Fang is really getting used to the whole invisibility thing. He loves it, as much as Fang can love anything that is.

He's getting better at it too. He can even move around a little without being seen. Not a lot, a couple steps or so.

He's been using it to his advantage a lot lately. He's been playing a lot of jokes on people and listening into other people's conversations. That's how we found out that mom and Jeb are kind of dating now.

The relationship is apparently in an awkward first stage, only made more awkward by the child they share who has a mission to save the world.

His invisibility is useful occasionally but mostly its just unnerving. I never know if he is watching me. I always have to pinpoint his exact location if I'm going to change or get in the shower.

The other kids aren't worried at all. No, they barely seem to notice. But I'm always on edge now.

Its not that I don't trust him, I just know him really well. He's sneaky and conniving already, and with the invisibility thing he can do just about anything he wants.

So when Ella came into my room wanting to talk, I immediately went to track Fang down. And when I mean "track down" I mean locate to within an inch of where he is standing, sitting, or leaning.

"He said he was going to go flying for a while," chimed in Angels sweet voice from her bedroom. "He was going to ask you to go with him but I guess he chickened out." She giggled and went about brushing Totals hair.

I ignored the giggle and instead said "Now Angel, is that something that Fang told you or that you 'overheard?'" I crossed my arms and looked sternly at her. She froze and just looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry Max. He just looked weird, I wanted to make sure he was okay." She looked so precious there was no way I could stay mad at her.

I smiled and said, "Its okay sweets, just remember not to go digging around in the flocks heads, you don't do that to family.

"I wont, I promise." she said smiling brightly, warming my heart.

Ella and I went back to my room and she sat on my bed, while I walked around looking for any sign of Fang. "Fang, I know your in here." I looked behind my door, under my desk and in my closet. "FANG-" I began but was cut off by Ella, "He's not in here Max, can we please talk now?" She looked desperate so I conceded. I sat cross-legged across from her on the bed.

"What's up?" I said.

"Max… how do you know… if you like someone… like a lot?"

"Oh," was all I could manage for a couple minutes. Relationship advice? From me? "Ella maybe you should talk to mom about this stuff, I don't really have a lot of experience-"

"I cant go to mom, are you kidding. She'd get all weepy 'cause Im growing up one minute, then the next she'll be trying to give me the sex talk." We both cringed at the word. "And you do so have experience, you went out with that Sam guy remember, and the stuff with and Fang-"

"There is nothing going on between me and Fang!" I said abruptly.

"Regardless," she continued. "you still have more experience than me. And I CANNOT go to mom, please don't put me through that." Oh crap, Angel had taught her Bambi eyes.

I put my hands up in defeat, "Fine, fine, but its probably not going to be the best advice in the world."

"I'll take it." Ella said eagerly.