BROOKE'S Point Of View

I don't remember much about that night. It all went dark the moment Dean Winchester took me in his hands. I felt both embarassment and…. fascination. I wasn't sure about the second one but it was deffinetely something. There was something about him that I liked. Too much, to confess it to anyone.

"Where's your house?" I heard him ask me. His voice was soft, I felt him close as my head was now leaning towards his chest.

"I will tell you the directions" Fallon chuckled somewhere behind me. She was amazing friend. Actually if it wasn't for her Summer and I would not be still alive. She is always the one to stay calm in crisis situations, the one to remind us important things on which our lives depend.

I didn't even realize when I was in his car. I now had the chance to look at it more carefully. It was nice. It was just something I thought he would have. Fallon sat next to me on the backseat and Sam took the passenger seat next to Dean. Just as I guessed – his car was sooo keeping up with his image.

"Here turn right!" I heard Fallon giving instructions but did not make any effort to follow the route. I didn't mind if he was taking me to hell. I was pathetic. I don't even know him. Maybe he was not what I thought of him. But no matter that I wanted to know everything. I am Brooke Davis! He must know it won't be easy.


They dropped me on my bed an hour ago. I couldn't sleep though it was midnight. My mind was preoccupied with information. So the route so far: Dean and Sam were hunters. They had the Colt. They knew about us.

I shook my hand instinctively as I guided my thoughts in another direction. Dean. It was a moment attraction. I just haven't seen hunter before. You always like the unknown… I suppose.

My phone suddenly rang. I read Summer's name mechanically and smiled.

"Hey S! What happened tonight?" I darted before she could realize I had picked up.

"Umm nothing really" she said a bit confused. "I was with him. But I didn't see him much. We were on this party and the last time I saw him he was licking salt from a girl's leg."

"Oh" was everything I could say. I knew Nathan pretty well. His behaviour wouldn't surprise me. Or maybe I just didn't care. I wasn't sure what to tell her.

"What happened with you?" she asked and helped me not answering.

I quickly listed the main without paying too much attention on Dean and Sam but she, however, decided to mention that in.

"So they are the good guys after all." it wasn't a question.

"Yeah" I agreed. "I hope they are. Otherwise they know too much."

"And we will have to kill them." Summer said cheerfully.

"Yeah right" I laughed.

"Well one thing is for sure – they are both hot. Wonder if they are dating someone."

I narrowed my eyes. "I think they are not."

"Why?" Summer said suddenly surprised by my statement.

"I mean" I started trying to figure a way out. "That they travel a lot… And they may not have a serious relationship with anyone at all."

I heard Summer's laughter and that suddenly annoyed me.

"What?" I asked her with a sharp voice.

"You can't know what you said for sure!" she said still too interested in my answers.

"You're right." I decided to hide my real emotions. "It's not that I care anyway."

I don't know if I deceived her. "Yeah" was all she said.

"Where are you now?" I asked her changing the topic.

"Almost home. See you when that freaking day is over." she said.

"Yeah, I look forward to it. Bye Summer." I didn't know why I wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible.


Finally I said to myself the next day. It was officially the second of November. It was sunny outside and I was happy about it. So that I could wear a dress today in case I meet…. NOONE! I almost jumped from my bed and my head totally dazzled. I should have been more careful. I decided I was too extravagant going to school in a dress so I made my choice and prefered my jeans and top instead of it.

I went in school earlier than usual. I guessed Fallon was already there but she was probably busy with her project – she was to be the new school reporter and was really obsessed with it. Summer will probably be late because she was working for Deb… So I just sat on a free bench, placing my bag on my knees and looking up with closed eyes. I like the feeling I get when I do it. As if I was invisible. But I wasn't. And I will never be.

"Brooke?" the reality spoke. It was Nathan. I liked him honestly but there were times when I preferred he stood away from me. "How have you been? I didn't see you yesterday. Are you okay?"

"Perfectly okay" I said without opening my eyes. I wished he was gone but I could feel he was still there.

"Brooke…." he started deliberately. "I was wondering… if you…"

Okay I've kind of heard such things before.

"… are seeing someone… now?" it was awkward.

"Um…" I decided to play stupid. "Right now, I see you."

He chuckled nervously. "You know what I mean."

Okay I knew. How could he ask me that?!

"Nathan" I started thinking how to say it without hurting him. "I am not seeing anyone right now but… I don't think it will work anyway. You're my friend and I don't want to risk our friendship…"

"Okay, I understand" he tried to keep it light but I could see he was mad. "So I am not good enough…"

"I didn't say that!" I yelled without realizing. "Nathan?"

"What Brooke?! You dated Lucas knowing he was cheating on you. Can't you date me?!"

"I was never a friend to Lucas… And as you can see we're now not talking. It all ended for us. You're my friend. I don't want to lose you. You're one of the few I have."

"How can you be sure we won't get married someday?" it wasn't a joke. I was terrified to see the seriousness in his eyes.

"I just know." I only said.

"See you sometime." he said, angrily turning his back.

I felt horrible all day long. I haven't seen him since we talked. Was he okay? I only hoped Summer wouldn't find out about this. It was so important that she would not be hurt. I won't let her find this. I hope.

To end up appropriately the perfect day I had to see Lucas and Peyton together. Of course. 'What a lovely couple' I heard people around me say. I hated them. Not because I used to be a very essential part of this couple some months ago but because I was alone since then. Peyton seemed to notice me but she did not react to my staring. I didn't bother. We don't talk now.

