Rose: Nice to meet you! -Bows-

Ikuto: Why are you pretending to be all nice? That's not your character! -Sees Amu- AMU!!

Amu: I-Ikuto. -Blushes- Why are you hugging me?!

Ikuto: Awwww. Can't I hug my Amu-koi?

Amu: Amu-koi?! -Faints-

Rose: -Cough- Ummm... I don't own Shugo Chara or any of it's characters. Please enjoy!

Chapter 1

I wonder what he's doing right now? Amu thought.

Everyday she found herself thinking about him... Ikuto.

Amu was now 16 which meant she had outgrown a lot of things like being afraid of thunder (sort of), looking for the embryo (nobody ever found it and they all thought it would be better to just leave the embryo to it's owner) and her crush on Tadase-kun.

After everyone had given up on the embryo, Tadase-kun had begun to distance himself from her.

That was when she realized it, he would never really like her.

Of course, he liked a part of her, which was Amulet Heart, but that wasn't really her.

The night that she realized that, she spent crying, but Ikuto came through her balcony and ended up distracting her.

It wasn't long after, that she realized she loved him.

Ikuto had always been her enemy and she was now free to love him without denying it because the whole embryo thing was over.

Amu smiled to herself remembering what happened in the past.

She was now walking to Ikuto's house from her high school.

He owned a medium sized apartment for the two of them to live in.

A few months ago her parents decided to go to England with Amu and Ami-chan but Amu didn't want to go because she would have to leave her friends and most of all Ikuto. (Her parents hadn't met Ikuto yet so she just mentioned her friends.)

Her parents agreed to let her stay as long as she had a friend to stay with. She told them that she would stay with Yaya, but that wasn't what happened.

Rose: Thank you so much for reading and critisism is welcome.

Ikuto: You are such a fake.

Rose: I'm not a fake!! Stupid Ikuto!! Amu! -Runs to Amu-

Amu: Stop being so mean to Rose-chan Ikuto.

Ikuto: Okay fine... Amu-koi

Amu: -Faints-

Rose: Well... Bye!! -Glares at Ikuto-