well, i am here with another fanfic...(no duh) and this one is kinda inspired on what is going on here in my life... People are stressing me out so bad!! i just want to end it all...

but hopefully this story will relieve some stress... hopefully...

Well, here it goes!!

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto... sadly...

Sakura woke up to the sound of her alarm buzzing.

She glanced at the clock and saw it was five in the morning.

She then remebered that she had the clock set 40 minutes ahead.

I'll just close my eyes for a minute, she thought. She then drifted into a deep sleep.

Sakura woke again to a feeling of someone pulling on her foot. Getting annoyed with the feeling, she jerked up and yelled at the top of her lungs, "What the hell do you want!?"

Sakura immediately shut her mouth when she saw her mother staring wide eyed at her. Her mom looked at her with disgust etched into her face. Sakura hated that look, it looked so disapproving...

"Don't you dare say that again!" Her mother said, with a sickening calmness to her voice.

"Hn." Sakura grunted. She didn't care to what her mom said, as long as she got through life.

"Sakura, shut up."

Sakura hated it when her mother talked to her like that. So she decided to see how far she could push her before she called for 'back-up'.

"No." She stood up, and then stood up and crossed her arms, looking straight at her mother.

Her mother looked a little taken aback by her words, but she quickly went back to her usually calm face.

"Maybe you didn't hear me correctly. I said shut the fuck up." Once again, Sakura stood there, and a smirk grew on her face. "No."

Her mother grew red in the face, and then grew smug. "Oh well, atleast I don't have to get ready for school in, oh, I don't know, 12 minutes?"

Sakura gasped and looked at the clock. Damn, it read 7:28 a.m.

"Hn, well atleast I don't have to get ready for work!" With that said, Sakura grabbed her clothes and rushed downstairs. Once she had her clothes on, she hurried to put her make-up on. She grabbed her back, and hurried out the door. But what her mom said made her pause.

"Heheh, your such a stupid bitch, why do you think we prefer Karin over you?"

Sakura slammed the door as she felt tears come to her eyes. She hated that thing of a sister. She always acted better than her, and she was the 'good' child. Heh, good my ass. She was always all over the boys at school, and all over Sasuke. Sometimes Sakura wished she was her sister, but not for long, only when Sasuke looked at Karin. He never seemed to look at her.

Sakura soon arrived at her bus stop, and just stood and waited for the bus. There were other people there too, but she paid them no mind. One girl was preppy, with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was what irked Sakura the most, well, not as much as her own damn sister, but you get what she means. The other girl was annoying as hell, and she didn't look so good. She was... weird. Her name was Ayame. There were three other boys there as well, and they were okay, but she wouldn't hang out with them.

One of the main things she didn't talk to them was because she was shy.

Yes, Sakura Haruno was shy.

The reason she was shy was because of her pink hair, and it just made her stand out along the normal colored hair of the other kids.

She looked up when she heard laughing. She saw that preppy girl twirling her hair and looking at her. She sighed as the girl, Ino called over to her, a smirk on her face.

"Che your so stupid Forehead!! Do you actually think that Sasuke-kun will like you?" She laughed along with the other people, but one person didn't actually laugh. He looked over at her with regret in his ocean-blue eyes, almost as if he was pleading with her to forgive him from Ino's mean comments.

Sakura gave him a glare, and he turned away sad. But on the inside she was screaming at herself to take it back. But she knew she had to do it. If Naruto wanted to hang out with people who were mean to her, then so be it, but she wouldn't talk to him unless he was alone.

Sakura turned her head and grabbed her bag which she dropped and walked up to the bus which had just pulled up.

She couldn't wait to see her good friend Tenten. She sat on the bus and waited for the stop which would allow her to see Tenten.

Finally Tenten boarded the bus. But she pointedly ignored Sakura. Puzzled, Sakura tried to question her. But, she still ignored her.

Finally, she got a response out of her.

"Will you just shut the fuck up?" Sakura could have sworn her world came crashing down. Tenten was the only one who listened to her and hung out with her, and now she won't even talk to her...nicely.

Sakura leaned against the window, and tried not to let the tears that were welling up in her eyes fall. She sighed as other people got onto the bus.

She then noticed they were stopping at a stop that they usually don't stop at. She perked up when she saw a girl with bun-like things in her hair, which was like a blondish color, except they weren't tucked in like a bun. There were four on her head, and she came onto the bus with three other people. Hmmm, she thought, they must be from another town.

The girl with the blondish hair sat down in front of her and smiled at Sakura and said a friendly hi.

Sakura immediately liked her. She had a nice personality about her, and she seemed friendly, unlike some people. She stole a glance at Tenten who was looking at them with a hint of jelousy in her eyes.

Sakura tried to hide the smug smirk that slid on to her face.

Yes, maybe her and this new girl could be friends.

Well, how was it?!

i hope it was good! Oh, and this is based off of someone...

And when this story is done, i will tell u guys!! XD

i'm so nice huh? no jk!! XD

Please Review!! it would make me so happy to know someone likes this story!! and even when this story is complete, still review!! XD

Deidararulez (cuz he does! XD)