Marian tightened the buckle of her coat around her waist as she walked into the hospital the night time chill still holding her body captive. She jogged as her eyes read the signs of the wards. She turned the corner to lead her to the one that Much was in. She saw Allan sitting outside the room looking tired and worn.

'Allan where is he?' Marian asked breathless as she came to him.

'He never told anyone.' Allan wept as he looked to her.

Marian stopped and stared at Allan in disbelief, not once had she ever seen him cry or been told of an occasion, now she was more than worried. She turned and moved to walk through the doors.

'Marian. Robin's in there perhaps you should wait here until he comes out.' Allan suggested.

'Its about time he realised that the world does not revolve around Robin Locksley.' Marian snapped and threw the doors open barging into the room.

'Marian.' Robin said sternly as he stood from Much's bed. 'You heard.'

'Djaq told me.' Marian said suddenly her anger from Robin gone at the saddened sight of him. 'How is he?' She asked looking to sleeping form of Much.

'Weak.' Robin sighed.

'Is he to stay in long?'

'A few days they want to keep an eye on him.'

'Robin…What is wrong with him?' Marian asked the dangerous question.

'Cancer.' Robin sniffed not being able to think about it.

'Cancer.' Marian gasped.

Robin nodded and walked out of the room. Allan was gone probably gone to find the rest of the gang to tell them that Marian had come.

'Why didn't he tell anyone?' Robin asked ashamed.

'He didn't want to hurt you.' Marian smiled.

'I have known him all my life he is like a brother to me and he couldn't even tell me he is unwell.' Robin stressed as tears fell from his eyes.

She didn't know how he would react or even if she should be she couldn't stop herself, she threw herself at him and wrapped him in her arms. She smiled into his shoulder when she felt his arms slide around her waist and pull her close and he wept into her hair.


Marian tensed as she heard the voice. She didn't want to turn around knowing she would definitely see him there, standing in all his glory for ruining the moment between her and Robin. Sadly she felt Robin let go of her and step away.

'You should go.' He whispered.

'You need me.' Marian breathed.

'I need Much.' Robin chuckled and looked her seriously in the eye. 'Goodbye.'

Marian watched as he turned around and walked back into the room she couldn't help but think that she had come to so close but was always so far from him now.

'Let's go home.'

She turned quickly to see the dark clothed figure starring at her in the white corridor. 'Yes I think we should go home. You going to your home and me going to mine.' She snapped before walking past him.

Marian walked into the restaurant the next morning. It was strange to know that she was not going to see Much's face when she walked into the kitchen.

'Can everyone gather around please.' John shouted. 'As you all know Much is unwell and will not be able to attend work. Robin will be taking over for him as head chef, and Will the sue chef. We are also taking on another waitress to help with the extra work load, she is arriving today at four so please treat her well as I know you all will.' John smiled before letting them carry on with their work.

'Robin how is Much?' Marian asked as she walked up to Robin who was preparing breakfast.

'The same as he was yesterday.' Robin answered.

She knew he didn't want to talk and made her way to the restaurant to start working.

The day went on and due to the lack of kitchen staff everyone was pitching in. Marian had even had to stuff a turkey something she never thought that she would do.

'Marian some man has just come in and asked for you to be his personal waitress.' Djaq said as she walked into the kitchen with a confused look on her face.

'Really?' Marian asked just as confused.

Djaq nodded as she gathered more plates. 'Yep he's paid for you and everything.'

Robin watched as Marian stood in the middle of the kitchen a look of confusion on her face. He couldn't help feel the pang of jealously that shot through him, he wished she could be his personally everything.

Marian shook her head and grabbed a pad and pen before walking out of the kitchen and to the tables where her personal customer waited for her. She walked across the carpeted floor scanning the tables for any indication of who wanted her to precisely. She froze as her eyes locked with his. He smiled that sickly grin she would have to serve him so that the others would not find out, then Robin would never speak to her and she was already on bad terms with him as it was. She found her feet once again and slowly walked over to the booth where he sat smiling at her.

'Are you ready to order?' Marian asked not taking her eyes from the paper.

'Oh come now Marian… So formal?'

She hated the sarcastic tone in his voice and wanted nothing more than to slap it from his face.

'I am your God father after all.'

'What do you want Vaisey.' Marian sighed.

'Just a little chat.' He smirked.

'I don't have time.' Marian said sharply turning to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back harshly.

'Look I know you have to pay every woman you meet to endure your company but I'm not one of them.' Marian snapped and swiped his hand away.

'Oh but you are Marian. Or have you forgotten your past.' He knew that those words would effect her just the way he wanted them to.

Marian stopped walking and starred at the floor in shame she wasn't proud of her past, but its what made her who she was today.

'We are your family Marian, we're the ones who still love you at the end of it all.' Vaisey chastised. 'Now come and sit with me.'

Marian turned and walked back to the booth and slid in next to Vaisey she hated it but she knew that this is where she would always belong no matter where she ran.

'A gift for you.' Vaisey whispered in her ear and moved his hand along to her under the table.

Marian looked down and gasped when she saw the small plastic pouch containing the white powder.

