Author Notes: I've drawn from a number of inspirations on this one. I would like to thank Fortune here on FFNet, ID 265541, for certain concepts I've applied to my stories since Flirting Shadows. One of the premises comes from her recent story, Saving Maria. I'd also like to thank Evan-Stanley on Deviantart for inspiring part of this with Ghosts of the Future. I was trying to draw a piece of fanart for a contest, and it actually culminated with one of Fortune's ideas and spawned this story. It's... hard to explain. Oh, I'd also like to thank The Mouse of Anon, ID 361588. I've been reading his/her Diaries of an orphan, since then I've been rolling around the idea of using diary exerpts in a story. I can't make the whole thing a diary entry though, it's just not my style lol.

Although it may never be considered a great Sonic game, I thank SEGA© for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006©, aka. SNG. Really, I can't say much more for fear of spilling certain key elements.

As usual, I've done a certain amount of world merging between Sonicverses, taking places, people, and concepts from each. This is, however, the first story since Flirting Shadows which purely follows Sonic canon characters. No fan characters have or will be introduced as of yet. (Unless you want to consider a brief human who won't make a lick of difference behind a counter at a restaurant or something a fan character lol. Hmm... THen again... maybe I could squeeze in Tony... Only FS fans will understand that one)

At any rate, I've rambled enough. Hope you enjoy the story!

--It was such a clear night. I don't recall ever seeing the moon so big or so bright. I was flying...I think. Was I falling? I don't remember. I just know I was there in the sky.... I think I was falling. I began tumbling and, falling. I was falling through the air, the wind kept blowing my dress. It was so hard to see or hear anything..I felt so helpless.

"I want to help you! I need to protect you, why can't you see that!?" I was thinking. I was dreaming. I was desperate.

It's all such a blur, but I could see something feathery and white in my arms as I fell. I couldn't see it clearly, but I wished so hard I could sprout wings and fly, it was like I could do that with just my will. But why? Who?


Amy finished penning the words in her diary, looking at them a bit funny. The rose-colored hedgehog had learned over the years to take her dreams seriously, but this one had puzzled her. She'd only turned on a desk lamp while she wrote this one down, as it was still very late. She turned her head toward the nightstand, where a digital kitty clock read clearly 5:32 AM. 'What a dream.'

It was too early to really get up, but she was pretty confident she wasn't going to get any more sleep that night. She closed the small, traditionally pink covered diary with an atypical lock and key and slid it into the nightstand drawer along with the fuzzy pink pen she'd been using. Her finger eventually found the will to switch off the small lamp by her bedside, and she sat Indian style, trying to decide what to do from there. Minutes later, her head was back against the pillow, followed by a subtle snoring.


Relief settled over Amy as she began settling into her daily routines. After waking up properly and having some coffee, she was ready to face the world with all its sights and sounds. Already, the dream was fading from her mind, while singsong tunes blared over her iPod.

"He reminds me of parsley…." Amy giggled and sang along with the tune of her own personal planet. A coy smile tugged the corners of her mouth as she adjusted her bangle bracelets and hummed the rest of the way into the only room of her house that wasn't pink.

This room looked like the paradise of some hippy escapist from the 60s. Its only "chairs" were colorful cushions. There were many cloths draped about like the inside of a carnival tent, and the colors somewhat matched. There were royal shades of blue, purple, and gold, and the few tables were occupied by scented candles, incense, and oils. It was her meditation room, a place she used to both escape the world and channel her thoughts.

Channeling was right, though. Amy was a medium of the psychic persuasion, and she was pretty good at it. Using tarot cards primarily, the girl had accurately been in Sonic's path more than once. 'It must be destiny!' She giggled like a silly little school girl when she knelt down before the only table in the room, on which the cards in question lay. She reached out a hand for them and busied herself with thoughts of a hero before shuffling the deck and laying them out in what she hoped would be her favor. 'Today, Amy….'re gonna make Sonic yours!'


Seven years ago....

Chains had tethered the Little Planet into a stationary position above Never Lake; Amy knew it was going to happen before it happened. She'd known because she'd seen it in a vision. The eight year old hedgechild stared up at the chain with wide, curious eyes. 'It was just like my dream,' she thought. Of course, there was an element of her dream too.

'Someone's on that planet...and he's waiting for me.' While this was not necessarily the motive, it was true. 'The Blue Lightning will come. They won't laugh at me now.'

It was dangerous, but exhilarating for Amy to imagine anyone climbing up to the Little Planet. She had to get up there...somehow.

