A/N: Another Arthur/Merlin from me.

Dedication: Again for Redbull07 who gave me the idea.

Disclaimer: I all belongs to the Beeb.

Word count: 566


Arthur hated waiting but that was exactly what he was doing, sat on the grass waiting for Merlin to turn up so that they can practice Arthur's sword fighting. Not that Arthur needs to practice; it's just that it's fun to practice with Merlin.

Not that they're friends or anything, it's just that the younger boy's fun to tease and it's always good to vent his emotions on someone. So, yeah, that's all. But he didn't like waiting.

After almost five minutes of waiting (yes, it was a short amount of time, but, hello, he's the prince and Merlin is his manservant. Merlin should have been there before Arthur even thought to call him) Arthur gave up, flung his sword to the ground and stomped off in search of Merlin.

He found the dark haired boy stood in the middle of one of the courtyards, chatting away to Gwen. She was smiling prettily and twiddling with her hair occasionally. Somehow the sight of her flirting with Merlin made Arthur's blood boil. He wanted to march over there and rip her pretty little hand from where she had lain it on Merlin's shoulder as she laughed.

Settling for a slightly more dignified approach he swept over and coughed lightly.

"Erm, Merlin?" Arthur asked, just the right amount of distain in his voice.

Merlin whipped around and had the grace to look embarrassed.

"Yes, Sire?"

"You are supposed to be attending to me, not chatting away to your friends. Come with me," Arthur commanded, leaving no room for complaint and marching away, not in the direction of the training field but toward his room.

He could hear Merlin's soft footfalls as he hurried after him. Merlin was most likely wondering what they were doing and if he was going to be punished but Arthur felt no need to calm the man and instead marched on in stony silence.

When they reached his rooms he flung the door open and gestured for Merlin to get inside. He followed, slamming the door behind him. Merlin was almost cowering beside Arthur's bed, body language screaming subservience and apology but Arthur didn't care.

"We were supposed to be sparring," Arthur said, taking a slow and steady step forward and Merlin shrank slightly "You made me wait."

"I'm sorry, Sire," Merlin said, head bowed.

"You were flirting with Gwen, weren't you?"

"No, Sire! It was nothing. I was just being nice."

"You know I don't like you flirting with other people. It makes me angry. And we both know there's only one way to solve that, don't we?"

Merlin nodded.

"Good," Arthur said, pulling off his gloves and throwing them to the bed "now hop to it, Merlin. And make me believe it."

Merlin hurried forward to do as he was bidden, pulling Arthur into a passionate kiss and pressing himself against Arthur's chest, moaning as the older boy nibbled on his lower lip and slid his strong hands round to rest on his lower back. Merlin's hands managed to find their way into Arthur's hair and tugged on it, pulling him closer and urging Arthur to do more.

Arthur complied and within minutes they were naked on Arthur's bed, rocking and moaning together. It was over not soon after and as they basked in the after glow, Merlin couldn't help noting that he and Arthur hadn't gotten round to training in months.