'Long time ago, the wisdom, love and power ruled over a planet called Earthsea. This planet was controlling all others. One day they brought together to decide whether they should keep ruling on their own, or share the governing with people. Wisdom said people could be creative and smart, love said people know how to love until forever and power said people are dangerous and will only ruin their nation. Love and wisdom didn't agree with the power and decided to give people a chance. The power was so furious that tried to destroy love using fire and earthquakes. Then tried to pour water over the wisdom to bear it away. It did not succeed at all. Love was so angry that it tore the power into pieces. Fire, Water and Earth were separate now. Wisdom said these powers will now belong to the people. It chose three extremely brave and clever from the nation and gave each one of the powers. And from generations on, the powers choose their new hosts. The bravest, the most honest. You don't choose your power. Your power chooses you.'

Fallon controls the power of fire. As the Guardian of Fire, can spontaneously generate and manipulate flame and heat. In the basic application of her power is extinguishing fire and throwing fire, bombarding her opponent with fireballs in varying intensity and size. Also has telepathic abilities which she can use to read the thoughts of herself and others. Her power is as wild and uncontrollable as her temper.

Summer has the power of water and has limited mind control powers to influence and control the thoughts and actions of others. She is often condensing the water vapor in the air into liquid water and then uses it as powerful blasts of water. She eventually starts manipulating bodies of water to stop rushing water or create shapes like swords. She can also manipulate the water in the clouds to make it rain and control water pressure allowing water under her control to grab objects or even slice through metal, rock, and leather.

Brooke as the Guardian of Earth, can control plants and their growth and structure and manipulate the earth and all related materials such as paper, wood, silt, minerals, crystal, gems, sand, mud, some foods like sugar and wheat, silicon, molten rock, etc. At first she thought her powers are lame only consisting on making plants grow to giant sizes and altering their shape but she discovers her powers were much more, learning to create earthquakes, levitate and throw rock and stone, create trenches, and cause avalanches and mudslides.

A/N: I am really thankful to my friend ViLiBG for making all the amazing promos for my fanfiction. If you haven't seen them yet you can do that by visiting ViLiBG 's profile on . Thanks my dear friend, I love you for that!