A/N; Ok this took me awhile to work out the bugs, but the next chapter will be back with Alex reality, and her reunion with Shawnee.

Also I don't own Harry Potter and please review.

Unknown Reality

A teen of eighteen years is floating in a sea of silvery light, opened her eyes looking startle. "What is going on?" Shawnee cried out as she tried to stand but could not move a muscle. "Great what have I gotten myself into now?" Shawnee worriedly thought as she tried in vain to move any part of her body.

After a few minutes, the teen gave up as she lay in the sea of silvery light, until a voice sounded. "Little one, please do not fear you are coming into your heritance, which will take time for you to become the True Child of Light." A kind voice informed the startled teen.

"True Child of Light, what does that mean?" Shawnee cried out since this was the first time she heard someone call her that.

"It means Shawnee, that you will be very powerful, probably powerful enough to end the Darkness that is engulfing countless Realities." The kind voice warned as the teen looked scared.

"Will the Darkness take over the Reality I am staying at?" Shawnee quickly questioned.

"In time yes the world you now live in, will fall like the Mages World, but there is hope, you and the other Child of Light will need to combine your strength to end the Darkness for good." The Voice warned as the teen gulped.

"Is the other Child of Light Alex Potter?" Shawnee hoped as the voice quickly answered.

"Alex is also a Child of Light, which I fear she won't be powerful enough to end the Darkness alone." The Voice warned as the teen looked determined to help in anyway she can.

"Please tell me what I need to do to end the Darkness I don't want to see another World fall to it!" Shawnee begged as a calming feeling engulf her.

"Then Child of Light, all you need to accept your destiny, and fulfilled it without any fears or doubts." The voice warned as the teen nodded.

"I Shawnee Potter accept my Destiny of being the Child of Light!" Shawnee cried out as the silvery light was absorbed into her body.

After a few moments, the teen was now standing in a world of beauty beyond anything she saw in her short life. "Welcome Shawnee Potter, to the Realm of Light!" A small silvery Dragon kindly informed the startled teen.

"Wow…" Was all Shawnee could say, as she stood in a sea of breath taking flowers, under a clear cloudless sky.

"But I'm afraid your stay must be cut short, since you need to return to your world and fight the Darkness." The Dragon warned as the teen looked to him.

"But wait what must I do to end the Darkness please tell me!" Shawnee begged as the little Dragon pointed to her Tattoo.

"When you are ready to face your Destiny, call for the Dragons of Light, and we will fight along side of the Children of Light, since it is also our destiny to aid the Chosen ones." Was all the Dragon could say as the world went dark.

Reality 8

Five teens sat around a bed ridden teen, all looking worried. "Great it been three days, and if Shawnee doesn't wake soon, we better send her to the Hospital!" Hermione warned, as the others looked unsure.

"Hermione we can't since how are we going to explain Shawnee's glowing body?" Draco warned, as he looked worried for his unconscious friend.

"Draco is right, we need to keep Shawnee here until she wakes, since the Muggles will not believe if tell them that Shawnee's glow is Magical." Neville warned as he got up. "But for now Luna we better get dinner so we can eat here again, since I doubt anyone of us want to leave Shawnee alone for too long." Neville sighed as his friend agreed both disappeared.

A week pass as the five friends waited for their unconscious friend to awake, and hope was almost lost until a groan sounded from the teen. "Shawnee are you alright?" Hermione yelled as her bedridden friend cringed at the sudden noise.

"Hermione, please don't shout." Shawnee begged as she sat up rubbing her encrusted eyes. "Oh how long was I out, I fell like I been asleep for days?" Shawnee tiredly asked her friends.

"It's been five days Shawnee we almost lost hope of seeing you back among us." A teary eye Hermione cried as her friend took her hands to assure her.

"I'm sorry for worrying you all, but I just came to my Heritance, and I fear I must be going to fight the Darkness before it reaches this world." Shawnee warned as she got up.

"Wait Shawnee we are coming to help you!" Harry quickly suggested as his other friends started getting ready to leave.

"No you can't, this isn't your fight you need to stay here and rebuild the Magical World." Shawnee tried to reason, but her friends shook their heads.

"Shawnee what's the point of rebuilding our World, if we can't defend a threat that will destroy it." Draco warned as he looked determine to help. "So please let us help you." Draco begged as the older teen gave up.

"Fine then but it won't be my decision, since I will be calling for some friends, and if they say you can't come, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to change it." Shawnee warned as the six friends left the room to get ready to leave.

The morning sun just rose above the nearby lake beside a small castle, as six teens walked out to greet the new day. "Shawnee we are ready when you are." Harry bravely announced as the friends place some bags before them.

"Then I guess there is only one thing to do." Shawnee gulped as she placed her left hand on her silver Dragon Wing Tattoo. "I Shawnee Potter, call forth the Dragons of Light, so we can fight the Darkness together!" Shawnee called out and in a blinding light six thirty-foot silvery Dragons appeared before the teens.

As the teens stared in awe at the Dragons, one bowed to them. "Shawnee of the Light, we Dragons pledge our loyalty to you and your friends." The Silver Dragon promised as the teen bowed.

"I thank you for coming to our aid, but will you allow my friends to join us in our fight?" Shawnee wondered as the Dragon nodded.

"I don't see any problems, just have them ride on one of my friends, and we can leave anytime you are ready to join the other Child of Light." The Dragon suggested as he gestured towards the other Dragons.

"Then we are ready now, so can leave once we pick a Dragon." Shawnee and her friends gulped at riding on the Dragons.

Within ten minutes, the six teens were saddle on a waiting dragon, and once they brace themselves the Dragons took flight and disappeared in a blinding light.