The Face of My Savior – Chapter 4

My stomach flopped. The whole Order was in there! Plus Kingsley Shaklebolt, the Minister of Magic. Oh shit! They didn't look happy. Not happy at all…

I looked from one face to another, none of them looked happy, not even Dumbledore. And the guy is supposed to always be smiling, always knowing what's happening in the school! Draco squeezed my hand supportively. 'Huh look-y, he hasn't let me go yet.' I opened my mouth to address the Headmaster when my mother's shrill voice exploded.


"Mum-" I tried to reason with her but she opened her mouth to interrupt me again.

"MUM!" Bill said loudly before she could yell again, cutting us both off, "Just let her explain!" all of my other siblings agreed. All except two: Ron was putting his best friend before me; and Percy who was too busy writing every said word to pay any attention to his little sister. Bill, Charlie, Fred and George came to stand around me, a comforting wall of brothers against the other less than happy occupants of the room.

"It's all gonna work out, Gin-Bug." Charlie squeezed my shoulder and smiled. I looked around. Draco's hand was still gripping mine, only now our fingers were now intertwined; Blaise was playing with the phoenix but turned to shoot me a comforting grin; Pansy, still in Theodore's embrace. smiled at me encouragingly; Theo just nodded his head twice, his light brown hair dancing around his head. I took a deep breath and started my story.

"You all know how happy Harry and I were. But after the war something in him changed- he became more violent and just… well bad! He didn't show his bad side to the others though –apart from me of course, but it was there. So I broke up with him, I mean he wasn't the boy I knew, let's not talk about liking him!

"He didn't like the fact that I had broken up with "the-almighty-boy-who-lived", so he got drunk- as in really drunk… and well really drunk guy, girl who just broke up with him… do the math."

All was silent for a moment before Ron spoke up angrily.

"You have no proof." The order members agreed with him –except for Bill, Charlie and the twins of course.

"No, she doesn't," Draco's voice rang out beside me; "She doesn't have bruises or cuts anymore. She doesn't because I found her one night and healed her as best as I could. If you'd seen her that night you would be sending that monster to Azkaban right now!" his voice was a menacing hiss full of hate and sadness.

"Stop lying, Ginny!" Harry's trembling voice broke the silence.

I looked at him for the first time since I entered the room. Only one word could describe him- fake. Under his nose was smudged a bit of blood red paint, to make it look like he just had a nose bleed; behind his glasses his emerald green eyes were swimming with tears, fake tears – his eyes were white not slightly red; some purplish spots were visible on his bare skin but they had a slight gloss to them - make up. One night had passed; he would have been resting in the hospital wing right now if they were real. I wanted to laugh myself sick at the Order's lack of common sense.

"I've never laid a hand on you, Ginny. You just wanted be free of me so you can screw Malfoy without worrying about me finding out. You never even liked me! All you wanted was the fame! I can't believe that I thought that there was something about you!"

My mot- 'Molly' I corrected myself angrily, went to console him glaring at me in the process. Looking at the faces of the other I saw that Molly's point of view was the shared one. I felt outraged but kept my face impassive.

"If you believe him, then I have nothing to stay here for." I turned on my heel and stalked out of the office, the Slytherin's following in my wake.


Half an hour later I was swiftly moving across the grounds, the suitcase containing all of my possessions shrunk, and hastily stashed in my pocket. I didn't contemplate where I would go. It didn't matter, as long as it was far away from here. I would probably go to America. The war hadn't spread there so Potter's influence hadn't infected the place. I had some savings from my last two summers spent working and from allowances. Somehow I would make due.

I was lost so deep in my own thoughts I didn't notice I'd trod to close to "The Stake Wall". It was named that because many Death Eaters had lost their life on all of the stakes protruding from that wall. Some of them were still bloody.

"GINEVRA! LOOK OUT!" a scream brought me back to earth.

I turned to see Draco running towards me as several stakes dislodged from the wall and sped toward me. He launched himself through the air, tackling me to the ground. I opened my mouth to question his hasty actions, only to see him lifted from the ground as several stakes pierced his muscled torso. One of the stakes went through his heart. I screamed.

"DRACO!? Draco can you hear me?!" I half asked, half screamed at him, taking one of his hands between mine. NO! he couldn't die like this! I felt the wet tears on my face but didn't care, "Draco, please say something!" he put something cold into my clapped hands and took a wheezy breath. He choked on his own blood, "I… I love you, Ginevra." He smiled at me, the expression frozen on his face as he took his last breath.

That's when realization hit me I loved him too! Loved him more that anything! More that I have ever loved Harry!

"I love you too, Draco." I whispered to his limp form.

I couldn't breathe. My insides were clenched; all of my blood went into my chest, forming a protective bubble around my heart as if to keep it whole. Light emitted from me. A blood red creature came out of my chest. It was a glowing dragon with firefly wings. It flew towards Harry, who was frozen in shock. In all of a second it reduced Potter to nothing but a pile of smoking cinders.

Images from my first year came back to me and I heard Tom whisper in my ear, "You are going to be the one who killed him if I don't do it, Ginny. That's my wish." At least one person's wish was fulfilled… even though he was dead.

The hybrid dragon-firefly came back to me and nuzzled my hand. I opened my hand realizing that the thing Draco has given me was actually an emerald ring. His signet ring. I put it on. In one second all made sense- the creature was a mix between me and Draco, dragon for him and firefly for me. The creature smiled at me –pulled his lips upwards actually, but I guessed what it wanted to do- and took off toward the forbidden forest. I felt like my soul was gone with it. I felt like an empty shell. It wouldn't make much of a difference if a Dementor kissed me now.



Well only the epilogue and the story will be over ppl. Please tell me what you think of this story- I really want to know your opinion!

.Sugary. Tears.