The story is technically over but there were a few loose ends that needed tying up so here it all is in a great big bow!

Hilary stared down at the grave where her grandfather had been buried, despite all he had done she felt some sadness that he was gone. She still remembered the years when she had loved him. He was dead though, a part of her couldn't help but feel relieved that he was gone, she had been there when the bodies of the two men were dragged from the building, she had Kai's guarantee they were gone, she'd studied the autopsy report with meticulous care. They were gone... why did she feel so guilty about it then?

"He'd never have left us alone" Kai told her matter of factly "We'd have been watching our backs all our lives, we'd never have been able to just relax and be together"

"I know, I just..." Leaning into his embrace Hilary felt the warmth from Kai's body and sighed happily, ever since she had come 'back to life' her world had been filled with craziness, her family had taken her to see every member aged eight to eighty and in each place she had felt uncomfortable, right here, right now, she felt at home. "I wish it could have all been different."

"Lets get out of here" he pulled on her arm "where do you want to go?"

"Mr D is arranging a big party for my 'return', almost everyone is there" Hilary sighed thinking about it "I'm not sure I want to go."

To be honest that didn't bother Kai much, he'd prefer not to go but… looking at her he smiled, Hilary was the one that loved to socialise, that adored parties, that always wanted to go out. He knew that if things were ever going to get back to normal she had to go back to that again "Tell you what" Kai offered getting her attention "We'll go to the party and if, after half an hour you still want to just go home then give me a signal and I'll drag you out of there giving everyone my classic get lost stare."

"I don't know, that stare's going to have to be pretty good" Hilary teased, she looked up at him "You've been smiling so much these days that I find it hard to believe you can still do any sort of glare" she laughed as Kai's features immediately dropped into a condescending frown "OK, I believe you"

"Good" he kissed her roughly before heading back to the car an arm still around her "besides I only really smile when we're alone"

"No body knows it" Hilary sang teasingly "but you've got a secret smile and you use it, only for me." Kai growled low in his throat before guiding her away, Hilary just laughed, Kai was right, he did only really smile when they were alone. A lot of people had expected him to change a lot after all he'd been through but though Kai was different when it was just them, he was the same in public. In the eyes of the worlds he was as aloof as ever but to Hilary he had never been more attentive, the little things were what she noticed, the way he'd glance at her across the room lifting one eyebrow until he got the nod that she was alright, the way he'd text her every now and then to make sure she was alright, the fact that he said he loved her almost constantly when they were alone. it was just one of his traits that he didn't show real emotion, she was used to it, she was used to looking for the slight changes on his face and when she saw them she loved it. It was different when they were alone, he was free then but with people watching she had to look had changed, he just didn't let anyone but her know it.


Six months later


Max smiled as he traced his fingers along Millie's bare arm, ever since they had returned to America their relationship had advanced, they spent every night together and rarely missed having every meal together. It hadn't changed when they returned to Japan, her cousin Tia gave him the evils occasionally but everyone could see how happy the couple were together so she never said anything outright. Millie sighed cuddling closer to him as he continued his silent contemplation of her face, she was very beautiful, he couldn't believe he had gotten so lucky as to make her fall for him. Her hair was back to it's original blonde now and her skin had tanned naturally making her look like a model. She was still shy, she would blush sometimes when they were together but part of him hoped that would never change. He loved her, just the way she was.

"Mmm" Millie stretched and opened up her bleary eyes, slowly Max came into focus and she smiled happily "Good morning"

"Good morning" he repeated back shifting in the bed so that they lay looking directly into each others eyes. "Sleep well? I figured you must be tired after last night so I let you sleep in" he grinned as she blushed under his gaze, he smiled and wrapping his arms around her began to kiss her neck

As his words finally registered Millie frowned "Sleep in? Wait. What time is it?"

"Almost ten" he murmured lazily

"What?" Millie exclaimed sitting up and glanced around for the clock "But the wedding is at 12, I was supposed to join the girls over an hour ago!"

"Like you really need that long to get ready" Max protested as she struggled to get out of bed, seeing this he grabbed her and pulled her back towards him.

"We're going to be late" Millie complained as Max trapped her between himself and the mattress

"So?" he asked a devilish smile curling his lips

"Well we can't be late, I'm a bridesmaid and you're one of the groomsmen" she pointed out as though explaining it to someone who had no clue what was going on.

"I think we can be a little bit late" he told her his lips on her neck making her squirm "Don't you?"


"I really am so sorry everyone" Millie apologised again as they rode in the car heading for the site of the ceremony

"It's alright" Julia and Tia reassured her with understanding smiles. "As it is we didn't need that much time to get ready."

"How were you to know your alarm would fail?" Mariah smiled easily at her as she relaxed with a glass of champagne

"Yeah, you couldn't have known" Hilary agreed but her raised eyebrow showed a measure of disbelief that meant Millie would have some questions to answer later. The two of them smiled at each other as the other three girls began to panic about what was going on, Millie and Hilary never really panicked about anything these days. The six months had been busy but manageable thanks to Hilary's wonderful organizing skills. Thanks to Renaldo's connections a mysterious girl with no relatives living with a very similar description to Hilary and a past address in the immediate area showed up on the records, a brunette with memory loss showed up in a local hospital's documentation and a case of mistaken identity and amnesia was circulated to the press.

Dr K had been 'dealt with' which meant that Jake had managed to get false charges set up against her and had placed her in jail. She didn't know what they had done to keep her quiet but she was pretty sure it must be something big.

The press had gone crazy over the story, Hilary and Kai had spent most of their time standing together and allowing photo's to be taken. Kai had remained motionless throughout it all whilst Hilary had smiled dazzlingly and answered questions happily. They were called the golden couple, everyone adored them loving the story of Kai's loving dedication (he hadn't appreciated that but it was important) and Hilary's memory returning with thoughts of Kai and her return to his side.

People had eaten it up and thanks to her many friends and strong family willing to back her up Hilary had come back with very few questions asked. A few people had asked some difficult questions about why the hospital hadn't searched for her more thoroughly but the answer that Hilary's ID had been taken off missing persons so they hadn't thought of her.

All in all the whole thing had gone well, now she could concentrate on living her life, and part of that unfortunately included dressing up in a light pink and rather unfortunate bridesmaids dress with puffy sleeves. She didn't mind the colour really, it looked good on all of them but the sleeves and line of the dress annoyed her, it was unflattering to say the least…, and there were going to be pictures of her in this dress in the Magazine that had brought the rights to the wedding pictures.

None of them had been thrilled with the dress but Mariah wanted it so Mariah got it. Even now as they arrived at the ceremony the other girls could be seen giving their dresses looks of distaste. The wedding planner was fussing as though the girls didn't know that Tia was to go in first followed by Julia, Millie, Hilary and then finally Mariah and Lee. Hilary didn't see why they had a planner in the first place, it couldn't be any harder to plan a wedding than it was to arrange Beyblade tournaments like she did in her new job.

Standing between Millie and Mariah as they lined up to go in Hilary leaned forward to whisper "Just remember, we don't mind about the dress but it will suffer an accident after the ceremony as we drive to the hotel and then we can go change."

"I'll pass it on, does Cheryl definitely have our replacement dresses?"

"I texted her a minute ago, the answer's yes."

"Thanks… Mission Control" Millie teased turning to wink at her friend, she grabbed her bouquet from the organiser as she spoke.

Hilary laughed and clutched her own bouquet tightly "No problem agent Davis!" The music started and Tia at the front began to walk.


Ray and Mariah's baby was a full six months now and Hilary could feel the weight of the baby in her arms. She grinned down at baby Hilary as Ray and Mariah danced together their first dance as man and wife. The baby had been perfectly behaved throughout the whole thing, not once did she cry, not once did she make a fuss and so far only one dirty nappy. As she thought this the baby did began to fuss sucking on her hand and looking miserable, leaning down Hilary began to rifle through the baby bag

"Everything OK?" Kai asked watching Hilary try to juggle the baby and search for a bottle at the same time

"I can't find her bottle… here take her" Hilary placed the baby into Kai's arms and picked up the bag properly, baby Hilary stared warily at Kai before giggling and grasping a few strands of blue hair and pulling hard.

"OW!" Kai gave the baby a glare but she only seemed to find this funny and pulled harder

Hilary chuckled as she continued her desperate search for a bottle, finally she found it at the bottom of the bag and turned back to Kai. "pass her over" Hilary laughed holding out her hands to take the baby "Oh poor baby, was he mean to you?"

