Renesemee walked back from her night class.

It was late and cold. She was tired and grumpy from her lack of sleep (do to procrastination) and her hunger.

She turned on her ipod and walked quickly so she could go back and take a shower, read, relax, and go to bed.

As she took a turn towards the dorms she saw a group of people she really wasn't in the mood to talk to. Her mom dad, and aunt and uncle, all walking towards her laughing at some joke jasper just cracked.

She saw her father and immediately thought "o Jesus" in the most sarcastic tone she could muster. She wasn't in the mood to be embarrassed by and hug or a kiss as her classmates walked behind her.

Bella spotted her and as they got closer and she quickly caught on to Renesemee's mood.

"Where are you all going?" she asked once she stood in front of them. Alice twirled and said, "You got out early! We were coming to meet you to walk you back, we were so bored."

She looked at her mother and glared, she already talked to her about them leaving her alone. "Alice wants to go to Walmart to look at people, and she wants a book," he mother said apologetically.

"O please Nessie!! Can you come with? If you don't you know how I'll feel." Her excited face switched to obnoxiously childish as she crossed her arms and glared and Renesemee.

Renesemee put her head phones back in and smiled mockingly and started to walk away, she was in no mood and didn't care if Alice got mad at her.

Before she started her music she said,

"You all have fun, some people need to go to sleep." She laughed to her self (and she wanted them to hear) and turned her music to blasting so she could block out some of the chatter that would soon babble out of Alice's mouth.

She would explain later to her mother how she was feeling, but at the moment she didn't feel like talking to anyone.

As she got back, she was happy to have the room to herself, with Bella out (and Edward with her). She took a shower, got dressed and watched some youtube videos. She also ordered and purse online (she didn't have to ask with her mother not there!) As soon as she slipped under the covers, the door creaked open, and Bella's tiny head popped in making sure not to disturb her.

Bella carefully sat on Renesemee's bed; she knew she was upset, and not yet asleep.

"My love, I'm sorry we bothered you, I tried to explain to Alice before but she would not listen. I had a feeling you were upset."

And quick huff was all Renesemee could muster. She touched her mother's leg from under the covers, and explained how she was tired and grumpy and hungry, and the 98 she got on her advanced chem test.

Bella laughed quietly, and started to stroke her hair. She loved her mom so much, but she did get annoying.

"Move over Renesemee, so I can rub your back" she moved over and her mothers cool touch helped soothe her to sleep.

When she woke up the next day, Bella was already dressed (black pants, long grey sweater, sliver necklace, and black flats, very chic)

She was on her computer watching youtube videos and laughing quietly. Then she realized her father was on her computer listening to symphonies.

"Dad, get off my computer!" she screamed and flung herself out of bed and to his side "what the fuck dad, you have your own computer, don't you think I want to use my computer in the morning!" she immediately shut the computer and proceeded to glare at him.

His hands flew up and her sudden intensity at shutting things.

"I was simply listening to Debussy. Next time would you like me to wake you from dreaming and ask your permission?" he looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Dad, I don't like when people use my computer" she could still feel the grumpiness from last night.

Ever since they started school, the combination of not seeing Jacob and living and going to school and acting like her father was her cousin made her a bit ticked. She was not enjoying herself. She plopped on her bed and Edward looked intensely and Bella across the room. Bella looked back concerned and then looked at Renesemee.

"Would you like to go hunting tonight? Will that make you feel better love?"

"Yes it would," she said childishly.

"Ok then that's what we will do" Bella gazed intensely at Edward, showing him how to handle such situations.