A Test of Friendship

Was what she was hearing true?! The room was beginning to spin and her ears were starting to ring. She quickly grabbed the desk for support. For god sake, this could not be happening. She could not bear the thought of being without him and worse she couldn't imagine life without her.

There she was standing in her apartment looking at one of her best friends. Carrie had always been there for her. Through everything…EVERYTHING!! How could she do this to her? She knew she was happy. Things were going so well. SELFISH!! She is SELFISH is all Carrie could think.

"Carrie, it was just sex it didn't mean anything. I never meant for this to happen or to hurt you."

"Just SEX! JUST SEX!" Carrie could hear the rage in her voice and felt the tears swelling up in her eyes. "Sex is not something that just happens." She didn't know what to do. Carrie didn't want to hear anymore. Nothing could make this better. She felt hurt and betrayed by two people she loved. "GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"

Hours had passed and the sun had set. Carrie laid motionlessly in her bed feeling drained. Fifteen missed calls from him and she couldn't bring herself to answer one. What would she say? What could she say? How? When? Why? Did she really want to know?

The silence became to be too much to bear. She was driving herself crazy. She needed to hear a familiar voice and some reassurance. Carrie turned to her phone and dialed.

"Hey Carrie, I was just putting Rose down for a nap. I have been busy all day planning for Harry's surprise birthday party next week. You are still coming, right?" Charlotte was so happy and why shouldn't she be. She had a beautiful daughter and a loving husband.

"You didn't hear?"

"No, Carrie. What is wrong? You sound upset?"

Carrie didn't want Charlotte to worry, but she knew if she didn't tell her she would hear from Miranda or Samantha. The girls had fought with each other in the past, but none of them had ever done something this awful. As Carrie began to explain to Charlotte what had taken place in her apartment that afternoon, she realized friendships were about to change. It was clear; it would no longer be her, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda.