"How did I survive?" Grievous asked quietly to himself, as Luke positioned the Kaleesh style mask over his eyes.

Luke soldered the mask onto the rest of Grievous' body, and stepped back. Grievous growled and slowly raised one of his arms. The metal creaked and squealed, and more of the white paint chipped off, and fell to the floor. He clenched his fist, and a cloud of dust escaped the hinges between his fingers. If he could, Grievous would have smiled.

It took nearly an hour to put all of him back together, but the end result was worth the wait.

"Wow." Luke whispered to himself. He sighed and sat back down in his chair, wiping off his sweaty forehead with a greasy rag.

Grievous wheezed, looking at his horrible excuse for a body. "Well, it's better than a bacta tank…" He slowly lifted up one of his knees, it made a loud 'CRUNCH', and he immediately set it back down.

"Here, lemme fix that." Luke said as he reached for a wrench. He went up to Grievous' rusted limb, and gulped. He knew Grievous was staring him down, he could feel it. Now, Luke was somewhat regretting grabbing this hunk of garbage from the Sandcrawler. Grievous scared him. There was just something sinister about this…this creature.

As soon as Luke was done, Grievous pushed him aside. He slowly raised his leg, it didn't make a sound. He slowly started to raise the other leg. It also came up silently. Slowly but surely, Grievous stood. One hand resting on the table, to keep his balance.

"Hand me that." Grievous growled, pointing to large brown blanket sitting on one of the counters. Luke tossed it to him, and he quickly wrapped it around his neck.

There was a moment of silence between them. Luke shifted uncomfortably in his seat, crossing his legs, and scratching his head. The silence was killing him. But he was afraid if he spoke up, Grievous would hack his head off. Grievous stared out the door, and seemed to be in some sort of awkward trance. The sounds of Grievous' motors and the wind blowing the sand outside, were the only things that were heard.

"You want to ask me something." Grievous murmured peacefully.

Luke was startled by Grievous' sudden comment, but he composed himself quickly and answered. "Um, yeah. How were you able to survive? Weren't you burnt alive? And on top of that, how did your body manage to stay alive through all these years? It just seems….impossible."

Grievous sighed. "When you've been through what I have, there's no such thing as 'impossible'." He turned around to face Luke completely. "The answer you are about to hear is quite disappointing, and not exciting in the least bit. If that's what you were hoping for?" Luke shrugged. Grievous growled, "The only way I survived, is that there was a leak in the ceiling above me. Thankfully the leak lead straight to the sick bay, so bacta dripped on me every few moments."

Luke pondered this for a moment. Grievous stood there impatiently, slightly tapping one of his massive toes. "It still sounds almost impractical." Grievous let out a low rumbling growl, which made Luke jump. "But then again, there's no such thing as impossible, right?"

Grievous huffed and turned to stare out the door again. Just as he was beginning to calm down again, C-3PO entered to room, whining about something as usual.

"Master Luke! It's R2 sir, he's missing!" This moment of course, being after they found Leia's message.

"What?" Luke exclaimed. He quickly grabbed some binoculars and rushed outside, bumping into Grievous on the way out, making him hiss in response.

Luke stared around the boundaries of the farm, and no sign of R2. "That R2 unit has always been a problem. These astro-droids are getting quite out of hand. Even I can't understand their logic at
times." C-3PO sputtered.

"How could I be so stupid? He's nowhere in sight. Blast it!" Luke cursed.

"Pardon me, sir, but couldn't we go after him?" C-3PO asked.

"It's too dangerous with all the Sandpeople around. We'll have to wait until morning." Luke huffed, heading back inside.

"Morning it is." Grievous muttered quietly. With a 'swoosh' of his new cloak, Grievous disappeared into the darkness as Owen switched off the lights.


A/N: Sorry for the late update. But now that it's summer, I'll be writing a lot more. Believe me.