iAm not Cinderella.

Disclaimer: I Unfortunately dont own iCarly. :(

One rainy afternoon at Ridgeway middle school sat Carly, Sam, and Freddie in Ms. Briggs classroom, There was about 10 minutes left of class, and they were just staring at the clock anxiously waiting for the bell to ring.

"Oh class, before I forget, here are some flyers they told us to hand out to you. Its some kind of masquerade ball they're throwing for the 8th grade formal dance on Friday." Ms. Briggs annouced while passing the flyers down the rows.

"You may not see, or tell what mask and dress you're wearing to anyone." Carly began reading as she recieved her flyer. "That's weird... I wonder why?"

"Maybe to meet new people?" Freddie suggested.

"Well, it sounds pretty fun. Hey Sam, are you going?" Carly asked.

"Nah, dances just really aren't my thing." Sam said with a tough-guy attitude.

"Oh come on Sam! I don't wanna go alone." Carly begged.

'But, how will you know if i'm there anyway? You won't know what I look like." Sam pointed out.

"True.. but still! You have to come!" Carly pleaded.

"I'm still not going.." Sam protested.

"...What if there's meat involved?" Carly asked.

"I'm listening..." Sam said more interested.

"If I brought you a variety of ribs, steaks, ham, and bacon... would you go to the dance?" Carly bargined.

Sam thought for a while and said, "Alright Carly. You've got yourself a deal." She said with a smile. "But, there better be lots of meat!"

Carly laughed and said, "Of course."

"So, Carly.. you have a date to the dance?" Freddie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Freddie, you can't ask me. It says right here at the bottom of the flyer that we draw numbers, and who ever has the same number as you is your date." Carly explained.

"Oh." Freddie said dissapointed. "Just as long as I don't get that!" he exclaimed pointing to Sam.

"Don't worry Fredward, I would never dance with you in a million years!" Sam shouted.

The bell finally rang after what seemed like forever and they recieved a ride from Sam's mom to Carly's apartment.

Carly came in holding the bright orange flyer and threw her bookbag on the floor as she walked in.

"Hey Spencer." Carly said cheerfully.

"Hey Carly! Whatcha got there?" Spencer asked as he noticed the bright flourecent orange paper in her hand.

"Oh, just a flyer to our schools 8th grade formal. Its masquerade themed." Carly said while handing the paper to Spencer.

"The masquerade dance.." Spencer said as he seemed to recall. "I remember that when I went to Ridgeway."

"Really? Was it fun?" Carly asked with a smile.

"Actually, it was the worst night of my life. My braces got stuck to my date's lip ring." Spencer explained.

"Aw." Carly said with sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, I know.. but after the 9th grade I got over it. But, I hope you guys have fun though!" Spencer said happily.

"Well, i've got a sculpture to build and I need to get some more supplies.. To the craft store!" He exclaimed as he ran out the door spaztically.

No Seddie yet, but there will be some soon! :D

Let me know what you think!

R&R please. :)