Living Again

Summary: 20 years after the fall of Voldemort, something extraordinary happens. Nymphadora and Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Lily and James Potter return to life. Can they catch up with what they missed in the years since they died? And can they help Harry to move on from the death of his daughter? Non-Epilogue compliant. Set in a parallel world to my other fic Heiress of Slytherin.

Rating: T for potential language and violence.

Prologue: An Abrupt End To Normalcy


It was an ordinary sort of afternoon at the Ministry of Magic, boring and mundane, as it had been for the most part since the end of the war with Voldemort. Kingsley Shacklebolt sat in his office catching up on paperwork and humming a little tune to himself to keep occupied. Currently he was reading yet another of a long list of proposals that Percy Weasley had submitted to him on cauldron thickness. At Hogwarts, students lounged outside and in the halls and common rooms. It was a nice, warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. Headmistress Fawcett had decided to take a break from her work and take a walk by the lake. The sound of children laughing filled the air and brought a smile to the young woman's face. However, normalcy is never meant to last, and on this otherwise perfectly mundane day, something extraordinary was about to occur.

It started with a low rumble, like thunder in the distance. Headmistress Fawcett turned to gaze in the direction of the sound, and found that black clouds had formed on the horizon, a thunderstorm she assumed and resumed her walk. At the ministry, Minister Shacklebolt also heard this sound. The magical maintenance crew was bored today he assumed and resumed reading his report. Ten minutes later, there was chaos. Students screamed as the blackness enveloped them. Flashes of red and white permeated the air. Panic ensued as they realized that the blackness prevented them from casting spells. The scene was similar at the ministry. Visitors panicked as they realized that they could not get out of the building. The floo network was down. People attempting to leave this way were actually bursting into flame though even this light would not permeate the darkness. Others tried to apparate only to have nothing happen, and portkeys refused to function. Even the enchanted phone booth refused to ascend. It seemed that this blackness would last for an eternity, but in reality only five minutes went by before, in a brilliant flash of white, the darkness disappeared.

At Hogwarts, Headmistress Fawcett jumped into action. Magically amplifying her voice, she ordered all students to their common rooms, and Heads of Houses were ordered to do a head count. As the students dispersed, Fawcett rushed back towards the school only to stop, frozen in place, as she looked upon the two people standing by the towers. It was impossible. These people had been dead for 20 years, and yet there they stood having not aged at all since the day of the final battle against Voldemort, the parents of the best pupil to ever attend Hogwarts, Nymphadora and Remus Lupin.

Meanwhile, in the Department of Mysteries, unspeakables quickly surrounded the stone dais of the veil room while others rushed to the auror division requesting backup. There on the dais just in front of the veil stood a man who had been presumed dead over 20 years previously, Sirius Black.

In Godric's Hollow, two more people miraculously appeared. Lily and James Potter looked around confusedly at their surroundings. Behind them stood a plaque covered in signatures and the remains of their family home. Doors opened cautiously at neighboring houses, wands leading their owners outdoors as curious residents investigated the odd occurrence.

For the first time in magical history, the dead had been returned to life.


AN: This fic is a spin-off of Heiress of Slytherin. Both stories involve Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle having a child(I'll explain soon. I promise.). However, there are some major differences as well. Heiress, when completed, will develop quite differently from this fic. I was trying to write the next chapter of that story when I got this idea, and before I knew it, I had a whole new plot. I'm going to finish Heiress, but I want to do this one too. Let me know what you think so far, and hopefully, I'll update both of my stories soon.