Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or any of its character. I also do not own the gods mentioned *even though I may make up some of their traits* (Again, disclaimers are pointless)

Pairings: RaixKim ChasexPele

Rating: T for violence.

All the monks are the same rank as they were on the last episode.


Black Flame

By: Sarah (xXxTDI AngelxXx)

Chapter Five: Planning and Scheming


Pele and Chase were sparring out in the courtyard. Every time Chase would try and land a punch, it was easily dodged and returned with a much more forceful attack. In about five moves, Pele would have Chase laying on the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off.

"Your powers are coming back to their full potential. I am very pleased."

"I'm glad to please you."

Chase smiled at her. "Pele, there is more information I wish to tell you."

A look of confusion passed through her face. "What is it, master?"

"I have began researching the Tritant of Zeus in the ancient scrolls, and I came across something very interesting. I figured out a way to make your change permanent"

She suddenly became very excited. "Well what is it? Tell me!"

"If the recipient, being you, becomes bound to a person of this world, then the transformation will become irreversible."

"So what do I have to do?"

"I have come up with a solution. If me and you were to betroth, then the change will become permanent."

"So, all I have to do is marry you, and I can stay in this body?" hope rising in his voice.


"I would be honored, master." she said with a bow. He returned the bow and gazed over her. An idea struck his mind. He grinned at his new devious plan.

"However, before we do that, I have one task for you, my apprentice."

"And what might that task be?" she asked raising a curious eyebrow.

He smiled, showing a row of sharp white teeth. "You are going to kill the dragon of the wind."


No one had seen Raimundo much for the past week. He had spent most of his time either in the scroll room or in the forest. No one ever knew what he was doing in the forest. He would wake up earlier than anyone else and spend hours in the scroll room reading scroll upon scroll. Then once everyone woke up, he would run to the forest and not come back until late night. He wouldn't talk to anyone and he never ate with the group. The elderly monks plus Clay, Omi, and Dojo, all gathered in the Meditation Hall to discuss the mater.

"Raimundo has gotten way out of hand." Master Fung said.

"I haven't seen the guy in a week." Clay commented.

"I have seen him exiting the scroll room on many occasions. Does anyone know what it is he is studying?" one of the older monks asked.

"I haven't the faintest clue." Master Fung said.

"I have a suggestion." Omi said looking at Master Fung for permission to continue. After he nodded, Omi took in a breath and began his plan. "One of us should use the Shroud of Shadows to follow Raimundo and see what he is up to."

"That might actually work." Clay said.

"Very well. Omi, I want you to stay up tonight and wait. When Raimundo wakes up to go to the scroll room, use the shen gong wu and watch him. Then, when he goes to the forest, Clay will take over while you rest. Understood?"

"Yes Master Fung." Omi and Clay bowed, exiting the room. It was about eleven o'clock pm, so Clay decided to head to bed.

"Are you sure your going to be able to stay up all night, little partner?" Clay looked at his yellow skinned friend.

"Of course! I am a Xiaolin dragon. Sleep shall not defeat me!"

Clay still looked doubtfully. "Whatever you say, good night."

Omi walked into his cubicle and took a seat. He laid the Shroud of Shadows beside him as he sat in a meditation position. He sat there thinking about many things. These were troubled times they were in. Kimiko, or Pele, was becoming unstoppable and stronger by the minute. Master Fung said an answer would reveal itself in time, but they had already wasted enough time. To make matters worse, Raimundo, who was supposed to be their leader, was never around and refused to talk to anyone. He didn't know how they were going to get out of this mess. The sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts. He looked at the clock and saw it was four o'clock am. But everyone didn't wake up until at least seven thirty. 'It must be Raimundo,' he thought. He wrapped himself with the Shroud of Shadows and tip toed out of the cubicle. He saw Raimundo walking down the corridor. He followed after him, as silent as a ghost. He walked into the scroll room and quickly shut the door. Omi had to run to get in the door soon enough. After he closed the door, he double locked it.

Raimundo went over to a shelf containing many scrolls. Omi expected him to take one of the scrolls off of the shelf. However, he pushed the bookshelf aside revealing a hole in the wall. The hole was close to the ground and wasn't very deep. Raimundo reached into the hole and pulled out two scrolls. He sat in the middle of the floor and spread both scrolls out on the floor. Omi quietly crept over to his side. He looked over his shoulder to observe the scrolls for himself. On one scroll was a detailed description of the Tritant of Zeus. It's function, how to use it, the risk factors in using it, and some other minor details about the shen gong wu. The other one was much longer and had a whole lot more information. It was titled 'Most Powerful Xiaolin Moves: Wind Edition Expert monks only!!'.

