Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or any of its character. I also do not own the gods mentioned even though I may make up some of their traits. (Again, disclaimers are pointless)

Pairings: Thats for you to find out :P

Rating: T for violence.

All the monks are the same rank as they were on the last episode.


Black Flame

By: Sarah (xXXanaXx)

Chapter One: Tritant of Zeus


Wuya sat in her bed peeling the skin off of an apple with her fingernail. The bed was small and lumpy and very uncomfortable. She wasn't happy.

Look what she had been reduced to. There once was a time, when she was the most powerful force on Earth. When nothing could ever stop her. Where she had powers and could destroy a man with just a snap of her fingers. But then, things changed.

After Raimundo trapped her back into the puzzle box, things were never the same. Sure she escaped, but she was still a powerless ghost. When Chase used to Serpent's Tail and Reversing Mirror on her, she thought she would be all powerful again, but guess what. Mr. Prince of Darkness here didn't give her her powers back. So she was just as powerful as she was in her ghost form except she could comb her hair and she had the pleasure of receiving a monthly gift from Mother Nature.

"I need to get out of this dump." she said to herself. Sure, she had a slight crush on Chase, but living here was driving her out of her freaking mind. She needed to get out of here. She wanted to scream. Then she noticed a black shadow in the corner of her room. Suspended from the ceiling was Chase's little messenger crow. If she said anything aloud, Chase would hear of it, and she didn't want that.

A knock from the door disturbed her thoughts. Before she could order the person to come in, the door swung open. One of Chase's jungle cat henchmen was in their human form and standing in her doorway. "Master Young requests your presence."

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute."

"Negative m'lady. Master Young requests your presence at once. It's urgent." he replied sternly.

"Fine." Wuya rolled her eyes and pushed herself off of the bed and followed the henchmen up a spiral staircase. He led her to the circular room with the eyeball in the middle. Chase was sitting in front of the eyeball with his legs crossed and his left elbow propped up on his knee. His head was being supported by his left hand. He looked like he was bored out of his mind. The henchmen gave a silent cough to alert his master that they had arrived. He turned around and then stood up.

"It's about time you got here."

"What do you want?" she started toward him as the henchmen made his exit.

"We have a mission. I plan on using a shen-gong-wu on a certain monk."

"Omi? I swear sometimes I think you're obsessed with him. Omi this, Omi that. Are you secretly gay or something?"

Chase rolled his eyes and ignored her comment. "Yes, Omi. I plan on using a wu that will bring him back to the Heylin side."

"Which one? Ying Yo Yo? Reversing Mirror? Treasure of the Blind Swordsmen? The Monkey Staff?" she rambled.

"No, the wu is called Tritant of Zeus."

"I've never even heard of that." she said puzzled. "It hasn't been activated yet."

"That's because I stole it from Dashi before he had a chance to hide it."

"Well, what does it do?"

"When it is blasted at someone, they get possessed by a god. I plan on having Omi become possessed by Hades. Then we shall truly destroy the Earth." he explained.

"So, when do we put this little plan of yours into action?"

He looked down at the eyeball. "In about five minutes." he motioned her over to see. In the ball, it showed all the monks sitting in the garden. They were in a circle doing their afternoon meditations.

"Wake up, gang. We got a live one." Dojo shouted as he slithered into the scene.

"What is it Dojo?" Clay asked. He unraveled the scroll that showed a man standing there holding a small sphere.

"It's called the Sphere of Truth. You can ask it any question in the world and it will answer it. However, there are two catches. First, it doesn't tell you the answer, instead it shows a picture. Second, you may only ask one question and thats it."

"Well thats kind of pointless." Kimiko said.

"Not if the question is how to destroy evil." Raimundo pointed out.

"Oh, good thinking my oh so clever leader, Raimundo. However, I thought of the possibility before you did. I am a much quicker thinker than you and deserve to be leader." Omi bragged.

"Ok you two, lets just go and get this wu." Dojo said before a fight broke out. He grew to his dragon form and they we off toward Guatemala.

"So what now?" Wuya asked.

"We go to Guatemala."


I can see the look on your faces. You all don't think this story is going anywhere. But you are wrong. I have big plans for this story, so don't give up on it just yet.
