
It was a sunny day on Privet Drive, children playing outside, women gardening, and men reading the newspaper. Everyone was having a fun time, except for a certain Harry Potter that is. Harry Potter was a 10-year old child who lived with his aunt, uncle, and their obnoxious son, Dudley. They were what was known as, the Dursley's. The Dursley's were by no means a nice family, sure they were nice to eachother and their son, but when it came to Harry, they'd treat him like he was a vermin of the house. Of course, to them, he was.

Petunia Dursley, Harry's aunt, had a habit of watching the neighbors going about their daily lifes, because as such, that was Petunia Dursley's life. Vernon Dursley, Harry's uncle, was a employee at Grunning's Drills, and as he has said again and again, is the only competent worker at the place. Dudley Dursley, Harry's cousin, he liked to eat, and eat, and eat, and watch TV, oh, he and his gang also liked to bully kids around the neighborhood. Finally, Harry Potter, a kid whose parents were killed in a car crash when he was just a year old, and was sent to live with his relatives where he now does anything they ask of him, and then is sent to bed in his cupboard underneath the stairs.

Since Harry was a toddler, he had noticed weird things happening to him whenever he was in trouble or needed something. There was one time when he was 5, he was trying to get out of his cupboard so he could get something for dinner since he didn't get any that night. He was trying and trying to unlock his cupboard, but couldn't, when all of a sudden it creaked open. Harry might have questioned it more had it not been for his stomach growling at him to eat some food. Then another time was when Harry was 8 and was running from Dudley and his gang, and he ended up on the roof without climbing! Harry was so happy that he didn't get injured by Dudley that he didn't even thing about how it happened, or that Dudley may tell his parents... Harry didn't go anywhere that night.

When Harry finally was healed enough to go to school, he found out that Dudley had been spreading more rumors about Harry. Everyone now thought that Harry killed his parents, and was crazy. Harry just took it all while wondering what he did to deserve all the bad things that had happened in his life. He tried to stop thinking about it, but he couldn't, so as he was walking.. he ended up running into a kid a bit taller than him, with platinum blonde hair.

"Ew, a muggle touched me!", said the child.

"What's a muggle?", Harry asked.

"It's what you are!", the child said, "You're a flithy little mongrel! Go away!"

"No! Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but why are you yelling at me?", asked Harry.

"That's easy to answer, because.. well.. ummm.. you're not like me!", stated the child.

"Oh yeah? Then what are you, and along with that, WHO are you?", queried Harry.

"I am, Draco Malfoy! I am a wizard!.. Oh no!", said a terrifed Draco.

Draco was afraid that Harry would start screaming about Draco being a wizard, but then remembered that Harry wouldn't believe him anyways.

Draco looked at Harry, and was suprised to see a lack of laughing coming from him.

"Err, why aren't you either screaming or laughing?", asked Draco.

"Well, I guess it kind of makes sense, I mean, what normal person would have a last name of Malfoy?", joked Harry.

Draco was once again, thoroughly suprised with this muggle. First he dares to run into him, Draco Malfoy! Then, for some reason unknown to Draco, doesn't think it's weird that Draco announced he was a wizard in public. Lastly, he had the audacity to make fun of the name Malfoy! This was untolerable, unexcusable, and yet.. kind of funny.

"So.. you're not even suprised a bit by this?", asked Draco.

"No, though I am wondering if maybe I have any magic in me now", said Harry.

"Here, I guess since you know about me being a wizard, and I guess you're not so bad to talk to, I will check you with a spell my father taught me. Just don't tell anyone that I'm using a wand, I'm not suppose to have one yet." Draco told Harry.

Harry nodded.

"Ok, Magicus Chekula!", shouted Draco, "OH MY GOD! You're a wizard!"

"Awesome! I can't believe it!", shouted Harry excitedly.

"Kid, I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship", stated Draco.

"Please, call me Harry, Harry Potter", said Harry.

Harry was so busy jumping in glee, that he didn't notice Draco's eyes grow wide after he said his name. Nor did he notice Draco's eyes fix on his scar to make sure it was really him. Inside, Draco was thinking...

Oh my god, I'm finally meeting my Knight in Shining Armor!, thought Draco.

That's it for right now, tell me what you think, and I'll start again on it tomorrow.