'You may have turned your back on your family Marian…but you can never turn your back on the drugs. Oh and eh don't waste too much time thinking about it, I want to get home this place seems so… empty'

Marian snatched the packet out of his hand and barged across the floor where she stormed into the kitchen. 'I'm taking my break now.' She spat before running into the toilet.

She put the lid down and sat on the toilet as she starred at the packet in her hands. It was so easy to fall back into the way of her old life, but now she had something that she loved. Something she loved that didn't love her back though. Maybe he was right perhaps she cannot run from them. Was it worth another try?

'Marian are you OK?' Will asked as Marian appeared back into the kitchen moments later looking slightly sweaty.

'Brilliant.' Marian smiled.

'That plate there is to go to your personal customer.' Will said nodding to the chicken noodle soup.

Marian smirked. 'Thanks.' She said taking the bowl over to the other counter. 'This should make you feel more at home.' She smiled as she emptied half the contents of the packet into the soup and stirred in the powder. She lifted the soup and carried it to the table and placed it down in front of him.

'Enjoy your meal. I think it will give you a taste of home.' She giggled before walking away.

'Marian do you know who that man is?' Djaq asked.

'Someone I used to know.' Marian said blandly before collecting more orders.

'Is she OK?' Robin asked Djaq once Marian was out of ear shot.

'I don't think so. Robin she needs you and if not as a boyfriend then at least a friend.' Djaq smiled sadly before walking over to Will.

'Alright mate I think you should go now.' Allan shouted.

Robin and Will looked at each other when they heard Allan shout and moved to the kitchen door curiously.

'Your not allowed on the tables get down.' Allan moaned.

Robin and Will watched in shock and horror as the older man that had requested Marian danced on the table tops as though he were at some sort of cheap strip joint.

'Put the full Monty on!' Vaisey giggled at the top of his voice.

'Right that's enough.' Robin shouted as he and Will walked towards the table and lifted the man rather ungracefully from it.

Robin heard a female chuckle and turned to see Marian laughing uncontrollably trying to hide behind a serving tray.

'Will Allan take him outside.' Robin ordered as he turned and walked over to Marian.

He grabbed her hand tightly and began to drag her into the now empty kitchen.

'Robin what are you doing?' Marian asked as he threw her in front of him.

'What did you do?' Robin asked annoyed.

'What are you going on about?' Marian asked although she knew exactly what he was going on about.

'You were the last person to serve him food! He was fine until you came along. You really do bring trouble where ever you go don't you.' Robin snapped.

'You really mean that Robin?' Marian asked hurt.

'Yes… And if you do anything like that again your sacked.' Robin shouted in her face.

Marian nodded and felt her own anger rise she slapped him hard on the face before running into the bathroom.

The restaurant was almost closing now and everyone was running around trying to get everything sorted.

Djaq worryingly as Marian walked around pale and sweaty. She had been like that since coming out of the toilet.

'Marian hun are you OK?' Djaq asked as she placed a hand on Marian's arm to feel the heat touch her hand.

'Fine.' Marian snapped and whacked her hand away.

'Marian your boiling up.' Djaq gasped and placed a hand on her fore head.

'What are you a fucking doctor?' Marian shouted pushing Djaq away.

'What's wrong?' Robin asked now sporting a reddened cheek.

'Marian's unwell.' Djaq announced.

'What's wrong with her.' Robin couldn't hide the worry in his tone.

'She's very hot, but pale and sweating. I think it's a fever.'

No sooner had Djaq said those words when Marian collapsed to the floor.

Marian woke and the light instantly hit her eyes causing her to close them quickly again. Her head ached and her vision spinned.


Robin, she could hear his soft gentle voice. She must be in heaven.

'Marian are you awake?'

She frowned her eyes aching as they moved before she opened her heavy eye lids and squinted in the light. 'Robin.' She groaned, her voice dry and hoarse. 'Where am I?'

'In hospital. You fainted.' He answered.

'What was wrong with me?' She asked.

Robin sighed sadly. 'I never thought you would be a woman to take cocaine Marian.'

Marian gulped she had hoped that he hadn't been told. 'It had been a hard day.' Was her only excuse.

'Then go home take a bath and go to bed, don't dope yourself up.' Robin hissed.

'If your just going to yell at me then leave.'

'Fine.' Robin snapped standing and walking to the curtain that was drawn around her bed. 'I thought you were better than this.' He said before disappearing.

'Robin.' Much said surprised. 'What are you doing here?'

'What can a man not come and see his best friend?' Robin asked but his tone was easily negative.

'Yes but the restaurant is still open.' Much countered.

Robin nodded and sighed knowing that Much had out smarted him. 'Marian had an accident.'

'What kind of accident.' Much squealed.

'She took cocaine and had to be rushed to hospital.' Robin said sadly feeling blame.

'Cocaine!' Much shouted sitting up quickly in the bed.

'Shh. Much you must rest.' Robin scolded him.

'But what about the-'

'About the what?' Robin asked frowning.

Much suddenly went quiet. Should he tell Robin. He had to. 'I went into the toilet after Marian and I found a pregnancy test…it was positive.' Much told him. 'Marian's pregnant.'

Robin sat frozen in the seat all he could think was one word…pregnant.