So Raimundo had snuck into the secret scrolls that were forbidden to the other monks? How had he managed that? Omi would worry about that later, for right now, he watched his friends study the two scrolls, re-reading them over and over again. 'He must be really determined to save Kimiko,' Omi thought. After a few hours, he heard some footsteps further down the corridor.

"Shit, they're already up." Raimundo muttered to himself. He quickly put the scrolls back into his hiding spot and pushed the shelf back into place. He then scurried out the door and headed outside. Omi followed after him and quickly made his way to the cubicles. He went over to Clay's cubicle and found the cowboy already dressed, adjusting his boots.

"Hey little buddy, whats up?"

"Raimundo is heading off into the woods. I suggest you hurry to catch up with him." Omi said handing Clay the Shroud of Shadows.

He nodded in agreement. "I'm on it." He wrapped the shen gong wu around his broad shoulders and ran down the corridor. He caught site of Raimundo on the edge of the tree line. He followed behind him silently. They walked for a good fifteen or twenty minutes before coming to a small clearing. Raimundo walked to the middle of the meadow and scanned the area. Clay decided it would be best if he stay in the tree line. He watched as Raimundo took a deep breath. The wind around them began to pick up. A gust of wind gathered around Raimundo and created a tornado around him. The tornado lifted him off the ground and towards the air. However, a few seconds later, the tornado disappeared causing Raimundo to plummet to the ground. He landed on his back and growled in pain and frustration.

"Come on, Raimundo! Pull it together! Let go of your anger. Stop thinking about her for just one minute!" he yelled at himself. At the last comment, he forcefully kicked a nearby tree. Said tree was now missing a big chunk of bark out of it. Raimundo heard a twig snap behind him and whipped his head around scanning the area. Clay held his breath. He was shifting his weight and accidentally stepped on a twig.

"Who's there? Show yourself you coward!" He stood in a fighting stance. Clay sighed. His cover was already blown, and he really did not want to face Raimundo wrath. So he slowly removed the Shroud of Shadows and looked at his friend. Raimundo sighed in irritation. "Clay what are you doing out here?"

"Master Fung sent me, to see what you've been up to."

Raimundo chuckled. "Should have known. You all don't have to worry about me, just leave me alone."

"Raimundo, we will save her. Come on talk to me, man. We're friends." Clay pleaded. Raimundo was starring intently at the ground. Clay started to think it was a lost cause and began to walk away.

"I've been studying." Raimundo said. Clay turned and started walking back towards his friend, who still kept him eyes on the grass underneath him. "I've been researching the shen gong wu that Chase used on Kimiko. And the only way to get her back is if we break the Tritant while Kimiko is in control of her body and not Pele."

"But how are we going to do that? Only Chase can control that, and we know he will never say Kim's name."

Raimundo finally looked Clay in the eyes. "She's fighting inside, I know it. When we were fighting, she turned into herself, but just for a little while. If I can just get her alone, then I can get her to change back."

"Thats a good plan, but it's impossible. It's not like we can kidnap a goddess, especially when she's under Chase's watch."

"Well, we don't have much time. There is a way that Chase can make the change permanent, and I have a feeling he will figure that out shortly and will not hesitate to do it." Raimundo said.

"So what was that you tried to do a minute ago?"

"It's a move I learned by looking through one of the scrolls. It is supposedly the most powerful wind move, but it requires complete calmness and concentration. You cannot be thinking or feeling anything."

Clay whistled. "Sounds tough."

"I was almost there that time. It was the first time I got more than a foot off the ground." he grinned sheepishly.

Clay looked up at the sky and then back down to Raimundo, "Well, we better head back to the temple. You plan on telling the others your plan?"

Raimundo averted his gaze away from Clay, "In time. I still need to figure everything out first."

"I understand." he nodded. "Will you at least come back to the temple? We haven't seen you in a week."

Raimundo hesitated for a moment and the shrugged. "Yea, sure why not." The two began their trek back to the temple.

*******************************Later On That Night*******************************

Pele crept around in a nearby tree, watching the temple. It was about twelve thirty and she had been waiting here for about an hour now. She saw the final light in the temple go out. She waited until about three o'clock, that way she could be sure everyone was asleep. She smirked evilly to herself. It was time. She jumped down from the branch and crept towards the window leading into the monk's cubicles.


I am so sorry to have not updated in like 6 months. I will understand if you wanna hang me by my thumbs. Anyways please review!!!


PS: How do yu like the new username?