"I think you'll find she was mean to me" Kai told her watching as Hilary began to feed the baby, he watched her lovingly but to the outside world it was barely noticeable, Hilary saw the slightly softer light in his eyes and smiled, she knew Kai liked kids for the most part, he'd actually make a pretty good father.

As though he had read her mind Kai suddenly asked "Do you want kids?"

"Kai?" she gave him a surprised look

"I was just wondering, I know you like kids but… after all that happened"

"You think we're going to produce a load of Brooklyn's if we have kids, great at Beyblading but ever so slightly nuts."

"More than slightly" Kai reprimanded her thinking back to the finals where most of them had almost died "And yes, how can we guarantee that our kids won't become… like him?"

"With love" Hilary told him as though it was the simplest thing in the world "With love we let them see that winning isn't everything, besides, if you and I have kids there'll be at least one person who can beat them"


"You, you defeated Brooklyn, I'm sure if you train our kids right they could still be beaten by you."

"I guess"

"Have you thought about it…" Hilary asked cautiously "us having kids?"

"Maybe, sometimes" he relaxed back in his seat and faced the newlyweds on the dance floor "I always knew you'd want them"


"Just the way you are with kids, with Robin and now Hilary"

"I just like kids, they're trusting in ways that adults aren't, they have so few secrets and so much innocence." Her face looked troubled as she watched the baby in her arms drinking from the bottle. "What about you… do you want kids?"

"I don't know" Kai told her honestly, "A part of me does worry about what they'd be like, not just because of our genes but… I'm not very good at the emotional stuff, I know what it was like to have so much distance in my father figures. I don't want that for my own children"

"It'd be different" Hilary told him affectionately "There's a lot that happens in the build up to having a child that will change you, you must have noticed that Ray acted differently"

"Not really, I was busy with the tournament when we first found out, and the illness, and then I was in Russia…" he paused not wanting to talk about he final reason as to why he had paid no attention to his friend.

"Well I noticed a few changes when I was here… but Kai, if you don't want to have children…"

"Hey Guys!!" Tyson and Tia arrived next to them before anymore could be said "We haven't seen you dancing yet!"

"We think you should" Tia agreed holding out her arms "I'll take the baby, you guys get out there" before either of them could even think to argue with the young couple Tia had taken the baby from Hilary whilst Tyson shoved Kai from his seat.

Reluctantly Kai and Hilary walked out onto the floor, the music was slow and most of the other couples were dancing happily, Max and Millie were together in dreamy silence much like Mariah and Ray. Hiro and Arelam were talking to each other in a lot tone whilst Julia teased Tala mercilessly, Miguel and Mathilda were laughing over some private joke and Jake and Cheryl were just completely quiet.

At a spot on the floor away from the other dancers Kai stopped, wrapped his arms around Hilary's waist allowing her to put her own arms around his neck and began to move with her to the music. They were silent for a time, Kai's face set in an almost grim expression making Hilary want to laugh. Finally his mouth softened into a smile and he leaned down so his lips were close to her ear "I do want children with you, I love you and if I can tell you that then I'm sure I could tell them as well."

Hilary's breath hitched in her throat and she buried her face in his chest, he held her tighter pressing his lips to her cheek.

They danced together holding each other close, this was their dream, a lifetime of holding each other close, years to be spent surrounded by their friends, a future filled with more happiness than they knew how to handle, a destiny of love.

Soppy, sappy and every other mushy adjective I can think of. Still it's been fun ride. The reason I had a chunk of story about Millie and Max is because I just didn't give them enough time as a couple before and unlike with the other two main couples in the story I never really showed their romantic side, I love Millie, she's the first character I ever created that I really like and she's great with Max.

My next story for Beyblade won't be put up until at least March, I have a few Naruto fics to finish and work on before I start anything else. I've decided that my new years resolution is to only ever work on two fics at once. Having three or four on the go is very hard and leads to months of inactivity.

Thank you so much everyone that stuck with it Mika, Never more (ari princess), SkyD, Hitomix, Uchia Cutie, Rose of Sharon and anyone else that I've forgotten, you've all been there for me and I really appreciate it.