loss.' The truth is too many times to count. I feel even worse than before repeating the hollow words because they provide no comfort. No amount of words can replace the emptiness left inside. Not even time can completely erase what has happened.

I make my way down the hall. In my hand I hold the evidence for my case that Nick and I have collected so far. I need someone to go over it with me. A fresh pair of eyes. Nick is busy, and I can't find Sara. I assume she is staying at Grissom's house. So now I am looking for Grissom.

Sara... She is still here. I assumed she would be gone by now. Words to me long forgotten, but she is here. I have asked her if she has wanted to get a bite to eat, or hang out at my place. Every time I asked she has been busy. I know things can't change overnight. The words that I have thrown at her cannot be forgotten. I am trying though. Trying before she disappears from my life. Again.

It is true when I have asked her to spend time with me she has not taken up my offer, but whenever I have been down, stuck in the darkness, she has appeared. Helping me through my moods. Putting me back on my feet. I don't know how she does it. I am forever grateful for her help.

As I step into Grissom's office an overbearing silence has descended upon the room. Full of hurt and anger. Sara is sitting across from Grissom as he sits behind his desk. I note the distance and know I have just walked into a very personal moment. However their seating throws me off. It is so formal for lovers. Last time I walked in on them they were sitting side by side. Something has changed.

Gil is the first to notice me. "Can I help you Catherine?"

Sara turns to face me. The emotion swimming in those dark brown pools breaks my heart. I want to take her in my arms and hold her there forever. Protecting her from all the evils of the world. As she has done for me on countless occasions. "I..." My mind is still focused on Sara and for a moment I have no clue why I am standing here. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I was looking for someone to go over my case with. I'll go..."

I turn and leave the room. Sara's sad eyes freshly imprinted in my mind.


Sighing I run my hand through my hair. Nick and I have just closed our case. Glancing down at my watch I realize that I have to take Lindsay to school soon. Walking past the break room my eyes skim it. It takes my mind a few minutes to register what I have seen. But what I did makes me turn around and walk back to the room before entering.

Sara is sitting at the table. Head in her hand, dark hair falling around her face. She is slumped and looking defeated. Cautiously I walk up to her. She is too lost in her own mind to notice me. Gently I place a hand on her shoulder. I know something is wrong when she does not flinch away from my touch. "Sara, hun?" She doesn't respond. "Sara?"

Looking up at me she sends me a sad smile. "Hey Cat. Did you need something?" I gaze into her eyes with disbelief. Even stuck in a turmoil of emotions she puts me first.

"No...I wanted to make sure you are okay."

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She tries to cover her emotions but fails. I pull the chair next to her out and sit down. I run my hand down her arm before taking her hand in mine. I suppress the longing to touch her. To kiss her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head. I am reluctant to leave her. "I heard about Greg's case." Her eyes lock with mine. They are empty. "I'm sorry. It had to be hard for you." She looks away from me and I know that I will get nothing more from her. I glance at the clock, and know I am pushing it on getting Linzz to school. "I have to take Lindsay to school. Do you want to come?"

"No," she replies quietly.

"Okay. Feel free to stop by my place or call if you want to talk sweetie," she looks up at me after the word sweetie leaves my mouth. I can see a hint of shock and twinkle in her eyes, but it quickly fades. "Or if you want to hang out. I'll be around." I give her hand a squeeze before getting up and leaving the room.


Walking into the house I look around. It has been a while since I have gotten the chance to clean. I enter my bedroom and slip out of my work clothes opting for a pair of Homer Simpson pajama pants and tank top.

Going into the living room I decide to at least tackle this room before catching a couple of hours of sleep.

Looking around I determine at least half of the mess was created by my teenage daughter. Turning on the radio I begin to clean.


A knock sounds on the other side of my front door. I set the dirty plate I was washing back in the sink and dry my hands.

Walking to the front door I open it and discover Sara on the other side. She is holding a leather bag in her right hand and the sadness playing in her features has increased since the last time I saw her.

"Hey hun, come on in."

I step aside but she remains where she is. Quietly she says, "I can't stay with Grissom anymore."
