here you go :) sorry it has been awhile, breaks are the easiest time for me to get these out. please enjoy, there will be more to come later. I haven't forgotten about this, and won't anytime soon.

The week passed very slowly. Very, very slowly.

It was like watching a clock, half an hour before class got out.

She counted down the days since he said " week." It rang in her head.

She realized she had no other friends on campus besides the Cullens. She had people to eat with, people to talk to, but know one to, just, hang out with. It made her depressed.

So on top of being an extremely slow week, she was depressed.

She also realized all Gabriella knows what to talk about is Troy, her sorority, and weird drama club drama from high school. She constantly chatted non-stop, often looking in the mirror, and using Laura as an excuse to hear her own voice.

Sooo, on top of it being a slow week, being depressed, she was severely annoyed by the word vomit coming out of her self-loving room mate's mouth.

Although, a good thing was no one recognized her from that night. Yet, whenever she thought about it her own stomach churned, and not because of the graphic memories. Questions constantly popped in her mind when she wasn't distracted. Is Renesmee ok? Is she still sick? What if she's dead? What if they aren't coming back?

It wouldn't have been so bad if she could get a hold of her. But she couldn't. She remembered waking up the next morning and texting her to see if she was all right. When she didn't get an answer, she figured she would call. When no one bothered to pick up, she figured she would wait for them to call back, when that didn't happen...she started to worry.

What was going on?

She knew something was up. She couldn't put her finger on it. She figured if everything were "ok" even if Renesmee was sick, they would call. They were polite people. This wasn't polite. This wasn't like them

Therefore, she concluded, they were hiding something.

This made her angry.

His last words tore her brain. He was so mysterious, why did he have to be that way if there was a simple explanation to the incident, such as getting sick. Why did they have to leave for a whole week? Why did he say it would be taken care of? Why put in so much effort, when the truth could take none at all?

At times like those, when her mind comes to that conclusion, Gabriella often shuts up, due to the fact that she gives a very evil eye.

Now it's 9:30 pm, the Sunday the week after the incident, they were supposed to be back yesterday. She's pissed and restless. She grabs her coat, and opens the door to troy's face right before he's about to knock.

She storms down the hallway, down 2 flights of stairs, and out the front door.

She decides to head towards the gym.

She looks at all the passing people and cars.

She passes people heading the same direction as her. She gives them dirty looks. A car passes her, a nice car. It takes her 3 seconds to realize what that could possibly mean.

She turns around and sees the logo. Volvo....son of a bitch.

She runs, chasing the car. They probably see her, they are probably ignoring her.

She pushes past some basketball players, some very thin girls.

"Hey!" she screams, "wait!" she runs, the car breaks at a stop sign, but its too far. She still runs, but the car doesn't move. She catches up to it. The back door swings open

Finally she sees the face she had been worrying about for practically 168 hours.

"Laura!" Renesmee squeals with delight (but it wasn't really a squeal, more like a perfect pitch) her face was alight.

Laura in that instant was happy, delighted actually, she really was, but she guessed her face didn't show it.

"Are you ok?" asked Renesmee immediately.

Laura hopped in without saying a word

She was the fourth person in the back seat but she made herself fit, there was a blonde girl next to Renesmee she didn't recognize.

"Are you ok?" Renesmee asked again, as the car lurched forward

She turned to her, "I should be asking you that question."

Renesmee's mouth fell open,"I...."

"I'm a lot better now, now that i know you're not dead!"

"I- I'm sorry…we should have called."

Laura sat staring straight ahead. She was a bit embarrassed to be acting the way she was, but she didn't care at the moment. She shook her head in disbelief

"I thought you were dead, Renesmee. Yes, you should have called. It has literally been the worst week of my life."

Renesmee's face fell, like it did when she was disappointed or ashamed.

"I'm sorry, your right. should have called."

Laura didn't bother to look at her, as the car pulled up to the curb by the dorm. She was still angry, but felt better about it.

She opened the door as soon as the car stopped. The person on the passenger side stood beside her. He was older, but good looking. He must be related somehow. All Renesmee's friends are related to her, and hot.

Renesmee got out next followed by the blonde girl. Laura waited silently for Bella to get the luggage out of the trunk, while Edward (she couldn't help but take in his perfection) talked quietly to the older man.

Renesmee stood next to her, and awkwardly said. "Uh, Laura, this is Rosalie, Rosalie Laura."

Laura turned to her to be polite. She was suddenly taken aback, the girl's beauty was unsurpassable, Laura immediately wondered why she's never seen her on a magazine cover. Her skin glowed, her eyes sparkled, her hair shined, not more or less than the others, but for some reason she noticed it more. Like it was meant to be that way, just as obvious as a pro athlete should look athletic.

She took her hand.

"Nice to meet you." Laura said. The girl (women? she did look slightly older) glared at her. She was stronger than she looked, and her hand was freezing.

