Living Again

Summary: 20 years after the fall of Voldemort, something extraordinary happens. Nymphadora and Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Lily and James Potter return to life. Can they catch up with what they missed in the years since they died? And can they help Harry to move on from the death of his daughter? Non-Epilogue compliant. Set in a parallel world to my other fic Heiress of Slytherin.

Rating: T for potential language and violence.

Chapter 5: Proofs

At the sudden move from Harry, the junior aurors raised their wands. "Wait," shouted Ted, placing himself between the aurors and Harry, "It's okay! He's not doing anything."

Harry continued to sob as the aurors lowered their wands. Sirius stood shocked and unsure what to do.

"My fault…All my fault," Harry chanted under his breath.

Tears leaked from Sirius' eyes as he held his godson close, "No Harry. No. Don't you say that. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine."

Harry continued his mantra so completely absorbed in memory that he couldn't even hear. Unable to stand it any longer, Lily jumped from her seat and rushed to hug her son as well.

"No!" shouted Ted but too late. Harry stiffened as his mother's arms held him close then suddenly he lashed out freeing himself from the unexpected constriction. Backing into a corner, Harry dropped to the floor, head on his knees an rocking as his mantra slipped into whimpers of frustration.

Ted rounded on Lily, his features contorted in anger with hair turned black as night, "I warned you. No sudden moves."

"I…I'm sorry," Lily sobbed, "I didn't mean…" Lily trailed off as the events of the day became too much for her. She too sank to the floor sobbing in hysterics. "My baby," she whispered under her breath. James rose slowly from his seat weary of disturbing his son further and made his way to Lily hugging her tight his eyes never leaving his son.

"Right," said Ohura turning to Kingsley, "That's it. He's had enough. Duckett, I think a calming draught all around might do some good. This lot has had quite the day."

"Yes ma'am," answered the short balding man in healer's robes. Pulling said draughts from his pocket, he handed one each to Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, Sirius Black, and James Potter. He then dropped to the floor to coax the hysterical Lily into drinking the draught as well.

"Are you sure you can't coax him back to coherency?" Kingsley asked Ohura, "He's only really confirmed one of their identities."

"Minister Shacklebolt, to be honest, I really don't think he'll be coherent this week after this little fiasco," Ohura replied, "He confirmed the identity of Remus Lupin, and it is a good estimate that if one is who they say they are, the others are as well. Now, I really must insist that he be returned to St. Mungo's. He needs to be in a safe, quiet, familiar setting so that he can calm down."

"I can't release these people on an estimate, Healer Ohura," Kingsley replied pinching the bridge of his nose wearily, "Perhaps Ted can try."

Ted had been watching the interactions silently from the side of the room, but at the mention of his name, he jumped it, "No promises, Kings, but I'll do what I can." Concentrating, his features began to shift until standing in front of them was a small boy with bright, spiky turquoise hair and eyes of golden amber. The child giggled and ran to plop in front of his godfather, "Harry!" the child squealed excitedly, "Will you play with me Harry?" Getting no response, the child jumped to his feet and shouted directly into his godfather's ear, "HARRY!" Harry continued to sit and whimper to himself acting as though he'd not heard a sound. The child showed frustration now. His hair wisped as it darkened to black. A whimper escaped his throat as he lowered himself to sit cross-legged in front of his godfather. His whimpering escalated in volume until finally he was sobbing aloud.

The sound cut through Harry's haze. He recognized this sound…somehow…he was supposed to respond…but why? Harry's whimpering grew in pitch with his confusion until finally with a great burst of courage, he raised his head to investigate the sound. Blinking blearily around, he quickly noticed the child seated in front of him. Concern instantly washed over his face replacing the confusion. Slowly, he scooted forward far enough to pull his godson to him, "Shhh, why are you crying Teddy Bear?" Harry whispered to the sobbing child.

The sobbing ceased, the child looking up into his godfather's eyes replied, "It makes me sad when you don't hear me."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked the confusion relapsing upon his face.

"I called your name…over and over, but you didn't answer me," Ted told him peering into his godfather's eyes through tear-watered eyes of molten amber.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Ted replied turquoise returning to his hair as he slowly allowed his features to age, "You hear me now."

"Yes. I hear you now," Harry replied.

As Ted's appearance returned completely back to normal he asked, "Do you remember why we're here?" At Harry's nod, he continued, "You've done very good Harry. You've proven that my father is who he says, but can you prove the others?"

Harry looked reluctantly around the room, "Okay," he whispered. Pointing to Tonks, he demanded, "Hair. Nose."

Breaking the tension of the room, said person chuckled before screwing up her face in concentration and changing her hair to a bright, spiky bubblegum pink with a nose like a pig's snout.

Harry couldn't help the small smile as she accentuated the look with piggish snorts and squeals. "That's Tonks," he said before pointing to Sirius and James in quick succession, "Animagus," he demanded.

The two in question glanced nervously at one another hesitating over what to do.

"You'll not be charged," Kingsley assured them, "Any illegality committed prior to your deaths is not admissible in court."

"Ah, well why didn't you say so sooner Kings old boy," Sirius prodded playfully as he slipped into his animagus form, James following suit soon after.

"They are who they say," Harry informed the group after staring blankly at these forms for a moment. He was sweating now with the pressure of staying lucid. His hands shook. The voices were screaming at him so loudly that he could not even make out what they were saying. He wanted everyone to just go away and leave him alone. It was too much…far too much for him to handle. "No more," he murmured his head returning to his knees.

"You're almost done Harry," Ted encouraged, "just one more."

"No," Harry moaned.

"Please, Harry," Ted pleaded, "Can you just try once more?"

Whimpering Harry spat out, "Snape. You fought. Why?"

Lily's face paled, but she answered the question, "Severus was one of my dearest friends…but his other friends…they were all joining the deatheaters. I tried to stop him. I warned him that he was going to a place I couldn't follow, but he wouldn't listen. He got angry. He slipped and called me a mudblood. I gave up. That's the last time I ever spoke to him."

"It's her. Can you leave me alone now?" Harry jot out jerkily.

"How did you know that, Harry?" Kingsley asked, "That argument must have happened before you were even born."

"Saw the memory. Leave me alone!" Harry replied.

Kingsley frowned but let it slide. Turning to the group, "Very well. It seems that Harry has confirmed your identities. I'll get paperwork in the works to restore your identities. You'll also need to be briefed on current events, and someone will be assigned to help you reacclimate…"

Suddenly their was a crash and aurors poured into the room with their wands drawn, "Theodore Remus Lupin you are under arrest for the charge of Necromancy."