I apologise for this. The plot bunnies are dropping acid. If I don't write this,they will gather around me at night, suck my soul out through my nose,harvest my organs and trade them to the Mad Hatter for some kickin good shrooms. The inspiration for this was an odd little thought that popped into my head as I did the dishes

"Either confess you love me or admit your gay!"

Disclaimer I don't own any of this. If I did we d have a bloody series by now . My cat Liberty is negotiating for the rights.(She'll probably trade them for catnip.)

Dg rocked idly on the old swing,watching her tears stain the floor of the gazebo. She was happy for them,really she was. Or she would be,once her heart stopped breaking.
Glitch never had said he loved her back.
On the eve of his 'rebraining', she had cornered the wiry friend and confessed that over the last five months since her return,she'd fallen for him. Poured her heart out. And of course,still being prone to Glitches all he could do was smile and hug her.

She had waited hours with Cain and Raw,who seemed to be having a strange argument of grunts and nudges. Upon hearing they were finally allowed to see Ambrose, Cain stood and strode purposefully into the room. DG reached the door in time to see the Tin man lean down and thoroughly kiss the adviser.

"Here you are. Ive been looking everywhere for you!"

Dg was knocked back into the present by a stranglingly familiar voice. She looked up to see Ambrose striding toward her, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Got my marbles back." He pointed to his temple. "Its going to be a while before my memories as Glitch and my memories as Ambrose fully coagulate. The zippers permanent, and my synapses will never quite be the same. But other than that, I'm fine....other than that, I'm fine....other than that, I'm fine

She punched him harder than necessary to correct the glitch.


She turned away again.
Ambrose looked at her for a while. Despite Dgs best efforts,a tear rolled down her cheek.

"DG?" He quavered,catching the next tear.

"I'm happy for you Glit-Ambrose I mean" Dg sniffed as she turned away.

He hesitated,cursing his own cowardice.

" I umm..I remember what you- said-last-night" He fidgeted. "I wanted to tell you then,but I...I couldn't find the words and..and..and.."

DG couldn't tell if he was glitching or stuttering

"And I wanted to give my heart to you. But I couldn't remember if it belonged to someone else and now I-I know..

"And I'm happy for you both." Dg retorted.

"DG? What-"

DG cut him off when she jumped off the swing.

"Either confess you love me or admit your gay!" She glared.

"I was trying,but I never told anyone I loved them before. And for you to be the first...."

"But I saw Cain kiss you!"

"O-o-oh" Ambrose blushed. "He uh lost a bet with Raw,and ..well ..Raw has a very strange sense of humor." He laughed sheepishly. "Cains actually a very good kisser"

Dg opened her mouth to argue some more,but Ambrose swooped in and kissed her. It was a slow and deliberate kiss. When they broke apart he smiled mischievously

"You taste better than Cain."

Dg grinned wickedly in return "I don't know. I think Ill have to kiss Cain,just to be sure."

His smile faltered "That's a joke,right?"

She turned and walked off. That'd teach him for leaving her in the dark.
"DG? Your joking right? Your not really going to-DG!"

As he ran after her,the blue eyed princesses laughter echoed back