"Don't you ever hurt my niece."

The threat sent chills up her body immediately.

"Rosalie!" Renesmee yelled, she was angry now.

"What? I was just making polite conversation with your friend." she smiled sweetly at Laura.

Renesmee was growled with anger, Rosalie walked away to help carry some luggage. Laura saw Edward give her a threatening look.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Renesme said with her face in her hands.

"Its ok."

"She's like that sometimes, it's just her, I'm sorry."

"Its ok"

Renesmee was looking at the ground as if she had a lot on her mind. Laura turned towards her.

"That's your aunt? She looks like our age." Laura questioned. Renesmee suddenly looked like a dear in headlights.

"uhhh- no, no, that's my cousin."

"Oh? She just said you were her niece."

"Oh really? She must be mixed up."

"hmmm, ok." Laura shrugged, didn't want to push it, but she wasn't going to forget it.

The older man approached them, he had kind eyes

"You must be Laura, I've heard a lot about you. I wanted to personally thank you for helping my niece when she was sick." She shook his hand and smiled at him, his grip was firm, his hand was cold, but he was so kind, she could have been mistaken.

"You're welcome. " She smiled at him. He turned towards Renesmee and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll see you soon, please be careful, I love you."

"Love you too" mumbled Renesmee, seeming a bit embarrassed by his show of affection. He shook Edward's hand and hugged Bella.

Rosalie came up to Renesmee then and cupped her face in her hands, in a very odd way. Gazing at her like she was a prized possession. She kissed her cheeks. Renesmee hugged her.

"Don't get hurt, I can't live without you."

Then her and the man both hoped into the car and zoomed away. And that was that.

Now it was just the four of them.

Laura followed behind the three. They showed their keys and went upstairs. Laura followed the silently into the girls' dorm room.

"Laura, I'm sorry we didn't call, you must have been so worried." Bella said after she shut the door. She came close to Laura looking at her with motherly eyes. Laura realized she was taller than her.

Before she knew it Bella pulled her into a hug. It was a nice hug, so she hugged back. She felt very stable despite Bella's thin body supporting her. She was very sturdy, almost hard.

"Oh, Laura," sighed Bella," thank you so much for helping Renesmee."

"Uhhhhh no problem?"

"Yes, Laura, thank you." said Edward, but not as affectionate. She didn't get a hug from him.

Laura nodded her head and turned to Renesmee who was sitting on her bed like a wounded animal

"Really, Renesmee, are you ok? Like, what the hell happened?"

Renesmee looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I had a bad reaction to the smoke."

"So that made you throw up blood? What was that about?" Renesmee's eyes glanced towards Bella and Edward.

"Stomach ulcer." Renesmee glanced down.

"That's it? You couldn't call me to tell me this?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of it."

Laura turned towards Bella and Edward

"And you guys didn't either?" Bella looked down, and Edward had a glazed expression on his face. There was some silence.

"Its ok" she assured them, "I'm not really mad. I'm relieved now."

"We are very sorry Laura, for worrying you." Chimed Bella. She looked cute today, but Laura only took notice for 2 seconds.

"That's ok," Laura began to feel better.

"Sorry again" Renesmee said, a bit more uplifted

"Its ok, I'm over. I'm glad your ok and I'm really glad your back."

"Me too!" jeered Renesmee "What do you want to do now that I'm back!!?"

Laura laughed, "Actually I think I'm gonna go to bed, have to wake up early for class tomorrow."

"Oh yea," Renesmee sat back down on the bed, her voice dropping.

"But I'm glad you're back! Ill call you tomorrow for lunch or something. Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" chimed Bella and Renesmee. Edward didn't say anything his back was too her once she left.

"Laura!" Renesmee busted down her door, in complete panic, her face twisted with horrer. "Hurry hurry! Run! She's coming!!" Laura raced after her. Her feet were slow and heavy. She was scared; she knew she was coming for her. Renesmee looked back but didn't turn to help her; she kept going, down the hall. "Hurry, quick!!" she yelled. Laura tried, she tried, she couldn't move, her feet lethargic under her weight. She finally rounded the corner, but to her horror, there she was, the un-humanly blonde. Her eyes closed looking up at the ceiling, then she sensed her. Slowly her head tilted forward. She saw her eyes open, black as a moonless night, her skin pale as pure light. Those eyes and skin didn't belong together, one of the devil, the other, an angel. Her expression changed, her mouth opened wide, and her fangs glistened with blood.

She woke up, sweating, her heart racing. She looked over to Gabriella who was sleeping quietly. The clock said 4:37. She rubbed her neck. That dream creeped her out. She walked out to the water fountain, past their door. It was closed. She wanted to knock. They were probably asleep. She stood in front of it for several seconds. Then went to her dorm, and back in her bed.