"Wah...!" she yelped, as the chain swung wildly in the wind. Each link was larger than she was, and undoubtedly heavy. She shivered before she tentatively reached out and touched the anchor to the chain. Like lightning, she felt a surge through her body, and the chain stiffened to an immovable object. 'What did I...?'

Eventually, Amy had made it to the end of the chain, to the Little Planet. It felt warm; she felt a connection, like this was home. It was an anomaly of time and space that held the Time Stones, and they had reacted to her presence, allowing her passage to its surface, the chain reanimating only moments after her feet touched the ground.

The girl turned her eyes back toward Mobius now that her feet were bound to the gravity of the planetoid tethered to her home world. She could see the one she called the "Blue Lightning" faintly, climbing the chain in death-defying leaps and bounds, even as pieces of the chain caused the jagged ends of mountain tops to break against their mass. Her heart leapt.

"Sonic!" She beamed, suddenly filled with knowledge of his name. He was a hero, a real hero, and he'd been in her vision, and here he was, and now...for a little while, she embraced the twelve year old tightly.

One exhilarating adventure later, and the little girl was star struck. That was the day she first fell in love with Sonic the hedgehog.


Seven years later....

May 1st, 3238

You know, it's funny, I've never stopped believing in Sonic. Ever since I was small, he's been my hero. It was seven years ago to this day since I met him! I was such a foolish little kid then, so carefree. Cream's like that too...doesn't have a care in the world. Ha! But that was then, I've grown up a lot since then.... Soon, he'll have to admit I'm a woman and start paying attention to me!

You know why he was so important to me then? It was because he validated me. I wasn't some freak with powers, he never even got that…. He was just there and rescued me. He was there to rescue me, even if he didn't know it. I've had a crush on him ever since, and even now I laugh thinking about it. He makes me smile!

But oooh! Does he ever get under my skin...! Just today, I used my powers to trace him down, and do you know where he was? He was with Princess Sally! On a date no less! Urk! I know I'm not a subtle girl, why won't he look at me? It's always Sally! ...Sigh. Well, I did make a point of "accidentally" tripping Sally when they passed by and giving Sonic a scathing look.

I met up with Bunnie after that and we went shopping. That made me feel better. She says they've just been friends longer and I shouldn't worry about it. "Sugah hog will settle down when he's good an' ready I reckon. Don' see that happenin' anytime soon," she says. But she's in favorof Sonic and Sally! Huff...

Ha... Oh...I got a tear on the paper, it's smudged now. Damn...that Sonic. Making me want him so....

Why can't he be mine?


No. I'm not gonna give up! I'll have Sonic for sure, you'll see!


Amy Rose

May 2nd, 3238

Dear Diary,

It happened again. I had the same dream as last night. I could swear I was falling for hours in the moonlight. There was the fuzzy ball and…I don't know.... Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I am crazy.

I think I'm going to check this out with the cards,'s funny, they haven't been speaking to me lately. Am I losing it?

Oh well, if it happens again, I'll see if I can keep from screaming this time, lol.

..Maybe it's not so funny. I just can't think what it means.

Yours Truly,

Amy Rose

May 2nd, 3238

Dear Diary,

Two entries in one day, going for a record huh? LoL. Wait, strike that...I don't feel funny right now. I don't know whether to be pissed or not now. I checked my cards twice, and I was absolutely sure that Sonic was going to doesn't matter where, but you'll never guess who I saw.

Shadow! Uhg! What a let down…. Sorry, I'm bumming. Two days in a row without my Sonikku!

...You think there's more? Ahh, I am crazy, talking to a diary like it's a person or something. I'm even crazy for writing it all down instead of typing it on a keyboard. Call me old-fashioned, but I just like writing it down. It's feels better that way. But anyway...! Shadow just looked at me.

Not funny, right? That's it? That's the best you could come up with? "He looked at you?" Well, yeah. It's not that he looked at me, it's the way he looked at me. It''s like...if you stand up and look him in the eye, the way he looks back makes you feel as if things are slanted somehow. Like...the world isn't right, nothing's right. It's...really scary because you get the feeling he's looking through you or past you or something. I'm getting chills just thinking about was like fire and ice at the same intense it could freeze you to your core, but so intense…it's like fire.

I don't know.. I'm confused. The cards have never been wrong before like this. I asked them where my heart was's not important.

Hope I don't have that freaky dream again, it's starting to creep me out! lol! That settles it, no more pizza before bed!

Yours truly,

Amy Rose