Summary: She's living in a world of sex, drugs, depression, self harm, and more just trying to get by. There's only one person who can save her from this life...and from herself. Can he? Loe.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I realized my fate; dead at only the tender age of sixteen years old. The single tears turned into sobs that wracked my body; there is so much I left behind, so much I didn't do. Miley ran through my mind, my best friend, and her father. Joe ran through my mind, my only true love I ever felt. Hell, Blake even ran through my mind, as terrible as he is.

Then I begin to regret. I regret ever getting into drugs, smoking, and alcohol to help me feel alive. I regret having stupid, unemotionally related sex just to help me STAY alive. However mostly, I begin to regret the self harm I inflicted on myself. There were so many better opportunities that I could have chosen to help me, but I had to be the fuck up. Why couldn't I have just done one fucking thing right during my life? My God.

Suddenly I felt a blow to my chest, and a particular painful one at that. Fresh tears started streaming down my face- death was supposed to take away my pain, not continue it. More and more blows kept coming and I began to wonder if I was in Hell. I probably deserve it anyways. Then my eyes open.

"LILLY! Oh my fucking God, thank the Lord!"
"Lilly, baby, can you hear me? I thought I lost you. Oh my God."
"Lilly, kiddo, thank God. Can you hear me?"

I heard these three familiar voices and a few more all at once as soon as my eyes opened. I wasn't dead, that was all a…dream? Well regardless what it was, I was alive. As terrible as it sounds, there was a part of me that was disappointed that I survived…

I try to speak, but my throat is so dry and my body so sore that it hurts. I look around as best as I can and realize I'm on a hospital stretcher, a defibrillator plus several doctors huddled around me; oh, so that is what the blows were. I let out a groan.

"Ms. Truscott, try to avoid from speaking right now. You're very lucky to be alive, you lost so much blood," I heard a man, assumed to be a doctor, say to me. I couldn't reply even if I wanted to.

"Lils, I s-seriously don't know w-what the fuck I would ever d-do if I lost you baby girl," I heard my best friend's voice through her sobs, and I felt tears roll down my own cheeks. I wish I could answer her.

"Lilly, I love you so much, thank you so much for holding on, for not leaving me," I heard Joe's voice ring through my ears, making my tears fall harder. I wish I could answer him.

"Lilly, I'm so sorry for this, and I'm so happy you're alright. Don't worry though, I took care of that motherfucking bastard. Nobody touches my daughters," the whisper of my second, and as far as I'm concerned, only father's voice said. I tried to laugh but apparently the only thing my body could do was cry.

"When do you think she'll be able to talk or move, Doc?" Miley asked the Doctor who had spoken to me.

"I'm not exactly sure. Her body is very weak and obviously sore from the wound and all the blood loss. She'll be exhausted, in pain, and in need of medical attention for a while. But she will definitely be alright," the doctor responded.

I needed to do this, for them, after all these three most important people in my life have done for me. Ignoring the searing pain, I clutched my side with one hand, my head in the other and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Miles…Joe…Dad," I croaked out in such a dull whisper that I didn't expect them to hear it. But they did.

Three voices screamed "LILLY!" and rushed to my side immediately. Through all the pain I whispered again, "Thank you." Before I passed out from exhaustion; the doctor wasn't kidding.


When I woke up, I was again faced with the vaguely familiar scenery of the hospital room I was confined to. I tried to sit up, but the blood rushing through my skull made me too dizzy to see straight.

"Try not to move so quickly hun," a soft voice came from besides me. It made me jump. The voice chuckled and said, "Sorry about that. You're still going to be tired and feel dizzy and/or nauseous, so refrain from any sudden movement." Oh, it was a nurse.

The familiar feeling of numbness washed over me, I felt the urge for a razor pulse through my thoughts. Then I remembered my, what I'm referring to as, epiphany. I didn't need the drugs, the alcohol, the cigarettes, the sex, or the blade to be happy. I had my best friend, my father figure, and the love of my life.

"Hey," a second voice rang throughout the room, this one however, more familiar. I swallowed the taste of blood from my throat and tried to answer, "Joe?" My voice was raspy and forced; it hurt.

"I love you," He whispered into my ear before kissing my forehead.

"I love you too Joseph Adam, so much," I forced myself to say. I felt him smile against my forehead.

"I'm going to be here for you forever baby, you'll never feel what you've felt again, I'll be your crying shoulder from here on, I swear it," he said to me. For the first time in my life, I felt trust in a guy, I believed Joe.

"You're not only that Joe, you saved me. You're my savior," I whispered back then used all my strength to crash his lips onto mine for the most passionate kiss I have ever felt in my life. "And you're my life," was his only response.

Miley and my 'father' walked into the room a few moments later. Tears poured down all of our cheeks as I told my story- the WHOLE story- finally to the people I love. A weight was lifted off my chest, I was glad to finally reveal the truth.

A new feeling washed over me, I didn't know what it was until I got out of the hospital and continued on with my new life, leaving my past behind me; happiness, and never again did I touch a drug or abuse alcohol, or even use a blade. I was cured; I was saved.


Well, he did it. He saved her. Awwe!

New story time!? Ooooh yeah. Stay tuned :D