Title: Goo.

Prompt: Face

Rating: G

Word Count: 479.… Oy.

Disclaimer: Character's belong to Ryan Murphy, I'm just borrowing them so they can do my bidding for a while.

A/N: I know, I know… grossly over the word limit… I got carried away again. Please don't yell at me? I'll do better next time!

Summary: It started with goo.


Mac is never clean. Her face and hands seem to be constantly covered in something. She's quite possibly the world's most messy baby, Brooke had decided. Guaranteed, when the end of every meal time rolls around, something is covered in a new shade of liquid, mostly puke green baby food. Puke green is a shade that Brooke has found, goes with nothing. Because more often than not, she is the thing wearing it.

Today is no exception, to Sam's extreme amusement.

"Lookin' good, Brooke." She wolf-whistles, entering the kitchen and seeing the state of normally blonde hair. Large chunks of baby food cling to it, dripping down onto Brooke's face and once impeccably white thin cotton sweater. Looking up, Brooke glares at Sam.

"Shut up." There's only laughter in response.

"I'm serious, congealed baby food is totally hot on you." Sam raises a suggestive eyebrow as she kneels next to Brooke and inspects her little sister. Brooke just scowls at her. "Isn't that right Mackie?" The baby giggles gleefully at Sam's wide, playful smile. Brooke's scowl fades as she watches the interaction. Sam was adamant she was no good with babies, but the scene before Brooke proved her wrong. Mac adores her big sister.

Brooke adores Sam too.

"What are you thinking?" Sam asks, noticing Brooke's far away look. Brooke's eyes flare to a twinkle as she lands again. She bites her lip, taking the food jar off the high chair table.

"That…" She draws the word out, taking the plastic spoon out of the jar and bringing it to Sam's face before the other girl can react. "You'd look totally hot covered in goo too." Every other word is punctuated by a smear of green mush spread onto Sam's disbelieving face. Sam closes her eyes and plants her tongue in her cheek, as Brooke's laughter fills her ears. "Now we match." She opens her eyes again, focusing them on the blonde, who's close proximity is now painfully apparent. Before she can stop herself, she's reaching out.

"Not quite. No one can make baby food look as good as you do." Brooke is momentarily distressed by the thought that that's possibly the most romantic thing she's ever been told. Then her heart is fluttering wildly in her chest, because Sam's fingers are on her face and she's inching her own closer to Brooke's. Sam stalls when she's close enough to feel Brooke's breath on her lips.

"Why have you stopped?" She asks, biting her lip again. She doesn't know when her eyes closed.

"Giving you time to slap me." Is the whispered response. Sam doesn't know when hers did either.

"I'm not going to."

"Okay." A heavy-breathing-filled pause. "I'm afraid to start again."

"You're such a wuss, Sammy." And Brooke's goo covered hand is in her hair, pulling Sam towards her and pressing their lips together. Mac is clapping.