"Brooke!" It was Fallon. She was running towards me in a hurry. "Brooke, where were you?"

"I was having classes" I said honestly. "Why?"

"Summer haven't come to school today" Fallon said quickly. "And I just received a new – Nathan Scott crashed into a car on the bridge. He fell into the river, ambulance is on its way. It seems he was driving mad and there's another man there but his car is on the bridge…. And Nathan… he… I just hope it's not too late!"

"Oh my God" I whispered. I didn't want to think about it that way but I just couldn't. It was my fault.

"I am calling Summer but she doesn't pick up" Fallon kept talking. "I will wait in the news studio if anything happens. Please find Summer!"

"Okay" was all I could say.

But I couldn't find her. I couldn't tell her the man she loves is dead. Because of me. If she asked me I will have to tell the truth. The truth…

I decided not to spend any more time wondering what to do. I knew what was the right thing. I ran out the school as fast as I could – which meant really fast. That cought everyone's glances. I didn't want to turn around and explain though many people were asking if anything was wrong while I was passing by them. They will find any minute. Immediately after Fallon anounces it. I didn't want to be there when that happened. So I just kept running away. I wasn't going to Summer's. I didn't know where exactly, but I had to do something. I was running towards the bridge of the accident when my phone vibrated in my bag. I didn't stop to pick it up, but made it clumsily as I was still on the road running.

"Yeah?" I said immediately hoping Fallon had some good news.

"Brooke what are you doing?" I heard his voice. He was calling me?

"Dean?" of course it was him but I had to check this before totally mess up today.

"Why are you running?" he said again and then I realized he was somewhere around me.

"Where are you?"

"Just behind."

I didn't hear his voice from the phone this time. He was really just behind me. I didn't know how I looked – I guess terrible, the wind was buffeting my face and I supposed it was red already, my hair was a haystack. So I was surprised by the way he looked at me – not in disgust but in anxiety.

"Are you okay?" he asked me in anxious tone.

"Not really. I have to go to the bridge…" I explained chokingly.

"What's there?"

"My friend crashed…" I said and my eyes blurred a bit. Hope he didn't notice.

"My car is here, I will give you a ride" he said showing me his car… Déjà vu.

I didn't dither much because I couldn't run that much without feeling the terrible pain in my legs. I wasn't a good runner – I run fast but after running too much I start falling.

When we were finally on the bridge the ambulance was already there. They were carrying someone inside of it.

"Oh my God" I said for a hundred time today and got off the car.

I ran again but staggered and almost fell. "Is he okay?" I managed to ask one of the doctors.

"He is unconscious." He said and closed the door. "But he was lucky, though. Someone had got him off the water just in time. Unfortunately the other man is in shock and speaks incohetently"

"Incoherently?" I almost forgot Dean was there until he spoke.

"He is sure he has seen someone with unparalleled swimming skills get him out of the water. As if the water flew in the air and someone got him out." the doctor said sarcastically as he sat on the passenger's seat.

It was clear for me. I knew who it was. And one look was enough to spot her in the woods northwest. I narrowed my eyes and started running again. The terrain was bumpy so I fell immediately. The ambulance was gone, hopefully, and they didn't see me as a potential suicidal. But Dean did.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled at me and helped me stand up.

"I have to find Summer." I said mechanically.

"What? Did she save him?" he asked but already knew the answer.

I narrowed my eyes. She was not where I saw here before. She was gone.

"Did you remember the name of the hospital they are taking him to?" I asked in panick. I had to talk to Summer before anyone else. Before Nathan…

"Yeah let's go." he said without asking any more questions.


When we finally got into the hospital everyone was there. Dan and Deb Scott, Lucas and Peyton. Fallon and… Sam? Summer. I spotted her in the corner on her own. Her hair was wet.

I went directly to her ignoring everyone else. She looked at me and then I saw she was crying.

"Brooke" she started quietly. "He is unconscious… Doctors don't give him any chance of waking" she was crying heavily and I didn't know what to say.


"No" she interrupted me. "It's my fault Brooke! I will never forgive myself… I saw him driving in this speed. I knew something would happen and still I hesitated. When I finally decided to follow him all I saw was his car… in the river. It was terrible. I panicked. Again, I hesitated. If I had jumped immediately and got him before he lost his consciousness… He might still be alive."

Her crying was inevitably painful. Her words too.

"Summer it's not your fault. And he is alive!" I said decided to tell her the truth.

"Brooke please" she interrupted me again. "I don't want to listen to you right now… Anyone."

I patted her shoulder carefully. It was 9pm and dark outside. Doctors were in the surgery room, and still no news.

Noone went out before 10.30pm. Then the surgeon went out with the worst news ever. He hasn't woken up yet. They gave him 10 to 15 hours to wake. If not…. I don't want to think about it.

Summer was still quietly mourning in the dark corner, accusing herself of something she didn't do. Noone seemed to notice her or ask what she was doing there. Dean, Sam and Fallon were sitting on a bench a bit farther in the corridor. I was standing next to Summer at the beginning but I felt I couldn't do this anymore. I suddenly wanted to do something I have never wished before. Sneaking behind everyone, I managed to leave the hospital secretely. I don't remember much of what happened next. All I saw was a sign "LADIES NIGHT TONIGHT" and two guys scanning me as I entered. I dumped down on a bar… And rest is a nightmare.